you better have eyes in the back of yo head

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y/n's pov

I wake up to the sound of an alarm. I attempt to get up but something pulls me back down. Look over at suna seeing him tighten his grip on me mumbling incoherent sentences.

It takes a full 15 minutes to get him off of me. As I stretch I look down and watch him cuddle up with the pillow. Chuckling to myself I walk to the closet grabbing your uniform and heading to the bathroom.

(pretend the tie is red)

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(pretend the tie is red)

I stay over so often I already have my own towel toothbrush etc. I take a shower, brush my teeth and do whatever with my hair. I put on my uniform and noticed the hickey suna gave me was still visible even with my uniform. I mumble a string of curses walking out the bathroom feeling refreshed and slightly annoyed.

I look to see suna still sleep. I tap and shake him to try to wake him up but he doesn't budge. Suddenly I remember what this asshole did and an idea pops in my head.

I go over to straddle him doing the same thing he did to me. As I was doing my thang I heard him angrily groan. Once I'm satisfied I lift up to see an unimpressed suna.

"Good morning dickhead" I say innocently staring down at him.

"Fuck off" he says covering his eyes with his arms.

"You see as much as i would enjoy not having to see your stupid face today your mom would kill me i let you be absent" i say lightly tapping his face.

"Get off my dick... literally" he smirks. I look down to see that I'm straddling him.

"Hardy har har now get up" i say as i hurriedly got off him.

"Do I have to," he whines, closing his eyes again.

"I mean i can always call atsumu to come wake you up or i can send a text to kita" i threaten. He immediately jumps up and heads to the bathroom. I go down the stairs and plop on the couch waiting for suna. 15 minutes later he rushes down and straight towards the door.

"Fuck i forgot i have morning practice. Hurry and put your shoes on or well be late. Also fuck you for putting that love bite so high" he huffed.

"Yeah yeah i already asked osamu to bring extra food" i say sliding my shoes on. Suna tosses me my skateboard before grabbing his.

We head out the door and skate to school. When we finally made it we rushed straight to the gym. We walk through the door and it seems practice hasn't started. I hear suna mumble a "fuck yes" before rushing to the locker room. I go to take a seat on the bench after waving at some of the team. I pull out my phone and start mindlessly scrolling. Suddenly I felt a presence in front of me. I look up to see osamu holding a bag of food. I grab the food and he sits beside me.

"Thank you so much osamu you're a lifesaver" i say looking through the bag.

"You don't need to thank me" he says patting my head. We sit and talk for awhile until I see aran approaching us.

"Hey awan" I say, still chewing.

"Hey y/n" he waves before continuing "you guys will never guess what i just saw" he says excitedly while me and osamu just look at each other confused.

"Damn not even gone try to guess well whatever suna has a huge hickey on his neck" he says laughing. I immediately start choking. Osamu looks over at me concerned but then his gaze turns to my neck.

"y/n what's that on your neck" he says confused.

"There's nothing on my neck" I say way too fast knowing I sound suspicious. A crowd has already formed around from when I was choking.

"Holy shit are you and suna a thing" aran says loud enough for the crowd to hear. Fuck they found out way quicker than i thought. Welp let the games begin.

"Yup but don't tell atsumu anything'' I say looking away from everyone's gaze. Before anyone got to speak they were interrupted by suna pushing through and plopping next to you.

"y/n wheres my food and why is everyone staring at me" he says snatching the bag from you.

"Well if it isn't the man of the hour" aran said staring him down.

"What?" Suna says looking at me confused.

"They noticed" I say tapping my neck.

"Ohhh" he says, finally understanding as he slings his arm around me. I glare at him, pissed that I have to deal with this so early. We could have fucked with them longer and dealt with this later but that bitch had to give me the biggest hickey.

"aww is my baby getting shy" he cooed, mocking me.

"B-baby" I hear osamu stutter out shocked.

"Fuck you bitch" i say pushing him. He wraps his arms around my head rocking me back and forth.

"I'm sorry she is cranky right now she needs a little nap after last night" he says as I finally escape his grasp.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH" i yell as i beat the shit out of him. He gets up and starts running. I chase him around screaming curses. Just as i was about to catch him, strong arms hold me back.

"As entertaining as that was we really need to start practice" kita says letting me go and patting my head.

"It's fine i'll just kill him after practice" i huff before walking to the bench and sitting.

"Hey guys what did i miss" astumu says finally exiting the locker room.

"Nothing now, let's get to practice" kita says and everyone walks to the net.

"Hey kita can y/n chasing me count as my ten laps"

"No suna" and with that practice began.

Oh suna i'm so gonna get you back thats for certain.

-A/N im probably gonna have to re write this chap once i figure out chapter 3 but imma post it for now anyway since its been a min. i also have another idea for a suna book that i might start working on soon. anyways feel free to comment any suggestions or mistakes and i  hope you guys enjoy :3

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