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~next friday~

"Alright everyone thats it for the day. I'll see you Monday." Dad says as the bell for school rings. Everyone gets up and starts leaving. "hey idiot." Bakugo comes up to the desk and taps on it. "Hey whats up?" I ask standing up. "Wanna hang out?" he asks blushing a bit. "Yeah sure, Dad are you going home?" I ask dad and he moves me so he can sit in his seat. 

"I have meetings till 6 then I have a patrol tonight . Your mother is working till 6 too." Dad says and I nod. "Go ahead and go home but don't leave till your mom gets home. I'll be home late tonight." Dad says and I nod. "Ok I'll see you later. Is it ok if Katsuki comes over?" I ask and Dad looks up at me. 

"mmm I don't know..." He says and I smile. "Would you rather me all alone or to be with Katsuki." Dad glares at Katsuki. "Yeah would you rather be home alone?" Katsuki asks with a smirk and dad grunts. "Your a pain in my ass. Fine whatever." He says and claps. "Yay! Lets go Kats, Bye dad have a good patrol!" I wave at dad and grab Katsuki's hand teleporting us home. 

"Alright wanna watch a movie or something?" Katsuki asks as we walk inside. "Yeah totally come on lets watch..." We sit in the living room and relax on the couch. I put on a random movie and we cuddled together for a while till the movie ended. "That was a stupid ass movie." Katsuki says making me laugh. "I know right? Whatever lets put on something random." I put on a cartoon that was on and we sat next to each other. 

"So um.. how are you feeling?" He asks and I look at him. "Oh fine I guess." I mumble and he grabs my hand. "Still having night mares?" He asks and I nod. "Yeah, they are all different but still scary. But no more about dabi... you know, doing it. Mostly just me chained somewhere not being able to run." I say and he nods. 

"I'm sorry Alana." He says and I turn my body towards him. "For what? You guys saved me." I say and he looks up. "I don't care we shouldn't have had to save you. I just want you to be fucking safe." He mumbles out quickly and I smile. "You know the whole time dabi was on top of me, I was scared in the moment.... but I knew you were coming for me and that... that kept me distracted. Knowing you were coming for me." I say grabbing his hand. 

He frowns and pulls my body on top his lap and I straddle him. "And you know I know your mad that technically Dabi... took my virginity. But I don't count it." I say and he blushes. "Bastard." He mumbles making me laugh. "I know just two weeks ago I was ready to have sex with you but I think I just need a bit more time before we go that far, is that ok?" I ask cupping his cheek. 

"Of course I don't give a fuck if I have to wait till marriage or whatever, I just want you to be comfortable idiot." He says and I laugh. "Thank you... But just because we're not having sex doesn't mean we can't make out... and I still don't mind touching you..." I say and he blushes. "Your so embarrassing!" He covers his mouth and face with his hands to hid his blush.

I laugh and remove his hand from his face. "I'm sorry haha." I say laughing. He puts his hands on my hips and I put arms around his neck. I leans down and kiss him quickly but softly. He comes up and kisses me softly back. They our fast little kisses turned into deeper, slower kisses. His hands moved to my back pulls my body close to him and I starts slowly rolling my hips on his crotch and he smirks against the kiss. 

He pulls away and his hand trails to my butt. "It's ok you can touch my butt..." I whisper with a laugh. "Good I like it." he says with a laugh. I go back to make out with him and we pick right back up. His hands roam my body occasionally landing on my butt giving me it a squeeze. Our kiss was passion filled and sweet, his touch felt so warm and inviting I wasn't scared to be with him, unlike Dabi who's touch was cold and hate filled. 

I ran my fingers through Katsuki's spiky yet soft hair as your tongues roamed each others mouths. "WOAH! Whats going on in here?" I hear Hizashi's voice and I quickly pull my lips away from Katsuki's and we both look back. In the door wads was, Hizashi, Nerumi, and my mom all smiling at us. "AH! S-sorry!" I jump and fall off the couch landing on my ass. 

"You dumbass!" Katsuki starts laughing at me and I groan. "SHUT UP IDIOT!" I slap his leg but he keeps laughing. "Sorry we interpret you guys!" Mom says and her and Nerumi started laughing so hard. "MOM!" I yell embarrassed and stand up. "What was going on In here?" Nerumi asks crossing her arms. "God nothing!" I say turning red in the face. "HIS HANDS WERE ON HER BUTT!" Hizsahi says and I turn even more red. 

