It Felt Natural

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Goeun POV

I'm really curious and I've been dying to ask you this since yesterday." He promptly said with a serious look. My heart started to pump faster than usual. He still holding my wrist. "Why are you hugging Bohyun the other day?"

For a while, I lost words.

Why do I feel like he caught me cheating?
Why do I feel like I cheated on him?
Why do I feel guilty?

" saw us??" I'm annoyed when someone still asks what's already been obvious. And I'm exactly doing it right now. Of course, he saw us, or else, he wouldn't ask about it.

He still nodded and waited for my answer. Why is he asking about it? And he's been curious since yesterday? Why?

"Uhm... it's a farewell hug..because he said they'll be gone for two weeks." I said nervously. He slowly let go of my wrist and sit back on my bed. "Does it bother you?" I bravely ask.

He stared right back at me without blinking, he said, "It does. And I don't know why at first. But I think I know now." My heart beats faster than it does a while ago. A smirk forms on the corner of his lips, he must be enjoying my reaction. I cut the stares and walk out of the room to get some food.

I collapse my body on one of the chairs in our kitchen. I shouldn't have asked him bravely about it if I'm not ready for his response. I let out a loud breath and gathered all my energy to prepare food for him.

I found him standing in front of my desk as I get back from the kitchen. His back facing me. "What are you doing?"

"Oh. I'm just reading what you plastered here." He said, peering in closely in each of my sticky notes. "Let me tell you something, you are an overthinker. You often feel down. You're not confident and often doubt yourself." He said, looking straight at me while saying those facts as if I am an open book and he just perfectly read me out.

"Why are you spitting facts out of a sudden?" I ask. I feel so expose. He was fiercely describing me and I feel like he undress my soul.

I place the snacks on my desk and he naturally picks them while reading my notes. "It's all motivational quotes here, about life and love." He turns to me and smiles. We switch positions now. He was now on my desk and I am now sitting on the edge of my bed.

"You're done reading those?" He asks pointing a certain book on my shelf with his lips. I think this is my first sight of him pouting. I turned to where he is aiming his pouty lips.

I can't help but bite my lower lip and furiously curse myself for displaying those books. He was referring to Fifty Shades of Grey. I have three of them, from Grey to Darker to Freed.

I nodded slowly, feeling embarrassed by myself.

"I've only watched the first one, it was rough and intense. How is it with you?" He asks. He looks and sounds genuinely interested, without a sign of judgment or teasing.

I blushed. How can I answer him with this topic knowing that we are alone here? I feel hot all over my body.

"What do you mean by how?"

"Did you watch it?"

"Oh no... I only read them, never had a chance to watch it." I said and pray to God to end this conversation.

Thankfully, God heard my plea because Choco finally woke up. I rush to his room and he followed. He reaches for my brother's forehead and neck. "I think he's better now compare to before. He's not burning anymore Let's make some porridge for him." He said. I nod in agreement and walk downstairs to make some porridge. After a few minutes, he showed up carrying my sleepy brother with him.

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