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Jungeun shouldn't have come to this party, she was having a terrible time. It had only just started taking off, everyone who wanted to arrive fashionably late was here, but there was still no sign of Jinsoul or Sooyoung, so Jungeun didn't have much to do other than mope in the corner. She wasn't interested in making friends, she wasn't entirely sure why she'd agreed to go anyway.

No, she knew why. Jinsoul had begged her to go. The older girl had given her the biggest pout Friday evening, saying that she'd be lonely if Jungeun didn't come. When Jungeun had pointed out that Sooyoung and Haseul and maybe Vivi would be there, Jinsoul had shaken her head.

"But if you're not there, I'll be sad," Jinsoul whined. "Please? For me?"

Of course Jungeun said yes. She always did when it came to Jinsoul. But she had a feeling that wouldn't always be a good thing.

Vivi stopped responding so Jungeun put her phone down, leaning back into the couch with a sigh. She was surrounded by her slightly drunken classmates, who moved about the room as they danced, making it impossible for Jungeun to spot anyone. Sooyoung wouldn't arrive for at least an hour, she always knew how to make an entrance. That left Haseul and Jinsoul, who would probably be arriving together since Jinsoul had got that car recently.

The lights were low in the house, and Jungeun had made of a point of staying sober tonight. She didn't want to be even a little bit tipsy in a strangers house. The only reason she was even invited was because Sooyoung was popular enough to get invited and she said Jungeun could come.

"Hey Jungeun,"

Jungeun looked up, expecting to see one of her friends. She was deeply disappointed to see one of the guys in her history class.

"Oh, um, hi," Jungeun replied in confusion.

"You here alone?" He asked as he came to sit next to her on the couch. She shot him a weird look. Why on earth was he trying to talk to her? Then he slung his arm over shoulder and moved closer, it made sense.

"Yeah," She agreed. "And I didn't plan on going home with anyone either," She moved away slightly.

"You took me for that kind of guy?" He laughed, invading her space again. "Come on, Jungeun, relax. I got you a drink," He grabbed a cup from the table next to him.

"I'm good," She pushed his hand away. "Really,"

He gave up with the drink and simply put her hand on her knee. "You don't trust me?"

"Is that my Kim Jungeun?"

Jungeun would recognize that voice anywhere. The figure that stood above her immediately put her at ease.

Jinsoul was here. Of course she was. Jungeun wasn't surprised but she looked... different. Instead of her normal, wavy, slightly dry blonde hair, it was sleek, black, falling down her back and highlighting her amazing jawline.

"Jinsoul..." Jungeun trailed off. She didn't even know what to say.

"Hey Jung," She smiled brightly. "Having fun?"

"We are," The boy next to her agreed.

"I'm sure you are, Younghoon," She said with a grin but a slightly annoyed eye roll. "Can I have her now?"

"She's fine right here," Younghoon said with a tight lipped smile.

"See, I wasn't really asking," Jinsoul's smile dropped. She leaned down and pushed Younghoon's hands off Jungeun, grabbing the blonde in the process and pulling her up. "Nice to see you Younghoon,"

She pulled Jungeun through the crowd before Jungeun had a chance to say anything. Jungeun felt the tight grip Jinsoul had on her wrist and looked up at the brunette in surprise. She could tell Jinsoul had already had a few drinks, she could smell it on Jinsoul's lips when Jinsoul had pulled her closer.

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