A Good Morning

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Goeun POV

"Minho, it tickles!" I complain giggling.

He has been kissing and caressing my bare stomach as we end up cuddling on his bed after the fuming argument we had an hour ago.

His Mom left for grocery and she was glad his son seems good than he was this morning.

He was hugging my waist while I brushes his soft brown hair. "My baby was here." He mumbled. My giggles faded with the way he said those words. I stopped caressing his hair when he look up at me and said, "we have an angel above now."

It got me taken aback.

His behavior got me emotional out of a sudden. I didn't expect he would react like this. I thought that he will despise me for losing it or leave me when he found it out.

I nodded my head, "Yes, we have."

"I'm sorry for causing you trouble, I know you've been blaming yourself for what happened but I feel like the blame should be put on me, I was careless and insensible."
I smiled at him. He grabbed my hand and clasped them. "But babe, I really consider breaking up with you if you continue hiding things from me. It's not healthy." He said seriously and I nod again agreeing with his claims.

"I know and I'm sorry, I'm a terrible girlfriend. I honestly feel so embarrassed that I often say sorry to you than I love you."

"I love you." He said. He lifts his eyebrows, urging me to reply.

"I love you too. I love you. I love you." I rained him with I love you and kisses. "Geunde...what if I'm still pregnant? What will you do?" My curiosity on that matter triggers me.

"I'll take the responsibility." He simply answered. "Wae? What do you think I will do?"

We both get up and face each other. "Well, I don't know, all I know is it will affect both of us."

"Of course, it will. But I will never abandon you, that's for sure." He smiles and hugs me.


Months have passed.

A few days from now and it will be the end of the semester. Minho has a whole tight schedule, their research defense is just around the corner and his group is busy preparing for everything. It's their last requirement and they need to pass it before they could take their break and proceed to their internship.

On the other hand, my schedule loosens up. I have enough time to read and watch videos as I passed all my subjects. I'm just waiting for the school days to finish so I could fully dive into my newly bought books online.

"Eodiya?" I ask Minho on the other line.

"We are heading to Jiwon's house now. We need to scrutinize every detail of our paper." Hearing her name made me feel uncomfortable. She gave me a bad vibe.

"I thought you will do it in your place?" Their meeting place is always in his house. I wonder why it changed.

"Eomma's friends are in the house right now. We can't focus there. Come with us if you're free."

"Oh. Aniya, gwenchana... Focus on your group and your papers. Message me if you're done so I could meet you."

"Okay. I need to hang up now. I love you."

"I love you too. Take care."

We suppose to meet today but the changes made me change my mind too. He is so busy than he was before. But despite that, he still manages to update me with his whereabouts.

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