Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

       Even though I was back at home with my dads, I had a hard time sleeping at night. It took me so long to fall asleep and even when I did, it only lasted for a few moments before I ended up waking up due to the nightmares of me living with Neeta and Sujan again. My mind just kept replying the events over and over again.

       How I wasn't given a bed.

       How I wasn't given anything to eat so I was starving for the longest time.

       How they hurt me.

       Again and again.

       I felt safe here but that wasn't stopping me from reliving these memories.

       I gave up on trying to sleep so I looked reached for my phone on the nightstand to see what time it was. Four in the morning. At least I didn't have to get up to go to school a few hours later. Nolan and Jerome were giving me the rest of the week off so I could just try to relax.

       I doubt I would be able to relax but at least I didn't have to go to school. I could just stay home all day and try to catch up on some sleep. 

       Which probably wouldn't happen.

       To pass time since I obviously wasn't going to sleep any time soon, I grabbed my laptop to watch a movie. I needed something other than staring up at the ceiling.

       I wasn't really able to pay attention too much to the movie that I chose but at least there was something in the background other than the complete stillness of my room. 

       Once the movie ended, I chose another despite me not even paying attention to it. But I'd rather have the background noise of the movie instead of just lying in complete quiet.

       Close to the end of the movie, I heard bedroom doors opening and closing. I guess everyone was getting ready for school right now but since I wasn't going, I didn't bother moving from my bed.

       Soon enough, there was a knock on my bedroom door. "Yeah?" I asked.

       Nolan slowly opened the door and walked in. "Hey," he said. "I heard a movie playing so I figured you were awake. I made some breakfast if you want some. If you don't feel like coming down the stairs, I can bring some up for you."

       As much as I would enjoy eating breakfast in bed, I also wanted to spend time with everyone before I locked myself up in my room again.

       I closed my laptop. "I'll come downstairs. At least for a bit."

       "Okay," Nolan said. "I'll get a plate ready for you."

       "Thanks," I said.

       Nolan left my bedroom to head back downstairs. I placed my laptop on the nightstand and tried getting out of bed. I wasn't able to right away. Once I sat up, I started to feel a bit dizzy. I waited for it to pass before I took a deep breath then got out of bed.

       I guess this was what little to no sleep does to someone.

       I slowly walked out of my bedroom and headed downstairs to the dining room. Like every meal the family ate together, it was completely normal.

      And by normal, I meant Kingsley and Makenna arguing about who got more servings, Cerise and Liberty fighting over the food, Jerome telling them to shut up or he would eat everyone's food, and then Nolan just ignoring them all.

       I sat down in my usual spot beside Nolan where he had already set down a plate. When Kingsley noticed me, he stopped arguing with Makenna so he could talk to me. "Are you going to be up to coming to dance rehearsal or would you rather take a few rehearsals off? I know Uncle Ryder will be completely fine if you want to take a break."

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