Chapter 2

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I said breaking the long twenty minute silence.

"What?" He asked bitterly. I shifted uncomfortably trying not to take my eyes off the road.

"Where are we going?" I tried asking in a cool tone.

"Who knows." He replied plainly not taking his eyes off the window. I fought rolling my eyes to the back of my head. I was too tired to be dealing with some stranger.

I frowned sighing heavily trying to control my bubbling anger, I pulled to the side of the road which earned me a glare from the guy. I turned off my car and shifted facing him. He stared at me blankly like he didn't understand why I pulled over. I swear my eye was visibly twitching.

Calm down Julian. I tried to calm myself.

"Look, you got into my car after pissing off that scary looking guy and demanded I drive to god knows where. You literally dragged me into your mess and then talk rudely at me and I was only trying to help, what the fuck Noah!" I yelled. He was taken aback by me using his name which I learned from the guy he pissed off when he was telling at him.

"Ok, sorry I'm a bit upset. I found out that my boyfriend cheated and told me since I'm a guy it doesn't count." He rolled his eyes before continuing. "That ass. Can you take me to a hotel or something, I can't go home I kinda live together with him." He asked taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes.

"Sorry to break it to you, but I'm new here and I have no idea where we are right now." I shrugged. He face palmed himself and drag his hand through his hair. It was quiet for a minute then Noah started to full on sob. His sobs turned into wails and I sat there awkwardly. I sighed and put my address in my phone one last time and drove to my apartment.

After a thirty drive Noah stopped crying and sat there with tears still falling from his eyes sniffling. I parked in the parking lot and turned my car off and we sat there in silence for a while.

"Follow me." I instructed and got out of the car expecting him to debate or ignore me but he didn't he followed me silently. We made our way to my apartment and told him to make himself comfortable. I went and took a shower and came back with a blanket along with a change of clothes I fished out of my suitcase.

"Uh, I don't know if you'd like to shower or anything but I got you a t-shirt with some sweats so you sleep comfortably, you can use anything in the bathroom if you decide to and the clean towels are in the linen closet right next to the bathroom. I don't have anything to eat though, I haven't gone grocery shopping just yet but I can order some food if you're hungry?" I scratched the back of my neck anticipating silence.

"No. I'm fine I'll just take a shower." He said and took the clothes from me as I directed him to the bathroom. He got in and closed the door gently. I went to my room and took one of my pillows and put it next to the blanket that was neatly folded on the couch. I sat down and started flipping through the channels trying to distract myself. I suddenly started feeling tired from today's events. All I wanted to do was sleep but a part of me didn't let me till I made sure he was comfortable.

After almost ten minutes Noah got out of the bathroom and stood awkwardly at the entrance to the living area. My shirt was two sizes too big but my sweats fit him a bit he looked too adorable in them so much so that my breath got caught in my throat. His hair was wet and I could see his beautiful green eyes when he didn't have his glasses on. He looked down playing with the helm of his (my) shirt his face red. I guess he noticed how I looked at him. I cleared my throat and scratched the back of my neck trying to destruct myself from my thoughts.

"It's getting a bit late so I guess I'll go to bed now tell me if you need anything." I said and walked towards him. Before I could pass him I felt a tug on my shirt and looked down at him, I noticed how I am much taller than he was. He looked down. Guess he gets shy easily or he just didn't like eye contact without his glasses on.

" didn't tell me your name." He asked shyly.

"Julian Mickle." I said simply.

"Noah Andrews. And thanks for letting me stay here." He said. I fought the argue to ruffle his hair.

"It's okay, good night." I said and left for my room. I laid in bed letting my body sink in the comfort of the fresh sheets. Tiredness come over me and my eyes felt heavy. I drifted off to sleep.

My eyes flew open in the middle of the night so I decided to go to the bathroom. I passed by the living room and found Noah asleep with the blanket kicked off. I shook my head and went to him. I pulled the blanket up to his shoulder and noticed him chew in his sleep I chuckled and walked back to me room falling asleep instantly.

I woke up to the sound of the front door closing. I squinted my eye to let the adjust to the morning sun that shone harshly on my face through the window. When my brain finally woke up I got up and rushed to the living room and found nothing but my clothes neatly folded along with my blanket and pillow placed neatly next to them.

I walked to my front door and opened it peaking my head through it hoping to find him still waiting for the elevator. The hallway was empty so I guess he already took the elevator down. I sighed and went back to bed. I was too tired to run after him and I really doubt we'll ever see eachother again.

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