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Hajime's POV

'Today is the day' I thought to myself.

After spending time with Ena last night, I knew that I had to go to the administration building in hopes to negotiate my way into the main course. Chiaki was right, this is most likely my only option. Despite Chiaki telling me that I don't need to be accepted into the main course to feel special - I'm still sticking to my main priorities. I'm not just getting into this course for Ena, but also for myself. Heh, I guess at this point my agenda is pretty self explanatory - I've probably been over this idea in my head over a thousand times.

The school morning went by as usual. Ena and I walked to school together and talked until it was time for us to part ways and head to class. I made a mental note that during lunch I would go to administration.

I hope Ena won't be too upset with us missing lunch together again. I'd have to make it up to her one of these days....


I was in super high spirits today, and so was the rest of my class. We didn't have a lot of work load and we actually had time to talk with each other. Well it was more like everyone talked with each other besides me.

But I didn't let that get my guard down. I was thinking about how I never got to tell Hajime about what happened to Natsumi. I knew that he had class with her, so it's only right that he knows the truth of what happened to her. Mahiru actually pulled me aside before class, a little after Hajime and I went our separate way this morning. She told me that her friend Sato ended up getting killed and her murder was set up by Natsumi's brother Fuyuhiko. I honestly can't say that I was surprised by this information, it was quite obvious what would happen next. I felt so bad for Mahiru but then again there was nothing more we could do about the situation.

"Just don't give up Mahiru, give yourself time to grieve. Sato died trying to protect you as her friend. So don't lose hope completely."

Mahiru took my advice with a grain of salt and she's actually been pulling through the rest of the day quite well. But you never know what's going on behind a person's smile. She's in a lot of pain, but her strength is what's pulling her through everything right now.

Suddenly the lunch bell went off and I immediately started making my way downstairs to meet Hajime.

I ended up coming to our usual spot kinda early. I looked around before taking a seat and waiting patiently for Hinata to come.

But the more I waited, the more worried I became. He was no where to be found.

'Where is he?' I thought to myself.

Then suddenly I thought of Chiaki. My face turned red then I frowned staring at the ground.

There's no way he went off somewhere to eat lunch with her without telling me right?


I sighed softly but immediately looked to the left when I hearing the ground crunching beneath someone's feet.

It was Hajime, walking slowly in his usual reserve attire.

I jolted up from my seat and stood in front of him with a bright smile. "Hinata! You idiot, I thought you stood me up"

He looked at me stunned for a second, but then his face relaxed into a warm smile. "No Ena, I'm sorry for making you wait."

I shook my head understandingly and looked happily in his eyes. "Hajime, I never got to tell you what I found out about Natsumi"

Hajime hesitated before shaking his head and replying "Sorry. I have something to do. There's somewhere I need to go."

My shoulders slumped slightly and I looked at the ground. "I see..."

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