Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

       My cell phone started ringing, waking me up from my sleep. Since I wasn't going to school today, I was trying to get as much sleep as I could since I didn't get any at night. Too bad I was a light sleeper so I ended up waking up for something like my cell phone.

       I sighed, sitting up and rubbing my eyes before grabbing my cell phone. I unplugged it from the charger, seeing Webster was the one calling. I answered it, holding it up to my ear. "I'm trying to sleep," I said.

       "You do know it's a school day, right?" Webster asked. "We always meet up before class and you're not here."

       "I'm staying home," I said. "Mental health day. Things went wrong yesterday and I couldn't concentrate on my homework, so my dads are letting me stay home."

       "Is everything okay?" Webster asked.

       "I want to say yeah, but no," I said, rubbing my eyes once again since I was still quite exhausted. "My birth parents were released from prison and nobody bothered to inform me. I had to find out because they somehow got my phone number and texted me."

       "Seriously?" Webster asked. "Why didn't anyone tell you?"

       "I don't know," I said. "My social worker is getting a restraining order against them ready for me but knowing them, they're going to find out a way to get in my life. I don't even know why they still want me or think they deserve to be my parents. All the things they did when I was younger and when they got me back..." I sighed. "Sorry for rambling."

       "No, don't worry about it," Webster said. "You probably need to rant, anyway."

       "Yeah, I did a bit," I said. "I also need to sleep. I didn't get much last night."

       "I'll let you get back to sleep, then," Webster said. "I'll come by after school, okay? We can talk more if you want or just watch a movie or something."

       I smiled softly, happy to know that I had Webster on my side. It was vastly different than how it was like when I first started at the school, and I was glad that things changed. "Yeah, okay."

       "I'll see you then," Webster said.

       After we hung up, I plugged my phone back in before lying down on the bed, hoping that I would be able to get some sleep. It was weird. Sometimes when I couldn't sleep throughout the mind because of my racing thoughts, I was able to fall asleep in the morning or in the afternoon. At least I was getting some sleep. Even if it was an hour or two.

       I was able to fall asleep for a bit. I didn't even remember falling asleep. I didn't have any dreams or nightmares. I just remember checking the time and seeing that it was now noon. Almost four hours of sleep. Definitely better than my normal two.

       My stomach growled and despite wanting to continue sleeping, I figured I should eat something otherwise I definitely wouldn't be able to fall back asleep at all. I slowly got out of bed, rubbing my eyes once again before walking downstairs and to the kitchen. I scoured the cabinet and fridge, trying to find something to eat.

       In the end, I decided to just make a sandwich. It was enough to make and didn't feel too filling at times. Once I finished it, I went back upstairs and to my bedroom to hopefully fall asleep again.

       I did, and this time I didn't wake up until someone was shaking me awake. I opened my eyes, seeing Webster sitting on the edge of my bed. "Good morning, sunshine," he said.

       I didn't know if I wanted to let him stay in my room or push him off the bed. "You couldn't have let me sleep longer."

       "I did," Webster said. "I've been here for, like, over an hour. Your dads told me not to let you sleep past four, though. You can stay in bed, just not be asleep. So we will be watching a movie. I also brought some cookies from my favourite bakery. It's on the nightstand on your side."

       I looked over, seeing a brown paper bag. Now that he mentioned it, I could smell the delicious aroma of chocolate chip cookies, seemingly freshly baked. I wasn't hungry enough to eat them quite yet, but it was sweet of Webster to bring them over. I looked back at him, giving him a small smile. "Thanks."

       Webster smiled back before leaning down and giving me a lingering kiss. When he pulled away, he said, "You're welcome." He sat down on the bed beside me, reaching for the TV remote.

       "We're not watching Hamilton, by the way," I said.

       "What?" Webster asked. "I thought you liked Hamilton."

       "I do. But not when it's the only thing we watch whenever you're over here. I mean, last time, we watched it twice in a row. I'll be fine with anything you pick, just not that."

       Webster sighed. "Fine, we'll watch something else. But don't blame me if I take a long time to choose something."

       "If you do take a long time, or if you keep scrolling back to Hamilton, I'll take the remote from you and kick you off the bed."

       "That's mean." It actually didn't take long for Webster to choose a movie, no matter how many times he kept giving me the puppy-dog eyes to try and convince him to let us watch his comfort movie.

       Not even five minutes into the movie, my bedroom door bursted open, and it wasn't a surprise to see Kingsley standing there. He glared at the two of us, not saying anything.

       "Can I help you?" I asked. "Or are you just going to stand there and glare at us?"

       "I just wanted to make sure you two weren't doing anything inappropriate," Kingsley said. 

       "We're just watching a movie," I said. "Relax. So you can leave now."

       "Actually, I can't," Kingsley said. "Dad and Papa want to know if your ugly boyfriend wants to stay for dinner."

       "I can hear you," Webster said.

       "Yeah, exactly," Kingsley said.

       I looked over at Webster. "I'd actually like it if you stayed for dinner. And spent the night if you could. Since it's the weekend."

       Webster smiled at me. "Yeah, sure."

       "Ugh, I shouldn't have asked," Kingsley muttered before he left, closing the door behind him.

       "Is he going to hate me forever?" Webster asked.

       "Oh, don't worry, he doesn't," I said. "He's just a very dramatic person."


kingsley is probably one of my most dramatic characters lol. i love him so much. 

dramatic characters are so fun to write.

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