Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

       I knew things weren't going to go back to normal as soon as I got back home with Jerome and Nolan. My mind was constantly playing back what happened back with Neeta and Sujan, thinking about what could have happened if the police didn't burst through the door when they did.

       I was already weak as it was because of not being able to sleep or eat. I wouldn't have been able to hold the bedroom door shut for long before Sujan would have been able to open it and...

       I silently shook my head. I needed to stop thinking about it but I couldn't. It was all that was going to be on my mind for a long time.

        At least Jerome and Nolan were trying to help me as much as possible. The first thing they did on the way home after picking me up from social services was going to a drive-through to get me some food. I never told them I haven't eaten in a long time but they were probably able to guess it.

        Jerome then dropped me and Nolan off before saying he was going to go pick up some medication for me since I still didn't have the one Sujan took away from me. I never understand why he didn't say I needed it since it was prescribed to me. Then again, I didn't understand anything while living with Neeta and Sujan. They clearly didn't want me there so why did Neeta fight so hard to get me in her custody?

       And why did Jimmy clearly break the rules and put me with her anyway? She didn't have her parental rights reinstated. It shouldn't have been so easy for me to go back to her, especially after everything she had done.

       After Jerome came back with my medication, both Nova and Xavier came over to see what could be done about Jimmy. I wouldn't be surprised if there were a lot more rules he broke as a social worker. He clearly didn't care about me at all. He was constantly putting me in the most horrible homes and never did a thorough investigation to see if the house was suitable for me.

       There were even times I told him the horrible things that we happening in some of my homes and he kept me there as long as I could, either until the parents couldn't handle me anymore or until I ran away.

       And the one time I was happy with a family, he took me away from them.

       "So Arjun, if you want, you are able to press charges against Jimmy," Nova said. "Everything he did to you was unacceptable. He knew Neeta didn't have her parental rights reinstated. He never did a check at their home to make sure it was livable there for you. You don't have to press charges if you don't want to but--"

       "I do," I interrupted. "I want to press charges. If I don't and he's somehow able to keep his job, he could do it to other foster kids." Nova's face immediately dropped as she sighed heavily. "He has?"

       "Unfortunately, yes," Nova said. "Just recently. It was one of the foster kids I was assigned to after Jimmy was suspended. She's fourteen and she's in a group home right now until I can find a foster home for her but before that, she was sent to live with one of her relatives who didn't treat her right. Just yesterday, I got a call from her and she told me everything that had happened. Jimmy shouldn't have sent her there in the first place and, just like you, he never made sure things were livable for her. She was placed in a very uncomfortable room, she was kept home from school to do all the work around the house, she was barely fed."

       Just like me.

       "How's she holding up?" I asked.

       "She's hanging in there," Nova said. "I think it will make her comfortable to hear that you'll be pressing charges. She wants to but she wasn't completely sure."

       "And if the both of you do, I'll do whatever it takes to make sure Jimmy is charged," Xavier said. "I'm not going to lie, the case can be long and tiresome and you might not get the result you want."

       "At least we'll try," I said. And maybe, Jimmy going on trial, even if he was found not guilty, would be enough to make sure he didn't get his job back as a social worker. There could even be other foster kids that were too scared to speak up against him. It might not just be two of us he violated so many rules against.

       "I know you didn't have the best experience with other foster homes," Xavier said. "And that might come up against you in court. Jimmy might blame everything on your upbringing and how he thought you needed a stable home but Jerome and Nolan are very respectable people. Once they tell how much they love you and how amazing you are living with them, things won't go well for Jimmy."

       I was extremely nervous about all of this. I've never been to court before and I had no idea how I was going to handle it. I knew sometimes, people liked to manipulate the truth in court. For all I knew, I would be accused of acting out or whatever. But I had to try. I couldn't let Jimmy get away with all of this.

       I heard the front door to the house open and shortly after, Kingsley called, "Dad?! Papa?! Can I talk to you?!"

       "Yeah, we're in the dining room!" Jerome called back.

       Kingsley walked into the kitchen and he noticed me right away. "Arjun, you're here!" he said, hurrying over to give me a hug. "I was so worried when I didn't see you at school today and you weren't answering your phone." He pulled away and noticed the bruising on my face. "What happened? Are you okay?"

       I just shrugged, not wanting to tell him the truth that I wasn't okay but I also didn't want to lie and say I was.

       "There was an... incident with Neeta and Sujan," Jerome said. "I won't say what happened if he doesn't want me to but let's just say he won't be going back with them at all. He's here to stay."

       "Did they hurt you?" Kingsley asked me. "Did they cause the bruises? This is all my fault."

       "What? Kingsley, it's not your fault," Nolan said. "Why would you think it is?"

       "Because I knew they weren't treating him right but I didn't say anything," Kingsley said. "I knew they haven't been feeding him and I said nothing. If I just said something, he would have been taken away a long time ago and--"

       "Kingsley, it's not your fault," I said. "You couldn't have known exactly what they were doing. Even if you did know, they're good at manipulating the situation."

       Just like Jimmy was.

       At least I knew I wouldn't have to worry about Neeta and Sujan anymore. The police heard Sujan yelling at me and they both yelled at the police when they showed up. One officer saw how I was living. There wasn't much doubt that they would be convicted.

       Jimmy, on the other hand...

       I didn't know how things were going to end for him.


oof i'm trying to subtly hint at something that's going to happen. i want to give a hint in the author's note but i don't want to make it a dead giveaway.

that and i should be going to bed. or just lying in bed and reading a book. 

i had school today and i didn't go lol. i was up until sometime past 6 am and i had to wake up at 9, and i was very sick the time i was awake. i still feel sick and my breaths are very short for some reason so i just stayed home. i emailed my profs to ask what happened in class and what i would have to do and one was nice enough to reply.

i'm still waiting for the other's reply and i emailed her almost a day ago.

also here's a quick story: my little brother was basically grounded to his room because he refused to eat his dinner (this happens way too much and late at night, he complains about how hungry he is) but shortly after my mom put him in his room, he came to my room knowing i had food. he asked for a cupcake lol. (which i did have but i was sad i couldn't give him any because he had to eat his dinner) he was so sad and just snuggled with me for a bit.

also i'm sitting on my chair in my room and i have my mouse on the arm rest and i reached for it to publish this story but it apparently fell and i didn't even hear it fall like i always do so i'm confused.

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