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Go Eun POV

It's been two years.

Two years have passed. And a lot of things had happened.

In two years, it wasn't an easy year for us. Minho and I fought a lot more than we did before, because of stress in school and how contradicting our time mostly.

I always run to Sohee whenever we fight. There are times when I thought our relationship will come to an end, when I thought that we are not going to fix the problem.

But having a best friend is a godsend, Sohee is a blessing to me. When my mind is clouded by negativity, she's there to clean them up.

She told me that turning two or three years with your partner is the most adventurous year for almost every couple. I did not understand it at first.

She told me that everything is just a test for both of us, to see if we can weather the storms that are thrown as a challenge.

She told me that most couples experience the worst in their relationships when they surpassed their second year together. Minho and I are nearly three years now.

I was scared that we might get tired of each other, I was scared that we might lose each other. I am scared that one day one of us will choose to let go instead of fighting.

But we often survived and overcome every situation because we chose to. With a help of understanding, trusting, and being patient with each other.

We are still together with Minho.

Aside from fighting and arguing a lot, we also hug and kisses a lot. And I think it's important, especially after fights.

Elders said that fights are unavoidable, it's part of the relationship. And I think if we don't fight then that would be alarming. That mean we don't care about each other anymore.

Also, we both learned an effective way of making up with each other after fighting.

We taught ourselves to listen with each other's opinion, convey what and how we felt and the most important part, to give each other a long tight hug and a whisper of apology.

My internship has done well. I've done well in the company I entered and they said they will wait for me after I finish my last semester.

It was an advantage to already have something, to have a path laid down on me before even graduation.

Minho's journey was even beyond lucky. There are at least three big companies that waiting for him.

I feel like the blessing both of us are receiving is too much. My life is stable, having a small yet happy family, enough food and shelter, caring friends, loving boyfriend, a healthy environment, and even kind people I met in my internship that willing to take me.

Is this too much? Or it is normal? To have everything perfectly settled.

I stop at my thoughts when the car stops in the school's parking lot.

"We are here. Quickly move." Appa said as he grabs the car keys and move out of the car. We've been rushing on the way because I am getting late for my graduation.

Yes. Today is our graduation.

I sped my walk despite my annoying heels. Appa didn't wait for me as he walks ahead. I understand, he was excited to walk me to the stage and attach the medal to me.

Yes, I did make it! With flying colors!

I saw other graduating students that are excited for this day. Appa directly went to parents' seats while I look for mine.

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