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-Alana's POV-

After the morning class everyone went to lunch. I was so happy everyone was so sweet to me giving me gifts! Bakugo's and Kaminari's were def my favorites (I love Kaminari's so much but Bakugo's just makes my heart sore.)

Me and dad sat in the classroom at his desk when Mom, Nerumi, Hizashi, and uncle might all came into the room. Mom was holding my new kitten honey in her hands and all might was holding up a box of pizza. 

"Birthday luuuuuunch!" Hizashi sings as all the adults grab chairs from the student desks and surround dad's desk. "haha thanks you guys!" I smile as they serve me a slice of pizza. "So Baby I see you got a few gifts from the class~" Mom says and hands me honey. "Mhm they are all so sweet giving me all these gifts! I wanna bake them or make them something to thank them." I say digging into my food. 

"oooh is that a heart shaped necklace I see?" Nerumi says and I smile. "Yeah Bakugo got this for me..." I take it off and hold it up for them to all see. "Oh! It's a locket can I see?" Mom asks and I nod. I hand her the locket and she opens it awing at the picture. Mom passes it to Nerumi, who then passes it to Hizashi and then passed it to all might. 

"Ah very nice young Bakugo. Who knew he could buy something so lovey." All might says and passes it back to me. "Yeah I know right I like it." I say and put it back on. "wasn't there a note? You still have to open it." Dad says and I remember the note! "Oh yeah! I should read that." I stand up and grab the box he gave me. I go sit back down and take out the note that was hidden in the box. I open it and start reading. 

Dear dumbass,

Listen I don't know what to fucking write in notes but all I know is it's easier then talking to people face to face sometimes. I hate to admit it but I really missed to last week, I don't know what the fuck happened but I'm sorry if I offended you or something. Shitty hair always tells me I need to watch what I say to people and I'm trying...

I don't really know what to say or do when I'm around you I just always feel like I'm messing up somehow. But only when I'm around you. You make me feel all fucking weird in a good way. I hope you understand what the fuck I'm talking about. Anyway happy birthday idiot I hope you like the necklace. Text me or something so we can talk more. 

-Katsuki <3

I blush as I read the note but I also couldn't stop smiling. That was the weirdest confession note ever! I mean is it even a confession? I hope you understand what the fuck I'm talking about. I think that might be a confession! AND HE SIGHED HIS NAME WITH A HEART, that doesn't seem like something his angry ass would do! C-crap what do I do? Do I call him? Text him? Should I just talk to him? Fuck my heart is racing!  

"So what's it say?" Nerumi asks wiggling his eyebrows. "It's just a stupid note.." I say and fold it back up putting it back in the box and placing it on the table. "Right honey? Just a stupid little note from a stupid little boy." I say smiling down at the kitten in my lap. 

The adults around me laugh and we continue to eat our lunch and have a nice time. After lunch was over though slowly all the students start coming back into the room. "Damn it shitty hair stop it! I'm not telling you!" I hear Bakugo yell as he walks back into the room. "Awww come on Bakugoooo we all know!" Mina says poking at Bakugo's stomach. 

"SHUT UP PINKY YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!" Bakugo yells annoyed making me laugh. All the teachers and Mom stand up to leave the room. Before they leave though Mom turns to the class. "Oh hey kids! Are you all coming to the picnic after School? She are going to be having a little party like we do every year for my little sunshines birthday!" Mom says kissing my cheek hard. 

"Of course! We'd love to go thank you!" Kirishima says. "yes thank you ma'am we appreciate the invite!" Ilda says and mom smiles. "Gorgeous! I'm gonna go set everything up in the park, I'll you  guys after school! Bye baby I'll see you later.." Mom says and kisses dad but he only pecks her lips because obvioisally her has the whole class watching. 

"What kind of pussy ass kiss was that? Come here and kiss me bitch." Mom says and pulls Dad's chin so he had to kiss her. He rolled his eyes and kissed her roughly making me want to GAG- They always do this shit. "oooooooooooo~" the class eggs dad on and I laugh. 

"Thats better. Alright I'll see you soon baby. You too sunshine." Mom says then skips out of the room leaving dad a blushing mess. "Alright whatever whatever..." Dad says as the whole class laughs at him. "everyone do your homework for the rest of the day when your done just do whatever. Alana watch them for me while I go finish up printing out all the work for the week." Dad says and I nod. 

I hold Honey in my arms and walk dad's desk sitting crossed legged in his big chair. I play with Honey while everyone does there work...

-Bakugo's POV-

I finished my homework quickly and looked up at Alana. She was playing with a small calico kitten. "yes your my little honey kitten right?" "meow..." The cat meows in response to her "Yes thats right! Your so sweet! I love you so so much.." she kisses the cats little head and smiles at it. Aizawa and his wife must have gotten that for her, for her birthday. 

"Oh my god! Is that your cat?" The floaty girl asks. "Yup! This is honey!" Alana says holding up the cat. "Ahhhhh so cute!" All the girls squeal. Alana continues to play with the cat and I stand up to walk over to her. "Hey idiot." I say sitting on the desk. 

"Hey Bakugo! You finished your homework?" She asks and I nod. I starch the top of the cats head and it purrs under my touch, ok that's a little cute. Alana hand me the kitten and I hold it. "She's so cute right?" Alana asks and I nod. I pet down the cats back as it rests in my hands, it looked so small sitting in the palm of my hand. 

"So I read your note..." she say and I blush, "O-oh ok...." I say and she smiles at me. "Um I really liked it..." She says and I feel my face heat up more. "Really?" I ask. "Yeah but I don't think I really understood it... Maybe you could explain it to me better..." She says in a whisper and I lean down closer to her.

"Yeah maybe later when we're not surrounded by people..." I say and she smirks. "Yeah ok we'll talk later..." She grabs Honey from my hand and leans back in her chair. She places honey on her chest and it circle around needing into her skin till it curls in a ball lying on her chest falling asleep. 

"HEY ILDA!" Alana calls out. "Yes Alana how may I be of service!" Four eyes chops his hand through the air. "Nothing just do me a favor and wake me up if there's any funny business. your my right hand man my dude." She says and Ilda nods. 

"yes of course! Thank you!" he says and she smiles at me. "I'm gonna close my eyes I'm really tired I hope you don't mind." she says yawning. "Nah I don't give a fuck what you do." I say and she smirks. "Alright..." She says and closes her eyes. The cat and hers breath were in sync with each other. I watched her chest rise and fall with the cat on it.

Fuck I wish I was that cat right now... I look around and see no one was paying attention to us so I took out my phone. I took a quick picture of Alana and Honey sleeping and set it as my home screen. It was so fucking adorable! Shit I hate this... I stand up and walk back over to my desk just admiring the photo. I have to tell her later today, I mean I basically already confessed now I just have to really do it.... 

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