Chapter 22 Repent, The End is Near

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Flowers: Yes, everything is coming together as planned, and these fools still have no idea.

The cave team, Flowers, and the alien were down in the cavern beneath Blood Gulch.

Flowers: Once the young one gets his sword, there will be no stopping us.

Vic: Hey, what about the other guy dude, does he know about the thing with the thing?

Flowers: No, that beast does not suspect anything. Everyone has played right into our hands. Muuhuhohhuhahahahaaa! Okay, maybe that was a little loud. Huhahahaa. There, that's better.

*At Red Base*

Wyoming 1: Cut them off!

Tucker: Come on!

Church: Why aren't you two being affected by this?!

Ruby: Our swords! They make us immune to the time loopy thingy!

The group ran as the Wyomings gave chase and opened fire! Tucker turned around and shot one through the head with the sniper!

Church: What?! How?

Ruby: We'll explain later!

They kept running, Tucker turning again to kill another!

Tucker: The cliff! Head for the cliff!

Church took cover behind a few rocks!

Ruby: No! Not that way!

Church ducked and Tucker sniped the guy right behind him!

Church: Hey you know what, I kinda like this new all-knowing badass Tucker. He's certainly a lot better than the old one!

Ruby: Yeah, me too, now let's hurry up!

Church turned and walked through the rock formation and came into contact with the tank.

Gary: Knock knock Church.


The tank fired but missed!

Tucker: We meant the other other way!

They ran towards the cliffs!

Church: I take back what I said! You still suck!

Tex finally awoke and Ruby set her down!

Tex: Ow, what happened-

Ruby: We'll explain later! Enemy knows where we are, now duck!

Tex and Church did just that, making a sniper shot zoom over their heads!

Tex: Someone explain!

Church: Tex, this is almost gonna be impossible to explain, but they know exactly what is going on and we just need to trust them.

Tex: Trust him? Ten minutes ago he shot me-

Ruby: Tex, please!

Tex: *groans* Fine!

Ruby: You two stay here and distract the Wyomings, Tucker and I are going to do God's work and rid this world of that tank!

Church: Distract?! How?

The magenta girl and aqua soldier began to leave!

Tucker: Not getting killed is a great way to start! Watch your back!

A Wyoming shot at them from behind!

Church: Jesus!

They ran to better cover while Caboose watched what was happening. Tucker and Ruby approached him!

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