Chapter 7 Strong Male Figure

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Church: So this it Tucker, this is your little monstrosity. Your little abomination of nature.

The Blues were outside with the Baby alien. It looked up to Tucker.

Tucker: Uh, what do I do?

Church: Why're you asking me?

Tucker: I don't know how to be a dad! This isn't the way I planned it!

Church: You planned this?! Tucker! I had no idea!

Tucker: No-no! I mean I always wanted to have that ideal father-son relationship. You know, I see him for like eight hours every other weekend and send checks to some woman I hate.

Church: I'm starting to agree with Ruby, you've never been in a relationship.

Tucker: Fuck off!

Caboose: It's emotional conversations like this that make me miss my mom.

Church: Alright look, let's leave these two alone. Let 'em do a little bonding.

Tucker: Hey! Don't leave here with him, what am I supposed to say?

Caboose: Ask him if he likes baseball.

Church: It's an alien baby Caboose.

Caboose: Ask him if he likes tee-ball!

Church: Alien Caboose! 'Alien' was the keyword in that sentence!

Tucker: Seriously, don't go. I don't even know where to start!

Church: Tucker, he's part of an alien race whose only purpose seems to be to tell huge, grandiose lies to people, so that they can seduce them and impregnate them. So. . . Why don't you start with that? You know. . . Common ground.

Tucker: Yeah, I think I'll just stick to baseball.

Caboose: Tell him about how his dad got to third base with you!

Church: CABOOSE!

*With the Reds*

They had completely buried Sarge.

Grif: So, how much oxygen do you think Sarge has in his suit?

Simmons: Oxygen?

Grif: Yeah, you know, to breathe and stuff.

Simmons: Oh, you know, probably like three hours depending on his level of activity.

Grif: He's buried six feet underground! I don't think he's got much chance for activities!

Simmons: Well, I don't think you're an authority!

Grif: An authority? We didn't even use a coffin! We just threw a bunch of dirt on him!

Simmons: No, I threw a bunch of dirt on him. You two only pretended to help and made a bunch of digging noises with your mouth!

Grif looked at his sister.

Grif: You know that trick?

Kaikaina: I learned from the best!

Simmons: Well, as your new comm-

Grif: Actually, Ruby's the commander. I'm the only one who voted, so she's it by default.

Simmons: She DOESN'T even have a RANK!

He took out Sarge's shotgun!

Simmons: I'm commander!

Grif: Hey Simmons? I don't think Sarge is gonna like you picking up his shotgun. And I really don't think he's going to like you threatening me with it. I doubt Ruby would either.

Simmons: As the new leader, what I say goes! Both of you, laps around the base now!

Grif: But what about Sarge? We should probably dig him up.

Simmons: You heard what command said! Sarge is dead. He died of- wait. What did he die of?

Kaikaina: Aspirin Overdose.

Simmons: See? Sarge is dead of a. . . an aspirin overdose, really?

Kaikaina: I know! I didn't think it was possible! And trust me, I've tried!

Simmons: Yeah, wait. . . what?

Grif: Simmons, don't be stupid! He's not dead! He's just lying underground covered in dirt!

Simmons: If I say he'd dead, then he's dead! I'm the leader me!

Grif: You must be insane if you think I'll take orders from you. You have literally gone blind with imaginary power Simmons.

Simmons: Oh ho ho! On the contrary, I think I've gone blind with very real power!

Kaikaina: On second thought, I don't find him being scary hot anymore.

Simmons: Both of you, shut up! You're running! I'm calling Red command for confirmation!

Kaikaina: Why are you calling Red command?

Simmons: FOR CON-FIR-MAT-ION! Stop asking questions!

Kaikaina: You keep talking about them! Why don't you call our guys?

Grif: Our guys?

Kaikaina: Yeah, the Blue guys.

And Kaikaina Grif was a Blue, except in yellow armor.

Simmons: Excuse me, the wazz-awa?

Kaikaina: The Blue guys! The guys that sent me here! In the big ship!

Simmons: Grif?

Grif: Uh, yeah, this might be a bad time to bring up the fact that my sister is colorblind.

Simmons: WHAT?!

Kaikaina: I don't get it! What's that gray guy so upset about?

Simmons: But girls can't be colorblind!

Kaikaina: Yeah, well they says girls can't ejaculate either, but guess what!

Grif: Yeah! Wait- What?!

Simmons: I can't believe it! With such a simple espionage plan, the Blues have decimated our forces. Quick! Quick! Get me a shovel! Oh, Sarge is gonna be pissed!

Grif: Hey Simmons? If she's not here for Sarge, who the hell is she here to replace?

*Beneath the Canyon*

In the giant cave system, Donut groaned as he gained consciousness.

Donut: Agh, what happened? Where am I?

He began to wander. . . .

Donut: Oh, maybe they know.

It was the old bodies of Tex and Church. . . .

Donut: But it might be rude to wake them up. I'll just wait here a while.

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: Season FiveWhere stories live. Discover now