The Trip #1

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Goeun POV

Minho and our circles decided to spend a day on the resort beach 4 hours drive away from home. Everyone agreed and was very excited by the sudden trip. Sohee suggested using their family van and Bohyun took care of the food. Minho, Joohyuk, and Kimbum did all the labor. We, the girls, thought of all the needed things and the boys worked for it. We were the mind, the thinker of the plan, and they were the body, the doer to execute everything we need.

I talked to my Dad about it and he allowed me to get away from him. He was more excited than me. He said it was unexpected of me to go out and have fun. Am I that boring for him? I told him I could bring Choco with me but he refuses, he insists that I wouldn't feel the enjoyment if I ended up as a babysitter there.

We are on our way. The van has 12 seats including the driver seat and the front seat beside it. Joohyuk took the responsibility of being the driver for this trip. Bohyun sat on the front seat beside Joohyuk, he said he will accompany him so he won't feel sleepy while driving.

Behind them is a solid bench with three seaters where I, Hyeyoung, and Sohee are seated. Behind us were Minho and Kimbum. Then our pieces of stuff occupied the rest of the seats at the back.

Sohee ruled the music being played on the car. Bohyun, his brother, is so annoyed by her playlist that they started bickering, it's normal for us.

I cover my face and adjusted my seating position. We are still far from the resort so better if I sleep first. I'm avoiding something too, I mean someone?

I don't know. I feel awkward and guilty whenever Bohyun and I locked eyes. But he always smiles and that makes me feel relieved. With Minho, I feel shy and I blush every time we bump into each other, he always approaches and teases me I always find myself rolling my eyes at him but smile later on.

I don't know how many minutes or hours have passed but I felt a gentle yet deliberate tap on my shoulder. I remove the cover of my eyes and look up to whoever it is.

"Are you hungry? Do you need something?" It's Minho. I look to my surroundings as well as outside. It's only me and him who's awake. Sohee and Hyeyoung are in a deep slumber, the other boys are out of the car. "We didn't arrive yet, we stop for a while. They are in 7 eleven nearby, do you want something?" He said. He seems to notice that I was confused.

"Ice cream." The only word I could think of.

He chuckled and fix my ruffled hair. "Yeah. You really like ice cream. I get you some then." I just smile and nodded. He woke me up just to ask me what I want. I don't know if I'll be happy with that, but yeah, I will appreciate the effort for now and set aside the fact that he disturb my dream.

Maybe I fall asleep again cause the second time I woke up, I felt a cold thing on my hand. "Your ice cream." He said.

I open it and it creates a sound so he stops me. He usher me to follow him, he went to the end of the van and sat there. He tapped his side signaling that I should sit there too. I just drifted off too and left my friends who were sleeping soundly.

We ate quietly. Thankfully he bought an ice cream in a cup with a mini spoon, not the usual ice cream in a stick, or else it will be awkward to lick something in front of him.

"Do you still feel sleepy?" He suddenly asks after we finish our cups. I shook my head. I don't feel sleepy anymore after eating sweets.

He nodded and abruptly lay down on my lap. "That's great. It's my turn to sleep then." I froze with his sudden action while he is so comfortable adjusting his head. "Relax." He said as I stiffen in my spot. In the end, I drop my stiffed body and sigh heavily.

His eyes were already close when I look down at his face. His head was slightly facing my stomach, I couldn't help but notice his towering nose. His nose is probably my favorite, oh no, maybe his eyes because they always shine? Or his smile, I think it is his smile that blushed me. I just laughed at my thoughts. Really? Do I need to choose? I like his whole face!

"I can feel your belly giggling." He suddenly said peeking with one eye. My smile fades quickly in embarrassment. I cover his eyes with my hands and he laughed.

"Just sleep."

"Arasseo arasseo." He said grabbing my hand and intertwine it with his then he finally close his eyes with a smile on his lips.


Hyeyoung POV

I woke up because I felt something heavy resting on my shoulder. When I looked to my side I saw Kimbum, sound asleep with his head resting on me.

Curiosity overcame me. How did he get next to me? Where is Goeun? I looked behind me and saw Goeun in the last seat of the van. Asleep and leaning on the headrest. Sohee was still next to me but she is awake now, listening to music on her earphones. Bohyun is the one who's driving now while Joohyuk peacefully sleeping beside him.

I tap Sohee's legs. "Where's Minho?" I ask as I couldn't see him. She grins and whispers, "He's asleep, on Goeun's lap." My eyes widened. I wanted to jump with excitement but I remembered there was still a head resting on my shoulder so I calmed myself.

We giggle and pinch each other out of excitement. This is what Sohee and I have been waiting for the most, to see Goeun date again. Sohee witnessed it before since they became friends before I came, but for me, this is the first time so I can't imagine that my shy friend finally likes someone.

It looks like I'm falling in love too. I adjusted my seat and gently lowered my shoulder so that Kimbum would not have difficulty leaning on me. I couldn't help but smile, my crush is sleeping on my shoulder!


Author's Note:

Hi. HAHAHAHAHA I suddenly feel ashamed for taking so long to update. I'm sorry. I thought I'm going to abandon this, but one of my moots threaten me. 🤣🤣🤣 If you are active on Twitter you probably know the recent turns of events. I'm still trying to be okay. See you again on my next update. 🤗

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