I look at Katsuki and he shrugs. "You said I could." He says simply and I roll my eyes. "Awww we're just teasing you sweetheart! But you're lucky your father didn't come home with us he would have probably killed Bakugo." Mom says and I giggle a bit. "So what are you guy doing here anyways?" I ask Nerumi and Hizashi. 

"After the meeting ended we called your mom so we could hang out especially since Shota has patrol tonight." Hizashi says and I nod. "Mic let me ask you something, Dunce face and Tape arms have a bet going and they want me to find out." Katsuki says from the couch and we all look at him. "Huh? Yeah sure kid what is it." Hizashi say, I go and sit on Katsuki's lap and he hols my by hip. 

"Before we found out about Alana and Gen, Dunce face thought you and Aizawa were together. Once we knew about them though Dunce face still thought you guys hooked up in high school. Tape arms bet him 100 bucks that you guys didn't so whats the answer?" Katsuki ask. Mom, Nerumi, and Hizashi all exchange a look and then starts busting out laughing so hard. 

"HOLY SHIT BAKUGO THATS SO FUCKING FUNNY!" My mom doubles over laughing while Nerumi and Hizashi cry In the corner from laughter. "Oh my god that is hilarious! We have to tell Sho!" Nerumi says and Hizashi laughs. "1) No me and Aizawa never hooked up EVER, but the reason thats so funny is because we have had this running joke since high school that me and him we're gonna run away together, holy crap he's gonna lose his shit!" Hizashi says and I start giggle. 

"Well theres your answer baby!" I say and Katsuki laughs a bit. Nerumi had called Dad in the middle of the madness and he finally answered. "What Nerumi! I'm at my angency I'm about to go out!" Dad yells through the phone. She quickly explains what Katsuki said and on the other end of the line there was silence. "No fucking way.." I hear dad giggling a bit on the phone. 

"YES! They bet 100 bucks on it!" Hizashi says and I hear small laughter growing in the phone. "Thats so fucking funny" Dad says and his laughter keeps going. "Is Bakugo still there?" Dad asks through the giggles. "Oh shit." I hear Katsuki mumble. "Yeah he's right here." Nerumi walks overt to us. "Hey kid do us a favor and clear this shit up. Oh my god thats so funny." Dad says and I look at Katsuki who was in shock. 

"I've never seen Aizawa laugh like that...." Katsuki mumble making me laugh a bit. "Alright I've gotta go, I'll talk to you later." Dad hangs up the phone and I look at Katsuki. "You've officially made my dad laugh, good job!" I say and kiss his cheek. "Thats amazing!" Mom says panting my head. "yeah that was great..." I say and lay my head on Katsuki's shoulder. The adults all started talking about something from high school while me and Katsuki listened and laughed. 

As they were talking Katsuki's phone rang. He pulled it out and I saw "Hag" Written on the screen. Katsuki groans and answers the phone. "what?" he asks annoyed into the phone. I heard yelling  on the other end and he rolled his eyes. "I told you-" Katsuki tries to talk but gets cut off. He looked angry and was trying not to yell. "FINE I'M FUCKING COMING STOP YELLING AT ME HAG!" Bakugo yells and get everyone attention. 

"DON'T CALL ME A HAG BRAT BE HOME IN 5 MINUTES YOU HAD ME AND YOUR FATHER WORRIED SICK!" we all heard his mom yell. "I TOLD YOU I'M WITH ALANA!" Katsuki yells back and there was silnce. "WHEN THE HELL DID YOU SAY THAT!" his mom yells and I start laughing a bit. 'If your checked out fucking messages I text you after school!" he grumbles. 

"Oh ok then you can stay there as late as you want. See you later honey!" She hangs up the phone and Katsuki groans. "Sorry." He grumble and I laugh. "Thats ok, you sure you can stay?" I ask and he nods. "Ok great! You can stay for dinner!" Mom says and the adult make their way into the kitchen. I lay my head on Katsuki shoulder again and take a deep breath. 

"Thank you for hanging out with me." I say and he chuckles. "Yeah whatever dumbass." He says and squeezes my thigh. "Love you dumbass." He says. "I love you too."

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