The Love incident.

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(7:30 am)

Chase: I can't believe I'm dating the girl of my dreams. This is just perfect.

(Rocky is watching them from afar)

Rocky: That is what you think.

Skye: agreed. I don't like him at all. I'm going to break his little heart.

Both: mwahaha.

(12:00 pm)

Ryder: Pups lunch is ready.

Pups: yay lunch!

(Chase was going to eat lunch But then he saw something that broke his heart. Skye was kissing rocky in the lookout)

Chase: HEY what the hell are you doing skye. I thought That we were dating! I thought you liked me.

Skye: Well The truth is I don't like you. I never have and I never will love you.

Rocky: yeah all you are is pathetic.

Chase: BUT... I... GRRRR. ROCKY! Why You little bastard.

(Chase then starts to strangle rocky but is stopped and held back by marshall)

Marshall: buddy stop, your going to kill him.

Chase: he kind of deserves to die for taking my girlfriend.

Ryder: Chase I know you're upset but That's no reason to kill anyone. Especially a friend of yours.

Chase: Leave me alone, he's not my friend And he never will be.

(Chase runs away towards town)

Marshall: I don't get why rocky and Skye are being jerks to chase trying to betray him.

Ryder: I don't know but... wait a minute what is that in the grass.. It looks like a Needle with the crown logo. It was probably sweetie who did this!

Marshall: I'm going to tell Chase about this. If this is true we need to stop sweetie.

(Marshall Tells Chase about the needle and that sweetie probably did this and he comes back)

Chase: I can't believe sweetie would try to do this. Oh when I find out I'm gonna kick her butt.

Marshall: Then let's go to barkingburg and get sweetie.

(Ryder marshall and chase have the others stay at the lookout And they go to Barkingburg to find sweetie)

Princess: good afternoon Paw patrol how can I help you.

Chase: We are looking for sweetie. Apparently sweetie shot Rocky and Skye with a needle to make them turn on chase. We think she's trying to disband the paw patrol so she can become the queen.

(Sweetie appears and takes the princess hostage with a knife)

Sweetie: it seems the paw patrol has figured out my plan. . But this time I will get away

(Chase pulls out his Glock 19)

Chase: You don't have to do this sweetie. We don't wanna hurt you.

Sweetie: You don't get why I go through every day, It is like no one cares about me. I'm not going Down Without A fight.

Chase: I get what are you trying to say but there's no reason to murder the princes. We just want to know where the antidote is.

Sweetie: it is in my pup pack. You'll have to kill me to get it.

Chase: Don't make me do this please.

(Sweetie slashes the princes in the leg and is shot 5 times.Chase then grabs sweeties knife a removes it)

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