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-Bakugo's POV- 

The rest of the week Alana didn't come to class. She ignored all of our calls and text and even told Mina that she wasn't coming to the arcade with us! She just ghosted but what happened? I mean I though we were all good.... 

"It sucks Alana can't come I miss her!" Mina says. "Same! I'm just happy she said she's coming back next week." Kaminari says and I groan. We were in the arcade just eating the shitty pizza they serve. "But what could have happened? I mean she looks so upset and sad..." kiri says. 

"I don't know! I just remember on Monday we were on the phone and we were just gossiping and she like randomly sounded like she was crying and hung up the phone!" mina says sad. "Wait monday? I called her too that's when she was acting weird... What did you guys talk about?" I ask and Mina thinks. 

"Oh um well...." She looked at Kiri and blushed a bit then shook her head. "We talks for a bit about Kaminari's love triangle with Jiro and Shinso-" "HEY Why were you talking about that!" Kaminari interrupts. "Shut it dunce face, come on pinky keep going." I say and Mina giggles. "Ummm well haha we talked about you and Ochaco..." Mina says and I look her up and down. 

"Me and Round face? Why, what the fuck about?" I ask sitting up a bit more straight. "Well I thought it was so cute how she fell asleep on your shoulder! I told Alana I theory I had about you liking Ochako and how cute you guys would-...." Mina stops talking and her face goes pale. "Oh my god I have to call her!" Mina jumps up and starts looking through her phone. 

"huh? What about idiot? Wait stop shipping me with these random fucking people! The only reason I didn't blast round face was because ilda was there and i knew he would snitch!" I yell and Mina slaps her face. "No I know I'm so stupid!" She calls Alana and waits for her to answer. 

"Hello?" I hear Alana's voice through the phone. "ALANA thank god you answered! Why didn't you fucking tell me!" Mina yells and walks away from the table. "TELL YOU WHAT IDIOT! WHY ARE YOU ACTING WERID!" I yell and sit back with a grunt. I don't care what they are talking about  I just want to fucking talk to Alana and see what's going on! "I know babe but I was wrong! I'm so so sorry for confusing you!" Mina says and we all stare at her.

"No but if you just-.... Why not? I mean.... OH MY GOD HE DID WHAT!...." Mina looks over to me and I was a bit scared. She looked pissed? But also happy? What the fuck. "No no but I mean isn't that a good thing?" Mina asks walking back over to us. "No it's not Mina! I don't like feeling like this it legit hurts. I just want to not feel like shit anymore." I hear Alana through the phone. 

1) Why was pinky's volume so loud and 2) She feels like shit? About what? "I know but I think maybe you should just talk..." Mina looks at me and I cock and eyebrow. "I don't want to. I just want all these fucking feelings and shit to drown. I appreciate the info Mina but really I just don't know what to do anymore. Listen I got to go my mom is making pick out shit for this stupid party..." Alana says and I can practically hear the eye roll through the phone. 

"Ooooh a party? What for?" Mina asks and looks at all of us with a smile. "Nothing...." Alana says but Mina doesn't quit. "What's it for babe! Oooh can I come?" Mina asks and Alana sighs. "Fine but you can't tell anyone alright? I hate this..." She groans and Mina squeals "Ok ok I promise..." Mina says. 

"It's my birthday on Monday..." Alana says and my eyes widen. Her birthday? why didn't she tell any one? "OH MY GOSH REALLY! Wait so you turning 17?" Mina asks, "No I'm turning 16, I only told ya'll I was 16 because I'm almost 16. but yeah It's my birthday. You can come the quote un quote party." Alana says and she smirks at me. "Can I invite the gang? Me, Sero, Kiri, Kami and of course Bakugo." She asks. 

"I-... I don't know. I mean I was kinda ghosting all of them, especially Bakugo. I don't think he would want to come..." She says and I shake my head, "say yes! Say yes!" I whisper shout and she nods. "Don't worry babe I'm sure he'd love to go! You know he's been super worried about you this last week?" Mina says and I feel myself blush. 

"Shut up Mina I don't wanna hear it! It'll only make it harder." Alana says and Mina giggles. "I'm just letting you know babe. Alright go do what you have to do we'll see you on Monday birthday girl!" Mina says and hangs up the phone. 

"So tell us what's going on?" Kiri asks and Mina smirks. "I'm sorry but I can't say sadly! BUT as you all heard it's her birthday on Monday and I think we should all get her a gift or something. I mean we are already in the mall we might as well." Mina says and I smile a bit. I want her to talk to me again, Pinky was right I was worried about her and I still am. I mean I hate how annoying she is but... I think I like her.. FUCK emotions suck. 

"Hell yeah! I want to say think you for all the help she's given me with studying!" Kaminari says. "Same! She's been so kinds to me since day one!" Sero adds on. "Lets go!" Kiri pumps his fist in the air. I'm happy I brought my money with me today. 

We all walk out into the mall and go our separate ways. This is perfect I can get her something and her dumbass will have to forgive me then! 

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