Chapter 12

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I cried for what felt like hours. I watched as the night turned to day then night again when Tyler decided to come back. He smiled at me happily which sent shorts of fear though my body. I felt the bed deep beside me. I had refused to look at him after I saw that smile across his face. He touched my head only to have me flinch. He sighed tiredly.

"I'm not going to hurt you," he cooed, "Noah you have this all wrong that son of a bitch is the one corrupting you making you think that I am the bad one here but trust me when I say this," he leaned in next to my ear his hot breath brushing it, "I love you and no one is going to take you away from me and I've made sure of it," he sat up.

The statement made me finally look at him. He went down the hall and he came back with the biggest suitcase and started parking things humming happily.

"W-what do you mean?" I finally had the guts to ask, my voice was horse probably from all the crying.

"Don't worry about that baby, just know we are going on a very long trip somewhere far away where no one is gonna come between us. I even broke up with Samantha for you, where did you think I went?" He tilted his head at me.

I felt the blood drain from my face. This could not be happening. He can't just take me away, my job, I haven't even called my father or sister and apologies to them for treating them like that and Julian.

My panicked thoughts where disrupted by Tyler's chuckling.

"Baby don't look so scared, okay let me go make you some food we can have our last meal here because we are leaving in two hours."

With that that he left and I was left to morn the loss of everything I worked so hard for. There was dead silence and I was alone again. I looked at the cuffs on my hands and my wrists looked red and felt raw from all the tugging while I tried to escape.

The door was swung open and in walked Tyler with the same smile plastered on his face. He made long strides towards me and as much as I tried to keep the distance between us he got to me and started freeing me. I started at him puzzled for a moment before he chuckled darkly and went on to freeing me.

"Oh honey I'm not setting you free, dinner is ready and I thought eating at the table would be better. And besides your going to love the set up I made just for you baby."

He leaned in for a kiss but I shifted causing him to kiss my cheek. He sighed tiredly and continued freeing me. When done I shot up but before my feet could touch the floor I heard him cock back a gun and point it painfully hard on my head. This had me literally shaking.

"I won't hurt you but if you try something so help me god I will leave your brains all over the carpet." He practically barked.

He pushed the gun into my skull and told me to go down stairs. Every step I took I felt my will to live was slipping from my hands. I cursed myself for being weak, for never leaving when things started getting worse. For the times he came home drunk and apologized only for me to stupidly let him back in my life, my home. This home I worked so hard to buy and pay off.

As I sat in the dimly lit dinning room, with rose petals scared all over and soft music playing in the background, I made the decision to die. I had rather die than leave with this man. I had rather die than to have him touch me one more time.

"Stop staring at me like that and eat your food, I wouldn't let it go to waste because once we hit the road there's no stopping till we are far from here." He commanded.

"I-im not going anywhere with you, I-i hate y-you." I mumbled but I'm sure he heard me because he banged his fist on the table startling me. He stood up forcefully flipping the table to the side and fisting my shirt pointing the gun to my head. He breathed heavily and my pulse picked up. This is it, he's going to finally kill me. Tears trickled down my face.

"Don't fuck with me you little whore. I have been nothing but nice to you ever since I got you back home but you're pushing me Noah!" He shouted. "I know you've been nothing but a slut out there but I'm willing to look passed that so we could start over again! And get this through your thick empty skull, YOU'RE MINE NOAH ANDREWS!"

Then there was banging at the door.

The door flew off its hinges and in walked several police officers with guns marched in and tackled Tyler to the ground who was struggling to escape but his efforts remained futile.

I stood there in shock, visibly shaking. No matter how many breaths I took I felt like I couldn't get enough air in my lungs. The wave of relief washed over me so hard I crumbled to my knees. The noises around me became muffled and I was pulled into a hug by an unknown person. I didn't flinch or move away I just sat there and let my brain process everything that just happened before everything went dark.


It's been three months since I got rescued. I found out that Julian was the one who gave them information about my relationship with Tyler and that helped them track him down and they positioned a stake out by the house and finally caught him.

After everything that happened I decided to finally go to therapy and fix my insecurities so I can be better and be the boyfriend Julian deserves and most of all be well again for the sake of me.

"Honey I'm home!" Julian called when we walked in the apartment, our apartment. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. He came over to the kitchen where I was busy cooking and kissed me. "I missed you." He whined nuzzling my neck hugging me from behind.

"You just saw me this morning." I shook my head.

"I know but that's a long time ago and I need to recharge."

"You're dad is not going easy on you is he?" I faced him and rested my arms on his shoulders.

"No, that old man needs to chill," he pulled me closer, "that reminds me, those old geezers want you home for dinner tomorrow night."

"Okay, remind me to pick up something on our way, last time we showed up empty handed."

"Yeah, but I think they don't care as long as you're there, hell I don't even think they'd care if I missed the damn thing," he rolled his eyes, "my parents love you too damn much even more than me and I'm their fucking son!" I giggled making him shake his head.

"Speaking of family, I need to talk to you." I pulled him to the couch and sat on his lap straddling him. "Dr. Martin said that I should have a session with my dad and sister and one more with you. He wants to know about how we are progressing after... Everything."

"I think that's great, I'll definitely be there." He said then kissed me. I gripped his hair and leaned more to the kiss deepening it earning a low moan from him. I started grinding my hips on his slow forming erection feeling his hands grip my ass and squeezing. He broke the kiss and gave me a questioning look.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked.

"More than anything." I said breathlessly and attached my lips back to his. "Make love to me Julian." I whispered between our lips.


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