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-Alana's POV-

After school everyone (And when I say everyone I mean EVERYONE Nerumi, Hizashi, All might, All the students, Mom and Dad!) walks to the park near by the school where mom had set up at a little area that had benches and tables. She set up some drinks and there was a cake in the middle of the table. 

"Oh boy honey..." I say and hold my cat close to my chest. I was nervous, I had never had a party this big before. We all made our way to the tables and sat down. "Ok so we're gonna sing happy birthday and then just listen to some music and hang out!" Mom says and I feel my stomach twist. "Um mama can we skip the song please? It's always so awkward I don't know what to do with myself..." I say and she giggles. 

"Ok yeah sure... NEVERMIND no song babes! Lets just eat some cake and have fun! Zashi my boo your on music!" Mom says tossing uncle Zashi her phone that was connected to the speaker. "You know it babe!" Zashi says with a wink. "I hate when you guys do this..." Dad grumble making all of us laugh. "Awww what would you rather me flirt with Nerumi? Come here baby~" Mom kisses Nerumi on the cheek and then Nerumi picks her up and runs her away. Dad grunts and chases after then. 

Everyone laughs because they never really get to see the real fun dad, he always acts so grumpy in school but in real life he's a funny, happy, love sick puppy for my mom. Uncle Zashi plays some music and All might starts cutting the cake for everyone one. "Here you go little one!" All might hands me the first slice of cake. "Thanks uncle might!" I say and start eating the cake. Mom had brought a little bowl of kibble for Honey so I fed her while we all ate our cake. 

"Wait so how long have you know all might?" Midoryia asks and I think. "Oh I've know her since before she was born. I met Young Aizawa and Gen when they were pregnant with Alana in high school, I went to give them advice on hero work. Then year later while working with Erasure on some hero work he brought Little 3 year old Alana with him and she helped us work!" All might says and I smile. 

"wow really!" Midoryia says shocked. "mhm." I hum in response. "Wait Aizawa and your mom had you in high school?" Mina asks and I nod. "Well I suppose that makes sense. They are only 31 so 31 minus 16 would be wow 15." Momo says and I chuckle. "OH MY GOD! Mr. Aizawa was such a perv wasn't he!" Mina shouts and everyone giggles.

"Ohhh nooo My Shota was such a little gentlemen! So quiet and shy." Mom say walking back over holding dad's hand. "He was so kind to me! But I've know him ever since we were In grade school. Best friends for life right Sho?" Mom asks and dad nods. "yes gen." He says and kisses her forehead. "AWWWWWW" all the girl squeal and I roll my eyes. 

The party went on and it was actually pretty nice! I talked with everyone and we listened to the music. Everyone seemed to be having a good time as well which made me happy. Soon the sun started setting so I went off on my own to a bench a little further away from the party behind a small tree to watch the sun set. 

I was still alone smiling to myself when suddenly someone came and sat down next to me. I looked over and saw Bakugo sitting there watching the sunset. "Hey Bakugo." I say softly turning my head back to the skyline. "Hey dumbass." He says and we stay silent. 

"So.... That note." he says and I smile. I still didn't look at him just smiled. "Yeah what about it." I say and I can feel his blush. "W-well what do you think?" He ask and take a deep breath. "I think I don't understand my feelings for you...." I say and feel him shifting in his seat. 

"W-well what do you mean?" He ask. "I like being around you, You make me feel happy and content. I feel safe when we hug, I feel warm when your hand touches mine. I get flustered when you smirk at me and I get jealous when you talk to other girls." I say and look over at him to see his blushing face. "In other words I think I like you." I say and he turns even redder. 

"I understand if you don't feel the same way. But I just thought you should know." I say and look back at the sunset. We sit in silence for a while and I feel like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, like I finally admitted to myself and to him that I liked him. It felt good, really good. "Alana..." he calls my name and I turn to face him. 

"I-...." He starts to talk but cuts himself off. I stare at him and smile as I see he was trying to collect his thoughts. "I don't know what the fuck to say to you! God I hate emotions!" he says and I giggle. "You don't have to say anything Bakugo, lets just sit..." I say and he nods. I look back at the sunset and pull my legs into my chest. I was so relaxed in his presence. "I can't do this anymore.." he grabs my chin and pulls it to make me look at him. 

"I like you! A lot ok idiot!" He says and I blush widely. "R-real-" "Shut up yes! Now don't say anything else and just let me do this!" He says and smashes his lips on to mine. He kissed me and I closed my eyes. I kissed him back and he leaned deeper into the kiss. He grabbed my waist and pulled my body close to his. 

I opened my mouth as he did and our tongues swirled around together. We eventually broke away for air. We panted as we opened our eyes, I looked into his eyes, the sun setting on his perfectly chiseled face, he was so fucking handsome for no reason! "I like you... A lot." He says again and I feel my stomach flutter. 

"I like you a lot too..." I say and he smirks. "So what do we do now?" He asks and I start giggling. "I don't know?" I ask and he smiles. "I think it's my turn to ask you out." He says and I smile. "So? Are you going to?" I ask and he rolls his eyes. 

"Alana dumbass..." He says and I chuckles. "Will you be... my stupid fucking girlfriend..." he asks and I laugh. "Yes Bakugo I will be your stupid fucking girlfriend." I say and she smirks. He kisses me again and I smile into it. Once he finally pulls away I couldn't stop smiling. 

"Quit smiling dumbass." He says and I chuckle. "look who talking." I say and point out his little smile. "Tch whatever. Now what do we tell everyone?" He asks and I look back over at the party still happening. "I'd say we just let this stay between us for now, I'll tell my parents later." I say and he nods.

We got up and walked back to the party and went around talking to people. Bakugo wouldn't leave my side no matter where I went, what I did, or who I talked to. I didn't know he was clingy? He kept brushing his hand against mine and when I would look at him he would smirk back at me. My heart felt like it was soaring i was so happy in that moment...

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