ice cream biter

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I'm awoken from my much needed nap by knocking on the front door. I ignore it in hopes that someone answers but then soon realize I'm the only one home at the moment.

I groan as I get up and groggily go down stairs. The knocking gets harsher as I make my way to the door.

"Who the hell is knocking on my door like the goddamn police? '' I mumble to myself before opening the door to a sight I don't want to see.

"Hey y/n how are you" suna says softly hands filled with a ton of shit.

"Get the fuck out from in front of my door plz and thank you" I say slamming the door only to be stopped by his foot.

"Holy fuck that hurt" I hear him harshly whisper.

"Good it'll teach you to never do it again goodbye"

"N/n please I just wanna talk" he pleads causing me to roll my eyes.

"Well last time someone wanted to talk it ended with me crying and tripping balls in a park at night so sorry if I'm reluctant to talk" I spit out sarcastically.

"I'm really fucking sorry about everything can we please talk. the moment I say or do anything to piss you off I'll leave just say the word"

"Okay then you can leave now"

"Wait what" he looks at me shocked.

"You said I can kick you out when you pissed me off and you did piss me off the moment you woke me up from my fucking nap"

"N/n please just give me 10 minutes I know I don't deserve them but please just let me be selfish just for a bit"

"Sure what the fuck ever let's talk suna" I say opening the door.

"Thank you" I just roll my eyes before walking over to the couch.

"So suna what was so important that you skip school to bang on my door"

"Um I really wanted to say I'm sorry" he says, rubbing the back of his neck. He looks really nervous. I almost forgive him right then and there but after what he put me through it's only fair to make him sweat a bit.

"I'm gonna need a lot more than an I'm sorry seeing as you banged on my door demanding me to let you in"

"I wouldn't say demand" he looks around nervously.

"Well I would now get to it, my timer says you only have 8 mins and 38 secs" I cross my arms and give a stern look. There actually isn't a timer but he doesn't know that.

"There's a timer" he asks as his voices cracks a bit.

"You said ten minutes now chop chop"

"Sorry about the whole ichigo thing I was just trying to get over the whole training camp thing" he says awkwardly

"Not gonna lie that hurt me like a lot" I say looking away from him. Suddenly I realized what he just said. What did he mean by getting over the training camp thing? Before I can ask he starts again.

"I know it probably did and I'm sorry.

I was honestly lowkey tired of ichigo always whining and I was gonna cut her off soon when I found the right time since I felt bad that she was new and all but then the whole park thing happen which I honestly felt really bad about so I decided to give you some space like osamu said and then I was gonna apologize but than I noticed how close you and him got so I might have decided to be petty and stay friends with ichigo and defend her since I thought you replaced me" he rambles breathing out a breath of relief when he's done

"Um okay first of all fuck you for that and second of all also fuck you since I honestly dont know how to respond to that one bud" I cant help but feel a little guilty that he thought I was replacing him. Though I know I shouldn't.

"I mean if it helps my case at all the entire time I spent with ichigo was absolute torture. Also I assure you that anytime she wrongly brought up your name when you weren't there me and atsumu shut that shit down immediately" he rushes out like he's desperate for me to believe him.

"Mmm still kinda iffy on you right now not gonna lie"

"I completely understand. I was childish and petty and I wasn't there for you when I should have been. I honestly haven't even forgiven myself for it. Believe me when I say if I'd have known what was going on that day I would have answered" he says as a look of guilt washes over his face.

"If I forgive you I hope you realize we just won't end being like we were before. You might be my best friend and I could never imagine me hating you but you will have to earn my trust back and I need you to understand that. You also need to apologize to osamu. I'll make sure he does the same"

"I completely understand and I'll take whatever you are willing to give me"

"Fine, if I forgave you for biting ice cream I can forgive you for this" I say moving closer to give him a hug.

"This is in now way equivalent to me biting icecream but I'll take it dumbass" he says, squeezing me into his arms.

"Speaking of ice cream you'll be taking me to get some right now oh and you're paying for my lunch the rest of the school year" I say letting go of him and getting up to stretch.

"Fine" he shrugs

"Cmon on ice cream biter my ice cream awaits" I say heading to the door.

We make it to the ice cream shop and order. We decide to take a walk and I update him in everything that happens. After listing every bad thing I can visibly see him feel more and more guilty. It should make me feel bad but in all honesty it doesn't. I just think of it as his own personal karma after what he put me through and it also helps reassure me that he feels bad for what happened and that he cares.

"N/n I'm so sorry for hurting you"

"Its fine loser plus you should be more worried about osamu" I laugh as the life drains from his face.

"He's totally gonna beat my ass isn't he" he asks nervously.

"Oh yeah 100 percent"

Finally an apology. Don't worry she is not automatically forgiving him. 

I hope this apology suffices cause it's the best I can do. I feel like I might have dug his hole a little too deep. But don't worry what I have planned for the next chapter should really solidify their relationship again.

dont worry about ichigo guys i have some plans for her  ;)

I hope you enjoy this chapter sorry for taking so long to post it. But I'll be back to posting like normal(hopefully).

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