Chapter 8.

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"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" An angry Tyler yelled.

"I own this house now what the fuck do you want?" I said and crossed my arms. I looked him dead in the eye. He was about the same built and height as me.

"I've come to take my boyfriend home. NOAH GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!" He called for Noah. Noah appeared looking scared and stood be hind me. "So you've been cheating on me with this prick?" Tyler spat angrily.

"I didn't." Noah responded quietly.

"Look get out of here or I call the cops." I warned.

"Not without that little shit!" He pointed at Noah.

"Noah do you want to go with this asshole?" I asked Noah and he shook his head no. I turned to Tyler and raised my brow. Tyler got angry and shoved me aside and grabbed a fist full of Noah's shit and pushed him against the wall roughly.

"You know what you little slut get your fucking things before I beat the crap out of you, be thankful I still want that loose ass of yours all you do is whore around."Tyler said bitterly his face inches away from Noah's. Noah shut his eyes in fear and shook his head.

Tyler lifted his hand to strike Noah but I pushed him off him and he leaned on the floor. I got on top of him and placed punches on his face till he started bleeding. I grabbed his shirt and lifted him off the ground a bit.

"Don't ever talk to him like that again or next one I won't hesitate to kill you." I got up still holding his shirt and dragged him out the door. "Now get the fuck out of my house and don't you dare come near him again." I said and slammed the door shut making sure I locked it.

I turned and saw Noah sitting on the floor hugging his feet with his back against the wall. He was shaking and crying. I knelt down in front of him and hugged him.

"It's okay he's gone. I'm here." I said softly. He's crying intensified and I just continued to hug him rubbing his back soothingly. I never felt so angry in my life. Nor did I ever feel the argue to protect something like I do at this very moment.

When Noah calmed down I guided him to the couch and I went to the kitchen to make us some food. He just sat there quiet the whole time which made me worry a little. I placed our plates on the coffee table and went back to grab coffee for us. I sat beside him and I looked at him.

"Thanks Julian, it seems like most of the time I'm talking to you I'm thanking you half the time I don't even think it's enough." He said looking at me with a small smile.

"Well how about you give me a kiss right here then we can call it even." I said tapping my cheek with my index figure. He chuckled and gave me a quick kiss. I hummed.

"Stop it idiot." He laughed while shoving me playfully.

"Oh baby," I teased pulling him close to me while he tried to push me away.

"Julian you dick." He continued to laugh.

"Talk dirty to me," I leaned in resting my head on the crook of his neck.

"Get off me asshole." He managed to get free and shoved me so had I landed on the floor. He's eyes widened with worry and I took the opportunity.

"Oh fuck that hurt!" I growled pretending to be in pain holding my right arm.  Noah rushed over to my side and I took the chance and flipped us over and I was now on top of him.

"Oh you sly mother fucker." He said and I wiggled my eyebrows. His smile changed to a serious expression when he saw the evil smirk on my face. "No, you wouldn't dare," he said trying to wiggle out but he failed. My smirk turned to a grin. "Julian I swear to God-" before he could finish I tickled him. He burst out laughing. He laughed so hard he started crying.

After our tickle fight I helped him up and he was still trying to even his breathing.

"So what to watch a movie?" I asked. He nodded and sat on the couch. When he realised I was till standing  he looked at me questioningly. "I was thinking we actually go to the movies then have a late lunch after we can do some grocery shopping then come home. How does that sound?" I asked.

"Okay," he said.

With that we both took turns in the shower before getting ready to go out. We used Noah's car and we went to the mall. We bought our tickets and snacks before heading to the cinema. Noah picked some cheesy rom-com. I know he'd never admit to it but I can bet my bottom dollar this guy is a hopeless romantic. He watched the movie in awe mostly the cringe parts where the guy did this stupid thing to get the girl. I just sat there and shook my head. I held my remarks to not ruin the moment.

"I liked it" Noah said as we exited the theater.

"Of course you did." I said.

"What does that mean?" He questioned and I simply smirked.

"Come on let's go get some food." I said dismissing his question. He stared at me for a moment then followed me.

We went to a near by food court and order some burgers and fries with coke. The food didn't take long  before it was set on our table. We ate and made small talk. We finished and made our way to the supermarket in the mall and did some shopping.

We sat in comfortable silence as I drove us back home. We got home and I put everything in its respective place. I went to the bedroom and got changed and we sat on the couch with our pajamas and watched TV till we got sleepy.

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