Chapter 17 Tucker Knows Best

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Ruby and Kaikaina were still within the Blue base. The magenta girl had outfitted her with one of her old undersuits, which was unfortunately tight on the younger soldier.

Ruby: We might need to go buy a bigger one.

Kaikaina: Nah! This is fine!

Ruby: Of course you'd think that. . .

Unbeknownst to them, they were being watched by the Reds from an underground camera system.

Grif: I've never been more thankful for Ruby's existence.

Sarge: The Blues have taken her hostage! Why else would she be there?

Donut: Maybe it's because they br-

Simmons: Or it's because none of us are at the base.

Grif: Thank you Ruby! I will never take you for granted again!

Back with the two girls. . .

Ruby: Okay! Check ups over. You can put your armor b-

The medic walked into the base and stayed behind the wall so he wouldn't see them.

Doc: Hey, are you sure I shouldn't do anything? I could be a great help!

Ruby: We're fine Doc. We just finished.

Ruby picked up Sister's armor and brought it to its owner.

Doc: But don't you have amnesia? How do you know if yo-

Ruby: Doc, you are in no position to doubt anyone's medical skills.

Kaikaina: Ooh! Burn!

The yellow soldier dressed herself.

Doc: *sighs* Fine. . . .

They all went up to the roof, gathering with the rest of the Blues, which the Reds also watched.

Simmons: It looks like the Blues are having some kind of meeting.

Sarge: What? I knew it. . . They're coming to attack our base! Dirty backstabbers. . .

Donut: I thought the Blues were supposed to attack us!

Simmons: And why would Ruby attack us?

Sarge: Dirty frontstabbers and backstabber! Simmons, what're they saying?

Simmons: I have no idea, I can't find the volume on this monitor, and without any sound, it just looks like a bunch of helmets bobbing up and down!

Sarge: Is that how they talk? They look ridiculous!

He had no idea he was doing such a thing as well.

*With the Blues*

Church: Alright, Vic called and said we should attack the Red Base right away. I already said we wouldn't, and I don't even know why he's asking.

Ruby: God, what did those idiots get themselves into?

Church: It's your call, they are your team.

Ruby: Let's go. . . scout them out. I don't feel comfortable just leaving this be.

Church: He also said it was a good idea for some of us to go through the caves.

Tex: Why?

Church: I don't know, who cares?

Ruby: I care!

Church: So me, and Tex, and Tucker are gonna go right up the middle.

Tucker: What about my kid? He can't go into battle-

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: Season FiveWhere stories live. Discover now