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-Alana's POV-

"Daaaaaad I'm tiredddddd." I groan as we walk into the school. "Yeah so am I but here we are." He says taking a sip of coffee. "Can I have a sip?" I ask and he looks down at me. "What happened to your coffee?" He asks. "Mom didn't make extra this morning and because we were running late I couldn't make my own! Please papa I'm coffee deprived!" I cry and he rolls his eyes. 

"You have an addiction, you'll be fine for one day." He says as we walk into the classroom. "Your killing me Shota Aizawa!" I say in my mom voice. "Jesus you do a really good impression of her it's honestly scary." Dad says with a laugh. "Yeah I know haha." We walk into the already full class and I wave at everyone.

"Hey dumbass." Bakugo stands up and hands me a to go cup. "Coffee?" I ask and he nods. "You sent me a stupid Tik Tok at 4 am I knew you were going to sleep In and be late so I got you this." He says, this mother fucker knows me way too well!

"You were right! Thanks Bakugo.." I kiss his nose and glare at dad. "See, he got me coffee." I say taking a sip, it was perfect, black coffee with 2 scoops of sugar. "He's only feeding your addiction it's not a good thing." Dad says and I roll my eyes. "Thank you Bakugo I Love it." I say and he goes to sit back down. 

"Alright everyone lets get started.." Dad stands up in the front of the classroom. I sit down at dad's desk while he talks. "Alright so apparently there is a winter ball coming up." Dad starts and everyone cheers. "A winter ball? Like a dance!" Mina asks and everyone starts talking with each other.

"Everyone shut up." Dad activates his quirk and everyone stops talking. "Yes Ashido. The school is throwing some sort of dance this Friday. It's a winter theme ball or whatever. You don't have to attend but if you do wear something fancy casual." Dad explains and everyone looked so excited. 

"Do we get to bring a date?" Kirishima asks looking at Mina who was blushing a bit. "If you want just try and keep in the school, no bringing kids from other schools." Dad explains and everyone cheers. "This will be so fun!" Ururaka cheers  and everyone starts talking. 

"Alright you guys can do whatever right now, remember you have training today after lunch." Dad crawls in his sleeping bag and hops next to me and slides onto the floor going to sleep. Bakugo stands up and walks over to me. "Hey idiot." Bakugo says and stands in front of the desk. 

"Hey Bakugo! Whats going on?" I ask and he shrugs. "Nothing, just bored so I came to talk to you." He says and I smile. "Sounds good, So you going to the dance on Friday?" I ask and he shakes his head. "No dances are stupid I don't like them. I mean who wants to dance to some cheesy song?" He says and even though I kinda agree with him I still feel a little pang in my chest.

I was kinda hoping that we could have gone to the dance together and danced with each other... "Why are you going?" he asks and I look up. "Oh um well dad's a chaperone so I guess I'll go..." I say look back down, I didn't mean to feel disappointed I mean it's not his fault that I want to go but still I wish he would go...

"Oh ok..." He says and I don't look back up at him. "Yup..." I stand up and kiss his nose. We sat in an awkward silence till Mina came rushing over to talk to me. "Alana! Me and the girls are going to go dress shopping on Wednesday! Wanna come with us?" She asks and I smile. "Yeah totally I need a new dress!" I say laughing a bit. 

"Ohhhh you would look super sexy in a suit!" She says and I laugh, "Thank but yeah I'll definitely come with you guys!" I say and she high fives me. "Yes! Can't wait!" She cheers and walks back to her seat. "Hey bakugo come here!" Kirishima calls out for Bakugo and he looks at me. "Hey you mind?" he asks and I shake my head. 

"N-no go ahead I'm gonna start looking at dresses..." I say and look back down. "Alright teddybear.." He kisses my head and walks over to Kirishima...

-Bakugo's POV-

I walk over to Kirishima and a few of the other boys as they talk but I keep looking at Alana. "So Bakubro! You going on friday?" Kiri asks and I roll my eyes. "No." I say and the boys aw. "Awww man what about Alana? Isn't she going?" Kaminari asks and I nod. "So aren't you going to go with her?" Sero asks. 

"She's only going cause of Aizawa I see no reason I need to go too, she said she's fine with it." I say and look back at Alana how was smiling and laughing at something on her phone. "Ayo Aizawa." The door opens and that weird mind freak comes stepping in. What was his name? "Hey Shinso what do you want?" Aizawa says from his sleeping bag. "I'm leaving early today, family stuff. I can't go to training tonight and since you're not answering your phone I thought I'd just come and tell you."  That Shinso guy says. 

"Oh alright then call me if there's any issues." Aizawa says and Shinso nods, He looks up and over at Alana at the desk she was staring at him. "Hey you're Alana right?" He walks up to her. "Oh yeah, your Shinso! My dad likes you." She says putting her hand out for him to shake. "Yeah he talks about you a lot. How are you feeling?" He asks and she smiles. "Oh I feel a lot better! My dad told me you kept asking how I was I appreciate it!" She says and he smiles. 

"Yeah no problem, So you going to that dance on Friday?" He asks, what the fuck is this? "Oh yeah Dad's a chaperone so I'm going too. Why are you going?" She asks, I feel my blood start boiling. "Yeah I am with a few friends... You're going with your boyfriend?" He smirks at her and she smiles back. "Well great! I'll see you there then! And no Bakugo doesn't like dances so I'm going with some of the girls I guess." She says and Shinso nods. 

"Well then I guess I'll steal you for a dance." He says with a wink and her eyes widen a bit. "N-no yeah sure that's ok.." She says and I get mad mad, She was just trying be nice I know that but still who does this fucking guy think he is? Making a move on MY teddybear? I think the fuck not. I walk over there and put my arm around Alana's Shoulder. 

"Actually I am going." I say staring at Shinso. "Oh really? But you don't like dances." She says and I smirk at Shinso. "I'd do anything for you teddybear you know that. Of course I'll go. And she'll be dancing with me all night of course because well I'm her Boyfriend." I say staring Shinso down. He smirks at me and shrugs his shoulders. "Oh well I guess I'll just dance with Denki then. He's more my flavor." He says with a wink then walks out of the classroom.

 I don't give a fuck what that means, If he's telling me he's gay or not I don't care all I know is he was definitely flirting with Alana and I am NOT with it. "Are you really going?" She asks and I nod. "Mhm, I'm going shopping with the boys on Wednesday and getting an outfit." I say and she beams. "I've never been to a dance before, I'm excited to dance with you..." She says and I blush. 

Thats why she was so disappointed before. I often forget that she  was homeschooled her whole life, she missed out on some major social life points. And I am her first boyfriend, (She's my first girlfriend too but whatever) So I can understand why she wants me there. "Of course Teddy bear. Alright I'm gonna go back over there." I kiss her quickly and she doesn't stop smiling. I can tell she's really excited for this. 

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