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-Alana's POV-

"Please Dad can I go? It'll be fun!" I beg dad to let me go to the arcade with everyone on Friday. I really liked all of them and I wanted to get to know the students more outside of school! "No! Not until YOU tell me what happened at the little "Party" Or whatever on Friday." Dad says as we enter the living room. 

"Dad please! Why do you want to know? I mean nothing happened!" I say, I see mom sitting on the living room couch with a cup of tea, her book and she was holding our cat suki. "What are you doing to the poor girl now Shota?" Mom asks putting down her book. 

"Daddy won't let me go out with some friends on Friday because I won't tell him what happened at the party on Friday! And he took my phone!" I say and mom giggles. "God Sho you're such an ass hole. Listen sweetie I have no pull in this. Just tell your father what happened at the party then you can go!" Mom says and I whine. "I- I don't want to...." I say looking down. "And why's that?" dad asks with a little shit eating smirk. 

"You mother- FINE!" I throw my hands up in defeat and walk over to the couch they sat on. I grab Suki because I needed my emotional support kitty. I walk back so I'm in front of them. I look at dad and squint. 

"At the party on Friday we all had a lot of fun until the last half and hour of the party where Mina told us we were playing truth or dare and she took out a bottle and had everyone spinning it and asking truth or dare. This went on for a while and it was pretty boring so I stopped paying attention till the bottle landed on me and Kaminari asked me truth or dare and so I chose Dare for shits and giggles but then he dared me to kiss Todoroki and I didn't WANT to but they started calling me scared and I wasn't scare and mom didn't raise no bitch so I manned up! But Todoroki to the lead and cupped my cheek and kissing me! I didn't know what to do so I just copied him but then he stopped and everyone was absolutely SHOOK!" I say  very quickly. I stop for a second and took a deep breath before resuming the story. 

 Then the party ended and I called you to pick me up and Bakugo offered to wait outside with me. We were sitting on the steps and he asked me if Todoroki was a good kisser and I was like "Oh I don't know I guess but I have nothing to compare it to so imma just go with a yes!" and then Bakugo grabbed my face and kissed me too! And I had no idea what to do but my face was all hot and my stomach was fluttering like crazy But so I kissed him back. He pulled away and smirked and was like "So who's better?" And I was so fucking confused! But he technically was better so I said "You." and he smirked again than kissed me! Then I pulled away cause I knew you were coming and that would be awkward as fuck! And I was right a minute later you pulled up and I stood up. I offered to give him back his shirt but he did that STUPID FUCKING HOT ASS SMIRK and told me "No you keep it you look better it anyways!" HE SAID THAT! WHAT THAT STUPID HANDSOME SMUG ASS FACE! and now I don't know how to feel and my mind is racing at a million and one miles a minute and YOU father are not making it any fucking easier!" I yell panting at how much and how quickly I just spoke.

My parents stared at me in shock. I was absolutely pissed with them but I just stood there panting trying to catch my breath. "Now I held up my end of the deal. Could I get my phone back and go out with them on Friday?" I ask annoyed. Dad didn't say anything just handed me my phone where I saw a missed call from Bakugo. "Crappy... I'm going to my room." I say as I feel tears burn in my eyes. I carry Suki upstairs to my room....

-No one's POV-

While Alana went up stairs to call back Bakugo, Her parents sat in shock and confusion at everything that their daughter told them. "I-" Aizawa started to speak but stopped himself. He was in shock he didn't know what to say. 

"Is she ok?" He asks his wife who was just as shocked. "I don't know but she looked really upset..." Gen says and Aizawa starts to feel bad. "I mean she's probably really confused. She never really talked to anyone... other than us... and fucking Nerumi and Zashi, not exactally the best role models haha..." Gen says and Aizawa covers his face with his hands. 

"Were we too protective?" He asks and Gen sighs. She crawls over to her husband and gets in his lap. "Maybe just a little. I can't help but feel bad that she doesn't know how to handle having a crush on someone.  I mean we barley even let her read or watch romance movies or books she barley knows what it means to fall in love." Gen says and Aizawa sighs again. 

