Chapter 9

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*trigger warning*

Chapter 9

       I was starting to regret agreeing to go to D.A.N.C.E's practice to see what the team dynamic was like because so far, I was really loving it. The routines, how friendly the team was, everything. The more I stayed here watching them run their routines, the more I was tempted to join the team.

       But I couldn't.

       I really couldn't.

       And I hated it.

       While Ryder was helping the dancers clean the dance, I was paying close attention and even slightly mimicking the moves. This was such a fun dance and I would actually like to try it full out, not just sitting on the bench and doing the arm movements.

       Ryder must have noticed because he looked over at me and asked, "Do you want to join?"

       "Oh, no," I said even though part of me really wanted to. "I wouldn't want to intrude and besides, I don't even know the choreography."

       "But you have been catching on pretty fast and we are just going through it to clean it," Ryder said. "And you wouldn't be intruding. It will actually help a lot more since we're missing a person, so you would fill the last position."

       I hesitated a bit before smiling slightly then getting up from the bench. Ryder told me where to go, which was in the middle of the back row. That was perfect because I could keep an eye on everyone else in front of me just in case I was forgetting the moves.

       Which I probably would since I was just learning it now while everyone was cleaning it. Thankfully dance was one of the very few things I was a fast learner in. Very fast. I was able to pick up almost the whole routine just by Ryder helping the team clean it.

       Ryder told us to take a ten minute break to cool off and get some water. Since I wasn't rehearsing as much as the others, I didn't need any water so I just went back to the bench I was sitting on and sat down.

       Ryder didn't take long before he sat down beside me. "So I know you're still deciding if you want to join the team and I don't expect you to give me an answer right away, but I just wanted to tell you that you would be an amazing fit for the team."

       "I doubt that," I said.

       "It's true," Ryder said. "The only other person I know who is able to pick up choreo so quickly by just sitting and watching was Rhys. You're extremely talented and I know you'll get along with the team. Just continue to think about it."

       "Well, I wouldn't be sitting here right now if I wasn't thinking about it," I said. "I might have to sit in on a few more rehearsals though before making my final decision."

       "And that's perfectly fine," Ryder said. "You can always join the rehearsals and learn the routines for fun, or if you want you can just continue sitting down and watching. Whatever you want."

       For today's rehearsal, I decided to continue learning the routines for fun since I already was learning it. No point in giving it up right now.

       When rehearsal was over, Kingsley said bye to his girlfriend Calliope before the two of us left the studio and went home.

       As soon as we walked inside, everyone else was getting ready to go out somewhere.

       "Excuse you, but are you planning on going somewhere without us?" Kingsley asked. "That's extremely rude."

       "Actually, we were waiting for the two of you to come back because we knew what time your rehearsal ended," Jerome said. "We're just going out for lunch and then we're going to the grocery store after. Want to come?"

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