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-Alana's POV-

The next day I woke up early and got dressed. I decided to switch up my style a bit today since mom took me shopping and I got a whole bunch of new clothes.

 I decided to switch up my style a bit today since mom took me shopping and I got a whole bunch of new clothes

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(The fit ^^^^^^^)

I really liked the outfit definitely  something new. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen where mom and dad sat. "Morning...." I say and grab my to go cup for coffee. "To go cup?" Dad asks and  I nod. "It's 7:50." I say pointing at the clock on the stove. I pour my coffee as dad jumps up. 

"Actually? Crap ok come on let's go before we're late again." Dad says and I sigh. "Yeah ok lets go.." I say grabbing my phone off the counter. "Aww baby you look so good today! I love your outfit!" Mom says kissing my cheek. "Thanks Mama... I'll talk to you after school." I say walking out of the house with dad. 

I may look good but I feel like absolute shit. Last night I cried for hours and I didn't stop till I passed out. Dad and me drive in silence to the school, he kept shooting worried glances in my direction and normally I would ask what's wrong with him but I just didn't care enough today. We drive to the school and walk in like normal. 

Everyone was already in the class chatting and shit. "Hey Alana! Oh I love your outfit!" Mina compliments me and give a small smile as a response.  Dad walks to the desk and sits down, "Hey sunshine pass out the work sheet for today?" Dad asks and I nod. I grab the work sheet off the desk and go around passing it out, as I do everyone says good morning or something which was nice. 

I get to Mineta and he stares at me. "Your boobs look huge in that shirt." He says and roll my eyes. I put the sheet of paper on his desk and keep walking. I put a sheet of paper on Bakugo's desk and he smirks at me. "Morning Alana~" He says my name drawn out and I feel my stomach flutter but I push it down and ignore it. "Hey." I say back and pass out the rest of the papers. 

"Alright you may all work together on this sheet." Dad says and starts grading some work. Everyone pairs up with someone and Bakugo walks up to me. "Hey can you work with me?" He asks with his little smirk and I just look down. "No sorry I already did this for homework the other day. I'm not allowed to help the students." I say and he rolls his eyes. 

"Alright well can you at least talk to me and look at me in the eye? I mean what happened yesterday?" He ask and I shrug. "Nothing I just didn't feel good..." I say and he puts a hand on my shoulder. "Are you ok?" He asks and I look up at his eyes, I feel my stomach flip and my hear beat faster. 

"yeah I'm fine... Just go sit down, I think maybe Kirishima wants to work with you." I say brushing his shoulder off. I feel tears burn in my eyes again, my throat was dry and he looked me up and down. "Dumbass why are you crying?" He asks and tries to grab my cheek. "Just stop Bakugo I don't really wanna talk to you about it ok?" I ask and he stops. I move from around him and go next to dad. 

"I-i'll be right back I need to use the bathroom." I say and dad looks up at me. His eyes widen when he see's I'm crying. "Sunshine what happened?" Dad asks and I shake my head. "N-nothing I'll be right back.." I run out of the classroom and to the bathroom. I lock my self in a stall and crying. Fuck this is so hard! Why do I feel like this! Fuck I really hate this shit...

-Bakugo's POV-

Alana runs out of the room crying. "Oh no what happened? Is she ok?" Mina jumps up and we all look at Aizawa. "Oh man we should go check on her!" The floaty bitch says and all the girls start walking to the door.

"WAIT!" Aizawa yells and all the girls look at him. "Oh um maybe you guys should just stay here and give her a moment. She'll be back soon.." Aizawa says and I get annoyed. "I'll go." I say and start walking to the door. "No, you especially shouldn't go. I'll send Midnight everyone just sit down." Aizawa says, he looked stressed as fuck. 

"Why can't I go?" I yell and he glares at me. "Because she doesn't want to see you." Aizawa says and I feel my heart pang. "B-but why? What I do?" I ask annoyed and he looks me up and down. "I don't know but she's really upset and maybe we should all just leave her alone." he says and I grunt. "Fine but I'm talking to her once she get back." I groan and go sit in my seat. 

I start thinking back about all the stuff I could have to offend her but nothing was coming to mind, why was she so mad at me! What could I do to make it better? After about 20 minutes Alana comes walking into the room. "ALANA" I jump up but she ignores me. 

She goes and sits on the floor next to her dad. "Hey sunshine you feel better?" He asks and she shakes her head no. She was definitely crying, she looked sick she from crying so much. "Why don't you go home..." He says and she looks up at him. "Are you sure? I don't want to abandon the teachers or the students..." She says and Aizawa pats her head. 

"It's ok sunshine. Your mom should still be home she can heat you up the soup from last night don't worry about us." Aizawa says and walk over to her. "Hey idiot what did I do? I mean why are you fucking ignoring me?" I ask and she blushes bright pink. 

"You didn't do anything I'm just w-werid... I'm gonna go home I'll see you tomorrow." she says standing up. "Ooooh babe! I'm sorry you're not feeling well! I'll call you later ok?" Mina asks and Alana smiles a bit. "Y-yeah thanks Mina..." she looks back at me and I feel my heart twist, why does it hurt so much seeing her cry? GOD why won't she just tell me what's wrong! 

"I'll see you at home dad..." She teleports out of the classroom and I'm assuming back to her house. "UGH! Whats her deal! I mean why is she acting so weird!" I ask and Aizawa sighs. "She's just confused about stuff right now.. Go sit down Bakugo I'll have her text you later or something." Aizawa says annoyed and I grunt. 

I was going to figure out what was wrong with her one way or the other... 

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