Back To School

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Goeun POV

Five days swiftly passed after the short trip.

We have already processed the required papers needed this school year. We all have enrolled and went to school at the same time. I remember how worried I am about the college life that waiting for me. I was too scared to enter college. I heard from the rumors that it would a hell most of the time and be heaven for some time.

I am not yet ready for serious study. That's what I knew for myself.

I'm not a bad student, I'm not dumb at school either, I know I have a brain, I have skills, I have potential, but sometimes I can't help but to overthink and indulge myself in negative things.

But now, I still can't fully imagine that I'm in my second year of college. I still do overthink, my anxiety always visits me. The only difference now is there is someone by my side who always makes sure that everything will be okay.

Minho and I have only been dating for a short time but he already knew me. "You're silent. What's bothering you?" He asks as he grabbed the paper bags for me. Like this, he feels that I'm in a deep thought whenever I go silent. We were walking home from the department store. We bought new school supplies because the class will start tomorrow.

"Nothing." I simply said, eyes straight to the road. The truth is, I’m no longer too anxious about my studies. I'm just wondering, will our relationship work while we study? I'm just afraid what if we fail to balance our relationship and studies?

"You're thinking too much." He suddenly uttered. He glances at me and smiles, pulling me closer to him. His left hand holding a couple of paper bags while his right arm wrapped around my shoulder, tucking me into his embrace. I kiss his cheeks and hug his waist as we walk down the road.

"How can you tell when I'm deep in thought?" I asked him.

"When your eyebrows bumped. Like this." He exemplify how my eyebrows met and we both burst out laughing. I gave him another kiss on his cheeks again because he's such a funny man. "I think you like my cheeks more than my lips." He sulky said. "Prove me wrong. Kiss me, ppalli!" He faces me and pouts his lips.

I cackled instead of doing what he's asking. The moment he felt that I don't have a plan to kiss him, he snatched my face with his big hands on each of my cheeks and impatiently crushed his lips deeply into mine.  

Our laughs rings loudly as we traveled the sidewalk. This is one of those best moments we share and enjoy. When we are together, we are lost in our world. We laugh a lot, bicker a lot, glares at each other a lot, and flirt a lot.

These things are what Sohee and Hyeyoung told me as they observes us. We forget everything when we are together. They emphasize.

"But really, what's bothering you, hmm?" He softly asks. He won't let something pass, one of the things I learned about him. And we are still learning about each other.

"School, studies, but with you now." I sweetly said, leaning closer to him as I put my head on his broad shoulder. Hands still linked to each other.

He scoffed, "of course, I should be with you." He said, sounding proud. I couldn't see his face but I know there's a confident smile written on it. "You will stay in the library with me now. Eat at the Cafeteria with me now. Chill on your free time at benches with me now. Take a stroll on the field with me now. Watch games in the gymnasium with me now. Walk home with me now. You will always be with me now." He said one by one with a smile plastered on his face.

I gave back the sweet smile he showed. I could see the excitement and happiness on his face and it's so contagious. I'm also excited to do all of those things with him. "Let's do that, babe." I whispered, and his smile widen.

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