Legal aspect of paw patrol resurgance

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this is not a one shot but it is related to paw patro resurgence by phoenix_647. please check it out.


Hello viewer, how are you? I was looking at the book paw patrol resurgence by phoenix_647 and I was thinking.. How long would Damien get in prison if this was real life? So I calculated it using Florida law because I like Florida law. First will look at Florida crime classifications and sentences but I will not include fines..first we start with a 2nd degree misdemeanor which is the least serious crime. It leads to 60 days in jail. The more serious misdemeanor is the 1st degree misdemeanor which can lead to 1 year in jail. For felonies we have the 3rd degree felony which leads to 5 years in prison.. 2nd degree felony which leads to 15 years in prison and the 1st degree felony which leads to 30 years in prison.. There are also life felonies which lead to life in prison and the capital felony which leads to.. You guessed it, death. Or life without parole.. Now when Damien came out of the forest in (S1-C6) A Fate Worse Than Death. There he commited what might be stalking..i know this sounds far fetched but how would he know they were here unless he stalked them.. Now normally stalkin is a 1st degree misdemeanor which can lead to 1 year in jail. However he said this line."you know what i said what would happen if you found a new mate, don't you? Yet here we are". That's a credible threat so instead of a 1st degree misdemeanor it's now a 3rd degree up to 5 years in prison and I give the full five year in prison.. Then he committed 2 counts of attempted felony murder for attacking everest and marshall. That's a 1st degree felony so up to 30 years in prison. I give the fiul 30 for both counts. Then at the funeral (S1-C11) Legends Never Die he grabbed Skye and held her hostage. That could be considered false imprisonment under fl law where you "forcibly, by threat, or secretly confining, abducting, imprisoning, or restraining another person without lawful authority and against her or his will." It is a 3rd degree felony so 5 years in prison. however under flordi's kidnapping law it where you forcibly, by threat, or secretly confining, abducting, imprisoning, or restraining another person without lawful authority and against her or his will with intent to Hold for ransom or reward or as a shield or hostage, Commit or facilitate commission of any felony, Inflict bodily harm upon or to terrorize the victim or another person, interfere with the performance of any governmental or political function. You could say he tried to terrorize the victim or another person (chase and marshall) and tried to interfere with the performance of any governmental or political function because chase is a cop and they are a governmental function and he tried to stop chase from arrested him so that makes it kidnapping. A 1st degree felony so up to 30 years in prison and I give 20 years. also he resisted arrest with violence which is a 3rd degree felony so 5 years in prison max. I will give him 5 years in prison.. Then in (S2-C12) Worst Fears he kidnapped Everest so another 1st degree felony. I give the full 30 years. Plus I will add conspiracy to commit kidnapping because he teamed with sweetie.. In that case the crime is downgraded 1 level. So kidnapping is a first degree felony so the conspiracy downgrades it to a 2nd degree felony. I will give the full 15 years.Then in (S2-C14) Neglected Revenge and (FINALE) Restoring Lost Faith he attacks everest but he dont know if Damien used a weapon but he still committed aggravated battery which is when "A person commits aggravated battery who, in committing battery:Intentionally or knowingly causes great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement." She lost a leg which is a permanent disfigurement so it is considered aggravated battery. Thats a 2nd degree felony and i'll give the full 15 years.Then sweetie pulled out a gun on marshall and everest for escaping which is unlicensed carrying of a concealed weapon or firearm which is a 3rd degree felony if its a firearm of ill give the full 5 years but because sweetie in a conspiracy with damien can be charged with the same crime. Also he shot everest which is atemeptled felony murder again a1st degree felony.. However, under , if during the commission of a felony the defendant "carries, displays, uses, threatens to use, or attempts to use any weapon or firearm," the charge will be reclassified to a more serious offense. For example, a first degree felony is reclassified to a life felony" so now it's a life felony which means 40 years to life in prison.. Alos 25 years to life under the 10-20 life law for using a firearm and causing serious bodily injury or death. Plus 15 years for possession of either a or a gun with a high-capacity while committing a crime Then he grabbed Skye again for another kidnapping .First degree felony. I'm giving 23 years and resisting arrest with violence which is a 3rd degree felony. I will give him 5 years. So that's all the crimes Damien committed. In total he got 5 for aggravated stalking 30 and 30 for atttempted felony murder. 20 for kidnapping. 5 for resisting arrest with violence. 30 years for kidnapping, 15 years for conspiracy to commit kidnapping, 15 years for aggravated battery, 5 years for licenced possession of weapon, 40 years to life for attempted felony muirder with a firearm. 25 years to life and 15 years for possession of either a or a gun with a high-capacity while committing a crime, 23 years for kidnapping and 5 years resisting arrest with violence. In total he will get 2 life sentences and a total of 263 years. In real life he would go to prison for a long time..

yes i know this seems like a wierd chapter but tis what would happenb legally if what happened in paw patrol: resurgence happened in real ife..

until next time guys..


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