Chapter 3.

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Just my luck. I'm fucking late.

So I woke up pretty early had breakfast, showered and I was a good thirty minutes early. But I think the universe had other plans. I got to my car made a wrong turn and I was stuck in traffic for fifteen minutes before I could make a u turn, then I was stuck again in traffic trying to get back, so here I am walking fast to my first class twenty minutes late.

I walked almost sprinting down the halls which had few students roaming around. I asked for directions and finally I was standing at the entrance of the lecturer hall. I took few deep breaths to calm down. I took off my jacket I was sweating from all the running around. I was feeling disoriented and I had to get a hold of myself.

I pushed the door open scanned the room for a minute and found a seat at the far back. I looked down and made my way to it. I could feel everybody's eyes burning holes on me. The room was quite. I could have sworn I heard the lecturer talking before I came in. Drop my bag on the floor next to me and pulled out my books and laptop. I took a breath and looked up. I almost choked on air when my eyes meet familiar green ones. My eyes widened and I bit the inside of my cheek. They didn't move they just stood there staring at me. I swallowed thickly, feeling hot. I averted my eyes and pretend to be busy opening my books. They cleared their throat and continued with the lesson.

Noah Andrews is my Econ lecturer!

I was internally screaming the whole lesson. I did my best to avoid eye contact pretending to write but ended up writing circles in my note book. I tried to avoid attention and tried to walk out mixed in with the crowd unnoticed. Just a few steps and I'm home free and out of this awkward situation.

"Julian could I have a word?" Noah asked.


I sighed and turned on my heels and walked over to his desk. He finished explaining to some girl something then in an instance we are alone in the empty class. The silence was making things worse. He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. He took a cleaning cloth and starts cleaning them. I stood there not knowing what to do with myself or what to say.

"Sorry, I just left without saying anything the other day." He said as he put his glasses back on pushing them up the bridge of his nose.

"It's okay, I didn't think much of it." I said scratching the back of my neck.

"Oh good, could you mind keeping what happened between us, please?"

"You don't have to worry, I won't say anything to anyone. It's your private life and no one deserves to know unless you decide to tell them." I said. Before I could say anything, I noticed something. He had a bruise poking out from his collar. I blinked twice to make sure I was seeing straight. I pointed at it. "Are you okay?" I asked worried.

"I'm fine." He said nervously covering his neck with an open palm.

I was really not convinced but I decided not to push any further. I mean we are practically strangers so I don't expect him to trust me. I excused myself and made my way to my car when I see a familiar face. I walked up to them and tap their shoulder to get their attention. They turned around and their face lit up when they saw me.

"Lia right?" I asked.

"Yeah, your the guy that came to Art café where I work.." she tries to remember my name.

"Julian." I finished for her.

"You're new here right?" She asked I nod. "I thought so Art café is known as a couple's hot spot around here. So what are studying?"

"Econ and business development."

"I'm studying Econ too, even these guys." She says gesturing to the people with her. "Guys Julian here is in our Econ class." She announces then everyone turns and looks at me, I smile sheepishly.

"Oh, I remember you, your the guy that come supper late." A girl with strawberry blonde hair says and everyone nods in agreement.

"Well that's Mia" Lia says pointing to the girl with strawberry blonde hair. "That's Greg, he never leaves his phone." She points to a guy with blonde hair looking down at his phone. The guy gives a slight wave and goes back to whatever he's doing on his phone. "Then James." A guy standing to her right with deep brown eyes, freckles and brown hair. We are about the same height. "Then finally Stacey." She points to the last girl with raven hair with a pink dress who has a big smile on her face. I shook everyone's hand.

"I'm hungry, who wants lunch?" Stacey asked.

"Sure I'm down," James said and everyone starts walking to the exit. I stood there unsure of what to do. I wasn't really invited.

"Julian come on, were walking it's not far just around the corner."Lia calls and I followed her. I walked beside her and they fell into a conversation laughing loudly causing people to give us looks.

She was right, it's not that far. We walked in to a fifty's themed dinner. The red and white floors make me feel like we've teleported to another time. Even the music playing is old school. The waitress were wearing pink dress with flowery yellow aprons white socks and black shoes. We made our way to a booth that was big enough for the six of us. We all ordered burgers and fries accompanied by shakes.

During lunch I learned a couple of things about everyone. Greg has blue eyes and is always on his phone because one, he has a long distance relationship and two, he has a business he runs online. He's well off but doesn't mind working. Then Stacey was bubbly I couldn't keep up with her, she's always smiling and is too obsessed with rom coms. Mia was quiet, but always voices her opinion. She wears nothing but black and likes rock. Lia works at Art café which is their family owned business. Her dad instead she works to add to her work experience on her resume. Then there's James he likes parties and girls. The play boy of the group. I oddly feel comfortable with them

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