The two stand up and walk up stairs, they both knew they needed to talk to their daughter. They walked upstairs and as they were about to knock on Alana's door they noticed it was still open a bit and they heard there daughter on the phone. 

"No yeah my parents said I could go on Friday..." Alana says quietly. Aizawa and Gen exchange a look, they know they shouldn't listen in but they still did. "Bakugo? I don't know why?" Alana says and waits for a response from mina.

"You think he likes someone... Um ok why are you telling me?" Alana asks. Gen looks at Aizawa and he shrugs. "Ururaka? W-why's that?" Alana's voice strains as Mina talks. She puts the phone on her nightstand and puts it on speaker so she could change into something more comfortable.

"PLEASE ALANA! You should have seen it! Ochako and him were sitting on the couch today and Ochako fell asleep and accidentally rested her head on Bakugo's shoulder! He didn't move though! And when I pointed it out he looked at her and gently woke her up! Oh my gosh it was soooo cute!" Mina squeals and Alana feels her heart squeeze. 

"Wait but doesn't Ururaka like Midoryia?" Alana asks confused as she changes. "Yeah ok wait... So turns out Midoryia has a crush on Todoroki and Todoroki also like him but they are so stupid they won't figure it out! And Ochako likes him but not that much anymore and I think that if Bakugo likes her then they will get together!" Mina says and Alana stops in her tracks. 

"L-like dating?" She asks and pulls down her hoodie. "Yes! Don't you think they'd be cute? I think so!" Mina squeals through the phone and Alana sighs. "Um yeah I guess... I don't understand boys..." Alana mumbles and pulls up a pair of shorts. "Hey what do you think of Kirishima? I really like him and I want to ask him out! But I mean I don't know how!" Mina complains. 

"Do I look like I understand how any of this shit works!" Alana says and chokes back a few tears that un consciously fell from her face. "Oh boooo I need you help! Haha whatever we can talk tomorrow about it." Mina says and Alana flops on her bed. "Oh hey Mina let me call you b-back real quick ok? I think I hear my d-dad calling for me" Alana asks and Mina agrees. 

Alana hangs up on and Mina and sighs. "I don't understand this bull shit Suki..." Alana says. Gen and Aizawa still listening in they exchange a look. Suddenly Alana's phone rings again. "GOD!" She grabs the phone and see's Bakugo was face timing her. "Sh-shit!" she answers the phone but points it up at the ceiling, she was just crying she doesn't want Bakugo to see her face like that. 

"Hey dumbass- Why aren't you showing your face?"  Bakugo asks and Alana curses under her breath. "oh um I'm just cleaning my r-room right now!" Alana says but Bakugo doesn't believe her. "Oh really? You're cleaning your room right now?" He asks and she hums. "Mhm yup I-it's a m-mess in he-here!" She stutters out and Bakugo starts to get worried. 

"Hey are you ok idiot?" He asks. "Haha y-yeah I'm fine! But listen I gotta go help my dad g-grade some papers real quick, so I gotta call you later or something.." Alana says and her voice stains, she was holding back a sob and a wall of tears in her eyes. "Hey Alana what's going on? I can hear It in your voice you like crying or something..." Bakugo says and Alana blinks letting a few tears fall. 

"N-nope! All good over here! I'll see you tomorrow Bakugo!" "But wait Alana I just wanted to-" Alana hangs up the call and throws her phone the flood and grabs Suki and holds her in her lap. "Suki I don't fucking get it! I mean he k-kissed me, I didn't ask for that but now he's fucking messing with my head...." Alana cries to the cat. 

Her parents still listening look at each other with worried faces. "I mean I didn't even like him like that! And he kisses me and now my fucking brain doesn't know what to think but my body like hurts! I hate this feeling... I mean like why do I care? It's not like he likes me and we weren't together so theres nothing I can do right? I mean he can be with who ever he wants!  But why does it still make my body ache...." Alana flops down onto her side and cries. 

"I hate this shit.... I'm never liking anyone ever again..." Alana says and her parents look at each other. Aizawa felt so bad seeing his daughter like this and Gen felt just as bad. They decided to leave her alone for the day and just let her be....

Aizawa's Daughter (Bakugo x OC)Where stories live. Discover now