Ignore or Confess

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Bohyun POV

"Why?" Goeun turned to me with a curious look. I suddenly felt nervous. My mind went blank but I gather all my courage to speak.

"I just wan-" I was about to respond when I was suddenly cut by Minho and Sohee.

"Hey, Goeun! Come on let's jog more further!" My sister shouted behind Goeun. This bitch is ruining my time.

"Go ahead." I smiled at Goeun. She just nodded. She didn't even ask me about what I'm going to say earlier.

"Can you look for Choco while we jog? I'll be back right away."

"Of course, don't worry."
I assured her. And she just smiles with that.

"Bohyun, are we going to play more or not? Look at the kid, he wants to join." Minho chuckled as soon as he approach me. His eyes diverted to Goeun who's now looking away.

She's naturally shy. I love that.

"Oh Hi. Goeun right?" Minho said.

"Yeah. I'm sorry I need to go now. Bohyun, take care of Choco, please. Thanks!"

She said immediately giving her back to us and went to Sohee.

"What's wrong with her? She always shut us down whenever we talk to her." Minho said. His eyes followed Goeun.

"She's just shy. She rarely interacts with guys except me." I wink emphasizing the word 'me'.

Minho looks confused. His brows furrowed.

"It's unavoidable though. What about in school? There are tons of guys, her classmates, block mates--"

"She doesn't talk to them unless it's necessary."

"You know her that well, huh?" Minho scoffed.
Looking at me with a suspicious look. I know where this conversation is going, I need to take this smoothly like it's nothing.

"Of course. She's my sister's best friend, our neighbor for 7 years and she always hangs out with Sohee at home. It's hard not to know about her when Sohee keeps talking about her when we were in high school. She's not new to me."

I hope he would buy it. Seems like he did because he keeps nodding with my words. I can't tell them I like her. Not now. Goeun should know first before these jerks know.

We continue playing with Choco now.

Goeun and I rarely talk. We just smile whenever we bump into each other, whether it's in school, inside or outside of the house, or in gatherings. Even though we were neighbors for 7 years now, it's still hard for me to talk to her.

Maybe you are wondering how did I happen to like her. I don't even know when did I start having romantic feelings for her.

Maybe it started when Sohee keeps talking about her to me. If Goeun is naturally shy, Sohee is naturally talkative. Once she opens her mouth, it's hard to shut them out.

We may argue a lot with my sister but we also talk a lot about different things that interest us. Whenever our parents is away, Sohee or I would stay in each other's room.

In my case, whenever I'm bored I'll just walk to her room to bully and irritates her. It is just satisfying seeing her getting frustrated with my attacks then she will spit cursed words at me after she cries. For Sohee she would just pop up in my room to rant about things I don't even care about. She can't avoid not mentioning Goeun's name in every conversation we shares.

Sohee said she can't help not mentioning her. She told me everything about Goeun me. About her family, her problems, how she behaves, what kind of person she is, literally almost everything.

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