Ouid isnt the answer

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I slam my door and hop into my bed the conversation I just had still reeling through my mind. I feel the flood gates open as hot tears sting my face. I hear my door squeak signaling someone coming in but I don't bother looking up. I feel the bed sink down next to me and a hand running through my hair.

"Hey y/n its gonna be okay" taichi says, hugging me to his chest causing me to sob harder.

"I gave it a try" I manage to say through my cries.

"I know and I'm so proud of you" he coos soothingly

"I thought I didn't care. I don't want to care but why does it hurt so much"

"Its okay for it to hurt after what you went through"

"I want it to stop. When does it stop taichi. I don't like the fact that someone so horrible can affect me this much. The things he said about you and the fact that he left mom to raise me by herself. I don't think I could forgive him for that."

"I know sweetheart and I don't blame you. On another note me and your mom appreciate you standing up for us"

"You guys heard everything" I say a bit panicked

"We heard bits and pieces," he reassured.

"How's mom by the way" I say wiping at my eyes.

"She doing fine she cried a bit but it's all good" he says patting my back softly

"I'm glad you're in my life" I say, hugging him harder.

"Me too it just sucks you have to go through all this"

"Yeah but like I said I wouldn't trade it for the world" I say truthfully. I cant imagine my life without taichi and kai and I don't want to.

"Are you gonna be okay?" he asks, pulling away from me to see my face.

"Yeah I just want a bit of time to myself. I might go out to suna house in a bit" I say with a reassuring smile.

"Okay I'll tell your mom you're doing alright. I hope you feel better" he gives me a kiss on the forehead and walks out my room. After a while I dig through my drawer looking for something to distract me or make me feel better. After looking for a few minutes I stumble across a special brownie. I look around for an expiration date and everything seems up to par so I pull off a chunk and pop it into my mouth.

I lay down staring at my ceiling for what felt like hours waiting for it to kick in. I decide to text suna to meet me at the park not bothering to check if he responded or not. I throw a shirt and some leggings and a oversized flannel before climbing out my window and down the tree. I grab my spare skateboard I leave down here for situations like these and ride off.

Usually the ride to the park is calming but right now it feels like I'm hyper aware of my surroundings

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Usually the ride to the park is calming but right now it feels like I'm hyper aware of my surroundings. Every noise, every rush of wind I can feel and hear it all. A tingling sensation that feels like bugs crawling spreads all over me leaving me itchy and agitated.

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