mommy issues and maid outfits

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Y/n's pov

It's been about a week since me and suna started to pretend date. I'm sure the word has spread around since we keep getting weird stares. We dont mind it though. We've mostly just been doing our own thing. Of course the team teases us and shit which is fucking hilarious espcieally when they say things like "about time" or "i knew it. man if only they knew. Sunas dumbass did tell Osamu though but he said he'd keep it a secret so it's chill.

"Hey yall im home" I shout as I walk in. I decided earlier today to come home for a bit since I missed my family.

"Wow I forgot you live here" I jump at the sudden noise. I look over to where the words came from to see my shitty little brother, kai , laying on the couch.

( if your an only child your not anymore)

"Yeah i did too, now come give your sister a hug" i giggle a bit when he just rolls his eyes and looks back at his phone.

"Hey idiot before you start pretending i don't exist tell me where mom and dad is" i say looking around a bit.

"I don't know check the kitchen or something" i walk over to flick his forehead before heading to the kitchen.

Once i finally arrive i see my mom at the stove cooking what i assume to be is dinner and my dad sitting at the counter.

"Hey yall" I say hugging my dad from behind.

"Oh hey sweet cheeks how have you been?" he says, turning to look at me.

"I've been good, I missed you guys" I say, flashing him a smile.

"I couldn't tell" my mom mutters under her breath just loud enough for me to hear.

"What was that" what was that i say egging her on. it's only been like 15 minutes and she's already back on her bullshit.

"Oh nothing sweetie it's just you're always hanging around that boy it's like i never see you anymore" she says finally turning her attention to me.

"Firstly that boy is my best friend and secondly it's not like i go without permission and you know if you asked me to come home i would come in an instant. I mean it's not like you're dying to see me. I mean you rarely call or answer my texts. I only really talk to dad but even kai at least attempts to contact me every once in a while. Plus it seems that every time i'm here you're always trying to start something, this conversation is an example" i try to keep my composure as i feel my dad pat my back.

"Honey it's not like that. I just feel that you're a young lady and he's a boy and maybe you shouldn't be spending so much time together. It's not the same as when you guys were kids'' she says accusingly.

"So basically you think, I'm just out here popping my pussy". At this point I'm beyond annoyed. Why is she always creating problems out of nothing?

"Hey, let's just calm down," my dad says trying to hold back his laughter. I'm glad he finds this funny cause i wanna blow my brains out.

"Why are you being so crude"

"Why are you being so annoying. I mean imagine coming home excited to see your family just for your mom to assume your whoring yourself out for whatever reason. I mean you've known suna his entire life and you know we've been friends forever. If this was a girl you'd have no problems right. Plus you can trust and believe that if i was fucking suna staying at his house or not would change nothing."

"I just think you should spend time with some other friends, preferably female. It would be good for you. Plus you guys need some space".

I can't believe she has the audacity to say some shit like that. She can't really believe the shit she spews.

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