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...I'm not sure.

I'm not sure what my Ultimate talent is.

Yet here I am, accepted into Hopes Peak Academy. It doesn't make much sense to me, but I remember the letter I received in the mail stating that I do indeed have a talent that's undergoing investigation. According to Hopes Peak Administration, based on my past test scores and information received from my previous school - they are completely certain that I have a talent, but due to its complex nature - it's taking longer than usual for them to understand the nature of the talent I so call possess. Because they are certain of my talent, they went ahead accepted me into the school instead of holding me in the reserve course.

How lucky.

I truly believe that I do not belong in Hopes Peak and I'd totally feel comfortable being placed in the reserve course. But there's nothing I can do to change the decision of the admins. Therefore, I'll be grateful for this opportunity and enjoy it to the fullest!

All the other Ultimates know about my situation. Even though I'm technically one of them, I feel as if they fake their kindness towards me. Maybe I'm just paranoid but, I'm almost certain they feel as if I should've been a reserved course student.

Maybe they're right.

There are some nice people though. Such as Chiaki Nanami. Though we don't talk much, I never felt any negative energy coming from her. I appreciate her for that reason. Overall, I guess you can say I'm a bit of an outcast - and I'm completely okay with that.

I'm suddenly thrown back to reality when I hear the lunch bell ring. My classmates happily started leaving the classroom to grab their lunch from the cafeteria, while some other students stayed behind and spent their lunch time in the classroom.

I neither go to the cafeteria or stay in the classroom. Instead, I like to sit and eat out by the benches near the water fountain of the school. I go here mainly because of how peaceful it is. Not many students come to this area during lunch and also the scenery is pretty amazing. I made my way over to the fountain, passing various students who crowded together and laughed and some showing off their special talents.

I came towards one of the benches near the fountain and sat down as I started to unpack my lunch. I ate quietly and listened as the warm spring wind brushed against my face. Down on the other end of the bench sat a boy with short brown hair and his eyes were a hazel looking color. He wore a different uniform from me. I knew instantly and understood that he was from the reserve course. Actually, this isn't my first time seeing him. He always comes here too during lunch. He's always by himself and he almost always looks lost in his thoughts, or maybe he's shy? I've also seen him at the end of the school day walking home. We always take the same path but I always take the bus home while he ends up continuing to walk home. He must live nearby.

Suddenly an idea popped in my head. I've always had a hard time trying to be friends with the Ultimates at Hopes Peak, so maybe it'll be easier for me to befriend a reserve course student. Maybe it will work out, considering that the other students at Hopes Peak already assume that I don't really have a talent...

I nervously took a bite out of my sandwich before turning to the guy and saying "You're here everyday".

He turned his head towards me then looked away in the distance, almost as if he were hiding his face. "Yeah" he replied. "So are you."

There was a silence.

Great Ena, you totally didn't think this through.

Instead of beating around the bush, I decided to be direct with the guy. I suddenly said "We should be friends!"

He looked at me with a surprised expression. His cheeks turned a light red color. I stared at him for a second then giggled. "Sorry" I said. His face relaxed then a faint smiled appeared on his face.

"I guess I don't really have much of a choice huh"

I nodded. "You're damn right mister"

"Alright. My name is Hajime Hinata."

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