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-Alana's POV-

My body hurts... I feel like I'm just so sore... My eyes flutter open and a bright light looks in my eyes. "Mmm..." I grumble as the bright light blinds me. "Alana!" I hear mom's yell as someone grabs my hand. "It's so bright..."  I say and the lights flip off. 

"Oh baby I'm so you're ok!" Mom says and I finally open my eyes more. I look around and see Mom, Dad, Nerumi, Hizashi, and Bakugo all sitting around my bed. "Ugh where the hell am I?" I ask and try to sit up but my stomach was in so much pain I couldn't move. I groan and move slowly to stand up. "No no baby stay lying down you need to rest.." Mom says pushing me back down softly. 

I close my eyes and sigh, I was so sleepy but I didn't want to sleep anymore. "How are you feeling?" Nerumi asks and. I shrug. "My body hurts..." I say and open my eyes again. "Here I have a pain killer that will help." Mom gives me some pain killers and I swallow them with some water.  "Your gonna be in a bit of pain for a few hours but Recovery girl is coming over over after school to heal you." Mom says and my eyes widen. 

"We're in my room?!" I ask and look around. "Yeah we brought you so you could rest." Dad says holding my hand in his. I groan as I look around, this was embarrassing because I had just fucking all my dirty laundry and work sheet all over, my bra was just fucking hanging off my desk chair! And my fucking boyfriend was just right there looking at me with a small happy smile. 

"Whatever it doesn't matter..." I look over to my desk and grab my eyedrops, Fucking dry eye. I drop them in my eyes and everyone stare at me. "Well... Are you all just gonna stare at me all day?" I ask and get a chuckle from them. I start to stand up and mom tries to get me to lie down. "I'm ok mama I just need to go to the bathroom..." I say and shuffle to the bathroom.

I go and do my business then look in the mirror. I was in a sports bra and my black sweat pants. I look at the large cut on the Side and the clean stitches mom had given me. "ew.. I hope this doesn't scar." I say to myself. I back to my room and see everyone stand there talking in a low tone. 

"Hey hey." I mumble and walk to my desk. I start cleaning up just throwing my first clothes in the hamper by the closet. "Sunshine lie down please." Mom says and I nod. I walk to back to my bed and lie down. "So what happened? I just remember being in the classroom then everything went black." I say and Dad sighs. "Dabi sadly got away. While he was being detained Kurogiri made a portal and got him." Dad says and I nod. 

"Why was he here did he tell you?" Hizashi asks and I roll my eyes. "He was trying to get too dad. Something about needing him for something and apparently the only way to get to him was by Taking me but I really don't think that was why he came." I explain and everyone keeps listening. "What do you mean by that?" Dad asks and I sigh. "When I was in the room he pushed me against the wall and started saying something. My ears were ringing because he hit my head against fucking concert so I couldn't really hear him. I heard a few things but not much." I say and think about everything Dabi told me. 

"Do you think you could tell us what you remember?" Mom asks and I nod. "Lets see... I need you to stay quiet, Shigaraki's taken a liking to you.... I can't remember what he said after that. But then he started talking about how I was gonna be useful once they figured out how to "Use me" I don't really know what he meant by that... Then he said I'm lucky I'm cute other wise he'd just cut me up and take me but he said They wanted me unharmed. Then I kicked him and he stabbed me so I guess his plan didn't work. After that I was pinned to the floor and I accidentally teleported to the classroom." I explain and dad sighs. 

"I wonder what he meant by all that..." Nerumi says and I shrug. "He said something about Kat- Bakugo..." I remember and look at Bakugo. "Huh?" Bakugo asks, "Nothing much I think I may have c-called out for you. And he was like oh yeah that bitch, then he started complaining how annoying you were when they had you." I says and Bakugo "tch's" I roll my eyes and look at everyone. 

