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Classes went by pretty quick today. I hardly had any time to talk with anyone to find out who killed Natsumi...

Actually that's a lie, I wanted to talk to someone but I felt too shy to say anything. I know the students in this building aren't very fond of me - so that makes it a lot more difficult for me to say anything.

I was suddenly distracted from my thoughts after feeling this weird sensation I felt one time before. I felt chills and my heart started racing. I looked around the classroom, but I only saw that everyone was leaving. The last person to leave was Nagito Komaeda. I then realized that it was already lunch, which explains why the classroom became empty so suddenly. Geez, I've really been out of it lately...

I started making my way through the halls, first stopping by my locker to tuck away some extra books I didn't really need to carry with me. As I'm closing my locker, Mahiru Koizumi brushes quickly past me. Her face was red and she was covering her mouth with her hand.

'Is she crying?' I thought to myself.

Mahiru made her way into the nearest restroom quickly, making sure no one was behind her. Instinctively, I decided to follow her to see what was going on.

This was odd behavior for Mahiru, I've never seen her this upset before. She's always in a good mood, though she can be naggy sometimes - almost like how a mom can be to a child. She's also pretty smart too, but she's definitely the happiest when she gets to take pictures with the camera she always carries around with her.

'Sorry Hajime' I thought to myself. 'I'm going to be a little late for lunch today.'

I made my way to the restroom, slowly opening the door and peeping inside. I found Mahiru standing in front of one of the mirrors, crying heavily to herself. When she noticed that I had entered, she quickly wiped her face using the back of her hand and turned towards me with a fake smile on her face.

"Oh Ena, you startled me! You're always so quiet - I didn't realize you were there" she chuckled softly.

"Mahiru...are you okay?" I walked closer to her but she turned her head to the side, hiding her tear stained cheeks.

"It's nothing um, I just hurt myself earlier and the pain is still kinda bothering me"

"That's a lie. I don't think you're hurt....well, I know that we don't talk much but you can tell me anything - I promise I'll listen and I won't judge you either."

Mahiru shoulders seemed to relax and she let out a anxious sigh.

"N-Natsumi is dead and it's all my fault." her voice was shaky and she could hardly look me in the eyes. I didn't really know what to say but Mahiru continued her statement in further detail:

"My friend Sato....she was only trying to protect me. She killed Natsumi....Natsumi had plans to kill me in order to get into the main course. Sato didn't want me to get hurt s-so she killed Natsumi before she could get to me."

Mahiru then bursted into tears. I pulled her into a tight hug and told her that I was sorry. There was nothing more I could think of to say about the situation. It was truly a tragic and hopeless situation. It was truly a event of despair.

Despair...my body trembled just thinking about it.

After some time, I let go of Mahiru and she thanked me greatly for listening to her.

"I'm sorry to bother you about this...I've been pretty down about this all day. I'm not sure how I'm going to make it the rest of this week. I'm just worried how Fuyuhiko is going to react once he hears about what happened to his sister....he probably already knows and is planning his vengeance this very moment."

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