This Is It!

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Goeun POV

One week has passed since Bohyun's confession. I ceased going to their house. I learned from Sohee that his brother will spend the whole vacation with them. So my window across his room remained close. I was able to spend a straight week inside our house. I'm also thankful for Sohee for not dragging me to accompany her in her morning jog, I know she's giving me time to think about his brother.

It's been a week since I stepped outside. I think I've got enough time to think.

Every night, my mind and heart keep on debating about what to do. Part of me wanted to give him a chance, I want to know him, I want to see him as a man, not as my best friend's brother. But there's also a part of me that is scared to try it and to just ignore his confession, I don't want to open my arms to him just because he gave out his heart to me.

"What did you prepare for me?" Appa asks while fixing his belt. He got work today so Choco and I will be left here alone.

"Burgers as your lunch and I made a salad of fruits and vegetables. I'll get Choco first." I remove my apron and hang it on the wall.

"Nah don't bother, let's eat. Bohyun took Choco out with him."

"Who- what??"

"I said Bohyun, Sohee's brother- you look flustered. Is there something wrong?" Appa looks at me worriedly.

"No Appa.. how long since they got out? Where did they go?"

This isn't the first time that Bohyun take Choco with him. My brother seems to be very attached to Bohyun because he spoils him with toys and some activities like hiding and seeks, basketball, swimming in their pool, and other playful things they think of doing together.

"More than an hour I guess, they will be here soon." Appa smile, he sat on the couch and tie his shoes' lace.

I started digging the salad I made and Appa join me. We were silent while eating, I glance at my phone once in a while in case there's a text from Sohee.

I heard murmurs and giggles approaching the quiet atmosphere. It's Bohyun and Choco! They are coming!

I panicked and my instinct told me to stand up, so I did stand up abruptly.

"Appa, I'll take shower. Please don't call me I'll be busy." I said in one breath and march quickly to my room.

Appa left wondering.

I genuinely spend my time in the shower. After I brush my teeth and clean myself, I went to my closet. I grab a loose shirt, it was plain and comes with a v-neck design then I paired it with my black track pants.

I was about to comb my hair when I realize where Choco is. Appa must have gone by now and Bohyun clearly sent Choco home already so where is he now? He should be barging in my room right now.

I ran the stairs, "Choco..Choco.." and started calling my brother.

I stop on my track when I found Choco in the living area, still accompanied by Bohyun.. the man I've been avoiding for a week.

There's no turning back right now.

This is the right time to talk to him. Appa isn't here, Choco can be entertained by other things. And we can finally be able to talk, right?

"Oh, you're still here?" I tried to talk casually.

"Yeah. I'm still here." He smiles and narrows my whole appearance.

Damn, I haven't comb my hair yet. This is embarrassing.

"Your Appa left a while ago." He said.

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