"So what do we do now?" Mom asks and Dad stands up. "I'll work with Takeshi to work out finding out where there new hid out is, maybe he knows more about this than all of us." Dad says and I nod. "Alright well enough of this now lets just be so happy that Alana is safe and happy." Mom says and I smile. "Thanks Mama. Thanks all you guys." I say and they smile at me. 

"Are you hungry sweetheart?" Mom asks and I nod. "Ok perfect! I made some food downstairs we'll all go heat it up and you kids just sit up here and relax." Mom says and ll the adults leave the room. Me and Bakugo sit in silence till I look over at him. "Are you ok?" I ask him and he nods. "Come here..." I move over in the bed and he waist no time to get into my bed. He quickly but gently wraps his arms about me and puts his face in the crook of my neck. "I'm ok Bakugo." I say and he nods. 

"I'm sorry I could save you... I'm sorry I'm so weak." He says and I hear him crying a bit, I've never seen him cry this was so weird. "You didn't do anything wrong Bakugo. And you're not weak your the strongest, most amazing, most caring person I know whether you like to show it or not." I say turning a bit so he can hold me closer. "I'll never let anything like this happen again.." He says and I pat his head. "I know baby.. I know you won't and thats why I'm so calm.." I say and he cries more into my chest holding me tight. 

-Aizawa's POV-

Gen heats up the soup and once she's done we all go back upstairs. As we walk into Alana's room I see Bakugo and her holding each other as they slept. Alana must have heard us cause she opened one eye. 

"Hm? Oh hey hey..." she says and we all walk in. "Shh he's sleeping..." She whispers as we creep into her room. Bakugo was sleeping in the crook of her neck and it looked like he'd been crying. He did insist on leaving school to make sure she was ok. The only reason I allowed him to was because Alana kept calling for him over the loud speaker that and I was really not in the right mind set. 

"Ok here honey Some soup..." Gen says placing it on Alana's Desk. "Thanks mama." Alana says and slowly creeps out of Bakugo tight grasp of her replacing her body with her pillow. She chuckles as her burry's his face into the pillow then walks over to the desk and starts eating her food. 

"So are you like-" Gen starts and Alana just nods. "Ohh how delicious!" Nerumi wriggles next to me. Alana shivers, she must be fucking freezing from just sitting in a sports bra. "Mama could you grab me my sweater?" She asks and Gen frowns. "I'm sorry sweetie but you need to let your wound breath. School just ended so Recovery girl should be on her way to heal you up then you can get all cozy." Gen kisses Alana's head and I smile. 

I'm so happy she's ok that was just... it was to close, and terrifying. I get a text message on my phone so I pull it out to see who it was, I mean all the people I like are in this room so who could it be. "Who is it Sho?" Gen asks and I look at the phone. 

"Ugh this fucking kid, I told him she's fine." I mumble and look at the phone. It was Shinso, I had started training him after the sports festival when I thought he had some tru potential turns out I was right and he's getting better. Everyone in the school heard what happened to Alana so he's been texting me all day making sure she's ok. 

"It's just Shinso..." I mumble and text him back letting him know she's awake and fine. "Shinso? I met him a few weeks ago, he was looking for you in the classroom but you weren't there. He's nice but why is he texting?" Alana asks, I never told her I was training him. I don't know why I just didn't. "No reason just making sure you're ok." I say and kiss her forehead. "Oh ok then, I'm kind full mama." She says and Gen grabs the bowl. 

"Ok sweetie I'll let you know when Recovery girl is here!" Gen says and Alana stand up. She comes over and hugs each of us giving a kiss on our cheek I love my sweet baby girl... "Ok thank you guys." She walks back over to the bed and crawls back in and Bakugo grabs her body as soon as she lies down. 

"Your a fucking bed hog back off shit head." She says and he grumbles. "Shut up dumbass..." He says and she roll her eyes. "Move fat ass." She says and he moves a bit allowing her to move and get more comfortable. "Ok thank you." she says closing her eyes. We all giggle at them, well not me I wasn't to happy that there was an angry teenage boy holding my daughter but eh I'll complain later for now I'll let her rest... 

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