atsumu's great idea

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It's been about a week since all that stuff happened. I told aran and tenshi what happened after they came up to check on me. Suna went from texting me every now and then to completely ignoring and avoiding me. Osamu told me he told him to so I can't be too mad at him. I've wanted to talk to him but it seems that Ichigo is always near him and I don't feel like dealing with her.

After finding out what happened, Aran and Osamu completely stopped hanging out with them. I feel kinda bad that my personal problems are getting in the way of their friendship but they say it's fine since they've been off since he's been acting different lately. Atsumu started sitting at our table more often.

I know I say it's fine but this whole suna situation is taking a toll on me and I can't help but feel some contempt towards him. I see him every once in a while in the hallways and I noticed he looks worn out and he seems to be getting thinner.

I hate that I worry about him still but he's been there for me day one and it's hard not to. I wish we could just go back to the way we were. After that whole fake dating thing it seems to just have gone downhill from there. I just miss my bestfriend and us joking around and cuddling. It feels like I'm missing a piece of me.

Osamu has been really protective of me recently which I find sweet but it's also a waste of effort. I try to tell him that but he swears it's okay and if there's something about the miyas is that they are stubborn so I just leave him be.

As for everything at home, nothing is out of the ordinary. Me and mom don't argue as much but then again we also don't speak as often either. It's not like we are currently in an argument or something. I guess we just need space to process my father's spontaneous visit.

There's been no signs of him trying to contact me or my mom again. I wouldn't be surprised if he just disappeared.

I spend most of my time at home helping kai start up his YouTube channel or just chilling with taichi. Despite my life literally falling apart I still feel somewhat at peace.

I'm laying in bed chilling on my phone when I see that atsumu added me to a new group chat so I decide to check it out.

Beach crew🏝

Atsumu added y/n


Okay I think that's everyone


What do you want lil boy


Can I leave😒


No you can not leave you all are for a reason

Oh so I exist now😳


Come on i already apologized

I know I just like fucking with you


Can we get to the point


Okay okay

I mad this chat so we can

Can I get a drum roll

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