Making Memories

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Goeun POV

We only have two weeks' breaks before another semester would start. The old me would spend this break locking myself at home and entertaining myself with books and educational videos.

But I am not alone anymore.

Someone came into my life unexpectedly and become an extension of myself, a person, who loves me and wants to always share everything of him with me. And I want to do the same with him too.

He always gives in and accompanies me whenever I want to stay at home, but now I want him to be the one in control of our school break.

"Come on, are you thirsty?" Minho asks as he grabs my hand and pulled me up the hill.

"Where exactly are we?!" I yell at him impatiently.

Recently, when we were chilling in the park as we babysat my brother, he just ask me what I like to see when we go on a trip and I told him I love to see sunsets and hear the sounds of waves.

This morning he told me we will explore and only advise me to wear tight but comfortable outfits. I asked him where are we going and he only told me it was a surprise but I think I already have an idea what he wants to show me.

He is so predictable that I laugh at him in my mind. Maybe I'll just act surprised if my hunches are right.

We walk a little more. I sometimes stop to breathe and relax. And he always stops his track to wait for me.

He leads the way and sometimes he will turn to me to check if I am still following then he will reach for my hair and fix them, and he will hold my hand despite the sweat oozing on my skin. A simple gesture that he does to make me feel that I matter.

I'm not a fan of hiking or any sweaty activities. Neither of him, I only know he loves to play various sports. But he wanted us to spend more time outside because he said it will help both of us to get to know each other more.

Traveling with your partner and facing the same adventure will help both of you unfold a part of each other that you didn't know yet. He once opens up to me.

Well, I love making memories with him.

He knew I hate getting out of my comfort zone and I knew that between the two of us, he is the outgoing one.

I was busy climbing and chasing my breath when he announces, "Tadaaa~ we are here!" He reaches again for my hand to pull me into where he is standing.

I went speechless when I finally have a chance to admire my surroundings. My hands flew to my mouth as I stand in awe with the overtaking view we are facing. I know I've said that I'll just act surprised when my hunches are right and I am right. But I am not acting in surprise now, I am truly amazed at the breathtaking view.

"This is so pretty!" I exclaimed and slightly whack his chest. "How did you know this place?" We are on a high cliff that oversees a vast blue sea. It seems like an open area but no one seems around as it is quite hideous for other people unless you look for it.

"I browse it on the internet. Do you like it?" He asks and I nod immediately. He glances at his watch and said, "let's wait for at least 30 minutes, the sun will start to set."

We beamed at each other with the mention of sunsets. I am in love with sunsets, and he eventually falls for it too.

"Woah. So you like sunset now?" I tease him.

"I like someone who likes sunset so much." He said and smiles.

I close my eyes and inhale the fresh air.

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