Chapter 6.

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I woke up in an unfamiliar bed to the sound of discrete chatter in another room. My whole body was aching and my head was throbbing. But I was feeling better than yesterday. I heard footsteps and looked at the direction of the door. Julian walked in and smiled at me seeing that I was awake. I instantly felt safe, I couldn't explain it. His dark hair was messy, his grey eyes sleepy and he was in nothing but grey sweats. He was accompanied by a middle age man with slightly greying hair. The man wore thick glasses and jeans with a blue button down shirt. He walked over to my side and opened a briefcase I only now noticed.

"Hello Noah, my name is doctor Smith, how are you feeling?"

"Like shit." I said, the doctor chuckled.

Julian left and the Dr. Smith did what doctors do and gave me some pain killers saying that it doesn't look too serious and and treated  cuts again before leaving and talking to Julian on his way out.

Feeling the painkillers take effect I stood up carefully and made my way to the bathroom before going to the living room and sitting on the couch. The doctor was long gone and Julian was busy cooking some breakfast. I had pulled my phone from my duffle bag and turned it on. I had several messages from Tyler.

Am sorry please come back.

Noah get your ass back here you useless piece of shit.

You think your too smart don't you!!

I'll fucking kill you!!

I know where you work...


I'm sorry, I'm just mad, I've calmed down

I miss you

Come home.


I let out a shaky breath and turned my phone off again. Julian placed a plate of pancakes in front of me and a tall glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee. I thanked him and he sat beside me smiled before turning the TV on and putting a random Netflix stand ups. We ate in comfortable silence as we watched some stand up shows. That was the first time in a really long time I did feel terrified and I was laughing. Though it hurt like hell to laugh but it was worth it. After a few shows Julian cleared the table and came back.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked turning his body to face me.

"Yes, thank you." I smiled slightly.

"So can you talk about it?" He asked hesitantly. I nodded.

We sat there in silence. I knew he was giving me time to start when I felt comfortable. I bit my lip and looked down playing with my fingers.

"It all started three years ago. It was my last year of college. My friends and I decided it would be a good idea to throw a party. That's how I met him. Tyler was just taking his friends to the party but didn't go to the same school as us. We met and danced and talked all night he was so nice so I instantly liked him. I don't know how but he got my number and we started hanging out. On the weekends we would always be together be it with my friends or with his friends. It went on for a few months before he told me he had feelings for me.

I told him I liked him too and we started dating. He was so romantic for the first few months then things started to change. My friends started to tell me how they kept running into him with other people doing things that were far from friendly. I got angry at them and told them they were just jealous I had someone as amazing as Tyler and they just wanted to split us up. I stopped talking to them right after. They tried to talk some sense into me but I refused to listen and after a few months they gave up. I introduce Tyler to my dad and sister, my dad instantly didn't like him and was always cold towards him. I argued with my dad constantly about it. Seeing he wouldn't change his mind about Tyler so I stopped talking to him.

My sister on the other hand started telling me how Tyler made advances at her when no one was looking so of course I didn't believe her so she got mad at me saying am taking a stranger's side over her's. We stopped talking when she felt I was never gonna listen to her. Not long after I found out the truth. Two years into the relationship Tyler showed up at my place and moved in. He didn't even ask me. So we started living together. He would call me names, call me a burden. Tell me how much no body would ever want me. He would get drunk and come home really late. I would pay for everything. He'd just sit around and do nothing. When I had enough and wanted to break up, he...." I felt a lump in my throat and breathed trying to control my emotions. Julian rubbed my back soothingly trying to calm me down. After I gained little composure I continued.

"He hit me. Several times. He left me on the floor hurt. That was the first time he ever raised his hand on me. I was so shocked I couldn't move or defend myself. I felt weak and just layed there and took it. After a few hours he came back drunk. He apologized a lot he promised he won't do it again, that he was stressed and it got to him. He said he regretted it and it would never happen again that he'd find a job and take help me out around the house. I believe him and I loved him so I forgave him. He was good for a few weeks and I thought that he was telling the truth. Then one day...

I got home from work and found him....he was in bed....with some girl. He...he....he wasn't even sorry he kept telling me that I was a guy so it didn't count as cheating. He cheated on me over and over sometimes it was in our house and he wouldn't care if I found him or not. It was  always different people until recently. He has been doing it with the same person for months now. He's temper got worse and he would get mad over the little things.

Last night.... I....I tried to kick him out and break up with him. He got really mad more than I ever seen before. He started throwing things and hitting me. He did that for a long time I thought it wasn't going to end. He got exhausted and started drinking. He drunk and passed out on the kitchen counter. I hurried to get my things before he got up. I wanted to call someone to come get me but I realized I was....alone.

We share a bank account so if I checked in anywhere he'd know so I just came here hoping you won't kick me out. And you didn't and I'm really really thankful. Once I...I get better I'll leave I promise." I finished and looked at Julian. His eyes were filled with hurt and he looked sad.

"No, you can stay as long as you like. I am so sorry you had to go through all that....I ....I don't know what to say." He said voice low.

"It's okay, it's not your fault I was just too stupid to listen. My friends...well ex friends, were right." I said .

"No, don't say that. You loved him. And when you love somebody you only see the good in them even when it's not there. Don't blame yourself. And your not stupid." He said reassuring me.

"Thank you Julian." I said. I don't think he knows how much this means to me. He gave me a smile.

"Stop thanking me. From now on we are friends and you can count on me, okay?" He said still smiling.

I don't know why but I started crying. I cried bitterly at everything that happened in the last three years. I would have never thought I would be in a situation like this in my life. Julian pulled me into a hug carefully not trying to hurt me. I burying my head in his chest and I just balled. He held me until I calmed down. For some reason I felt lighter. I started drifting off to sleep and Julian held on to me not letting go. He pulled the blanket he used last night and covered us. He fell back on the couch getting comfortable.

I drifted completely off.

For the first time in a long time I felt


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