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~Time skip 3 years~

"KATSUKI!" I was upstairs in my room packing my bags. "I HEARD YOU I'M FUCKING COMING!" He yells upstairs and I giggle. Mom, Dad, Eri and Him come walking upstairs. Katsuki came over and hugged me from behind. "Could you let go of me while I finish this?" I ask and finally pack my last bag. "No thanks I'll just hold on." he says and kisses in my neck.

"For real bitch get off me." I say laughing I much his face and he gets off me. "AWWWW! My baby! I can't believe you're moving out!" Mom cries and grabs my face. "Mama! I'm legit moving right across the street! You can see our bedroom from the living room.." I say but she still cries. "But still! You're only 19 I feel like you're just a baby!" Mom says and I feel like I'm gonna start crying again too.

"STOP! Mama for Real! It'll be fine! Plus now you guys have miss Eri to annoy you." I say and Eri smiles at me. "I'm gonna miss you Alana! I have a room at your house though right?" She asks and I nod. "Just for you doll." I say and hug her. "Come on lets starts bringing this shit over." I say and me and mom each starts grabbing boxes. We slowly teleport back and forth between my new house and my childhood home.

I'm moving out! And right across the street haha. Me and Katsuki have decided it's time for us to get our own place since I just turn 19 and kinda wanted to be alone but I really wanted to be near my parents still so he found out they had a place right across the street and told me he wanted to move in there!

"Ok well thats the last box!" I say and look around then now empty room. "It's weird right?" I ask and feel myself on the brink of tears. "Come here sunshine." Dad holds opens his arms and I run into him. "I'm so proud of you sunshine.." Dad says and I cry into his Chest. "I love you daddy.." I say and he pats my head. 

"Don't cry we're right across the street if you ever need anything, And it's not like I won't see you everyday now that you're teaching.." Dad says and I smile. "haha yeah yeah I know, but still I've Never been with out you! Not even a sleep over." I say whipping me tear stained face. "Yeah I know..." Dad says and buries his face into his scarf. "Aww are you crying baby?" Mom asks whipping her face a bit. "I just can't believe she's so fucking big, I remember when you brought her into school and got kicked out because she was crying.." Dad says with a sad chuckle.

"Ok ok stop for real! You're gonna make for real cry." Mom says and we all chuckle. "Come on idiot we should go and start unpacking our shit." Katsuki says and grabs my hand. "Yeah yeah I know..." I say and look at my parents. "Haha ok ok I'm gonna go now, I love you guys.." I say and they both kiss my forehead. 

"Call us if you need anything." Mom say and I nod. "I'll see you tomorrow Alana!" Eri says and I nod. "Yup! Ok come on." I grab Katsuki's hand and we teleport across the street. We land in our new room and I look around at the bare walls. Katsuki comes up behind me and hugs my waist tight. "This place is all our..." He says into my neck and I laugh a bit. "Yeah it is... I can't wait to get some picture up, and we can decorate it all nice and pretty..." I say and he nods. 

"Can wait to break in the bed." He says and slap my butt. I yelp and start giggling. "Well help me set up the room and if we finish early enough maybe we can..." I say wrapping my arms around it neck. "But what about the rest of the house?" He ask and picks me up. "My mom and You mom are coming over to help me tomorrow while you're at work since I'm taking the week off, we'll worry about that I just wanna set up the room." I say and he nods. 

"Best part about owning a house is that now we can be as loud as we want..." he whisper and I bite my lip. "Mhm.." I kiss him and he puts me down. "Lets get to work." He says and I nod. With that we get started on moving and unpacking all out stuff.  He makes up our new king sized bed with the new sheets we got while I start unpacking all our clothes into the closet and drawers. I set up everything as he puts a few things in the bathroom. 

By the time we're done we're tired and hungry so I ordered us a pizza and we sit In our new bed next to each other. We finished and laid in each others arms peacefully. "This is amazing..." I say drawing small circles on his chest. "Mhm and its all to ourselves..." He says and I hum. "Who would have thought we'd get together." I say and he chuckles. 

"It's funny to think. If you shoulder up just 10 minutes later to give your dad his work binder we would have never met you. You would have remained a mystery to all of us and we wouldn't have gotten together." Katsuki says and think. He's right if I showed up just a little bit later the class would have never found out was even alive! I'm happy I got to meet them... I'm happy I got to meet him. 

"I can't wait to make so many new memories with you.." I say and he pats my head. "I can't wait to marry you... See you walk down the aisle and have you be all mine." He says and I smile wide. "Maybe have a few of our own fire cracker?" I ask and he nods. "Fuck yeah. We'll be having brats! We'll have some badass kids!" He says and I look up at him. I imagine our life together... What we'll do, where we'll go, all the memories will make, the family we'll have together, and all of it makes my heart sore. 

"I love you Katsuki Bakugo." I say and he kisses me. 

"I love you too Alana Aizawa...." 



AHHHH you guys! I know I said was gonna make 2-3 more chapters but actually I like this as ending! I really hope ya'll enjoyed this book! Like I said in my last Authors note I'll be making a book two which I'm getting started on as soon as I post this! it'll be up on my page to check out! 

Thank you all again and I'll see you in book 2! 

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