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-Alana's POV-

"Alright my little devil children thats all I had for you today! Lunch starts in 10 minutes my little precious heroes~" Midnight says and everyone giggles. She was a very funny women even when she didn't mean to be. "Work on your homework please! Alana sweetie can you watch the class for me? I want to go to see if your father brought lunch today." She says and I laugh. 

"Yeah totally I got you. And he did, mom cooked last night. Hurry up and go get it before he wakes up." I say and she pumps her fist in the air. "Hell yeah! If you don't see me after lunch just know your father murdered me." She runs out of the room making me giggle. 

"So what do we do Alana?" Ilda asks very seriously. "Shit I don't know. Just do whatever just don't be crazy loud I don't want me dad to come and yell at you guys." I say and sit down at dad's desk. They all start talking with themselves as class went on. It was finally Friday and I was ready for a break after a long ass week. 

"Hey Alana!" I was leaning in the chair just looking up at the ceiling zoning out when I suddenly heard my name being called. "Yo." I say not even looking down. I was really tired I didn't sleep well last night, for some reason I couldn't get Bakugo off my mind. He really pissed me off with that whole cupcake thing. 

"Are you busy tonight?" I look down and see a few of the girls surrounding my desk. "Hmm? Tonight nah I don't think so." I say and they beam. "We are having a little party! Nothing crazy just some music and food and games. Did you want to come?" Ururaka asks and I smile. "Yeah I'd love to, i just gotta check with my dad." I say. 

"Ok ribbit! If you can just let us know!" Tsu says and I nod. They walk back to there desk and continue talking. I've never hung out with them outside of school would it be weird if I went? I mean I'm low key a teacher, not that I would snitch on them or anything but still I don't want them to feel weirded out by me. 

I was looking at the ground when I feel someone staring at me. When I looked up I saw Bakugo staring at me, We made eye contact and I felt like I was being looked into my soul. "Hey Alana." Someone else calls my name and when I look up I see a purple headed boy. 

"Ummmm yeah? Who are you?" I ask and the purple headed boy smiles. "Name Hitoshi Shinso. I'm looking for your father he texted me." The boy holds up his phone showing her text with him and dad. Who is this kid? Why'd he have dad'd number. "Uhh yeah he's in the teachers lounge..." I say and look him up and down. This kid looked more like dad then I looked like dad!

"Thanks doll." He says with a smirk and a wink. I laugh and he walks away and out of the room. What a weirdo, I'll have to ask dad why he's talking to him. "Hey extra." Jesus why is everyone fucking looking for me today! "What now?" I ask and look around to see who called out for me. "Idiot over here." Bakugo says and stands up walking towards me. 

"What the fuck do you want?" I ask and he rolls his eyes. "Listen... I'm sorry or whatever." He mumbles and I raise an eyebrow. "Oh you're sorry now?" I ask and he rolls his eyes again. "Yeah whatever I should have been such a dick I just don't understand you." He says and I try to hold back a smile. "Yeah whatever Bakugo..." I say and look down to hid my creeping smile. 

"We good?" He ask and I look back at him. His face stayed the same but something in his eyes looked desperate. Like he needed me to forgive him.... "Um yeah we're fine dumbass." I say and the bell rings for lunch. 

"God to lunch or whatever. I'll see you later." I say and he nods. "You coming to this stupid party tonight? I heard round face invite you." He says and I shrug. "Gotta check with my dad why you ask?" I ask and he smirks a bit. I see a small, almost invisible blush appear on his cheeks. 

"It'll be more fun with a crazy ass extra like you there." He says and I feel my face heat up. "Y-yeah whatever I'll see if I can go!" I say trying to sound mad but my heart was pumping fast. I hear a small "tch" Come from him and I look back up at him. "Whatever. See you after lunch extra." He says and walks out of the classroom. 

"That boy is truly a mystery." I say and lean back in my chair. "Might as well close my eyes before the next class." I say to myself and close my tired eyes. "NERUMI COME BACK WITH MY FOOD!" "ALANA HELP YOUR FATHERS TRYING TO KILL MEEEEE!" I hear dad and aunt nerumi come running into the classroom and I sigh. "Guess I'm not getting the rest I want...." 

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