Chapter 5.

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It's been two weeks and Noah hasn't showed up for classes. The other professors say he is sick but I have a bad feeling. I have this uneasy feeling after seeing that bruise on his neck the last time we spoke.

I flick through the channels trying to get my mind off everything. It's on a Friday night and I declined invitations to hung out with the group which I'm regretting. It's late and I can't sleep. I need a distraction but nothing is working. I leave a random TV shows as background noise and go to my phone. I look at pictures my friends have posted on the group chat saying they wished I was there. I smile to my self and put the phone on the coffee table. I put my legs up next to it and rest my back to the couch. My eyes watch the tv but I don't concentrate. My eyelids feel heavy and I doze off.

My eyes lazily open and adjust to the darkness. My TV had turned itself off and all I could hear was the door. Someone was knocking. I put my feet down and looked at the time on my phone. Three in the morning. I heard the knock again and I got up. I walked lazily rubbing my bear stomach with my hand. I blinked a few times then unlocked my door opening it.

My eyes widened and I froze on the spot. I felt pain. I couldn't believe what my eyes were telling me. I blinked a couple more time to make sure I wasn't dreaming but sadly I wasn't. He was standing there with a split lip and a black eye. He's nose was bruised along with the rest of his body. He had a suitcase in his left hand and a duffle bag hugging on his right. His glasses were cracked and his eyes were full of tears.

Never in my life had I ever felt the urge to protect something so precious.

I broke from my trance and grabbed his bags from him. I threw them on the couch and walked back to him helping him inside. He was holding his stomach limping. My heart broke. I sat him down in the living room. I sat on the coffee table facing him. He refused to meet my eyes.

"Noah, where have you been and what happened to you?" I asked. He didn't answer he just kept crying. "You look horrible we need to take you to the hospital." Before I could stand up he grabbed my arm.

"No hospital please." He begged.

"But you look... you're hurt." I protested. I hate it, I hate seeing him like this.

"Please I came here cause I have no where else to go. Please no hospital. That's all I ask if you can't I understand and I'll just leave." He started getting up holding his stomach again. I stood up and stopped him.

"Okay, no hospital. Just please don't leave." I begged. He stayed quiet and sat back down. I thought for a minute. "I won't take you to the hospital but can I at least call a doctor you could have international bleeding and I can't let you stay here knowing your not at least checked out by one." I said biting the inside of my cheek. He got quiet thinking for a while then he finally nodded. "Okay great." I said in relief. "Don't go anywhere." I said, he looked at me as if to say really.

I went to my bedroom and called my mum. I asked for our doctor's number and she gave it to me asking continuously what was going on. I told her I'd explain everything in the morning. I called the doctor and he informed me he'd be here in the morning. I walked back and sat next to Noah.

"He said he's coming in the morning. So only a few hours." I said letting silence take over for a while before I spoke again. "Can you tell me what happened?" He stayed quiet. "But you don't have to. You can tell me when you're ready or not at all." I clarified.

"It's okay, I'll tell you but can we talk about it tomorrow. I don't think I can right now." He said he's eyes never leaving his lap. I hummed.

"Let's get you cleaned up a bit" I said and went to the bathroom and took some rubbing alcohol and cotton pads. I tended to his wounds the entire time he didn't speak nor look at me. Once finished I threw the used cotton pads away and put the rubbing alcohol back.

"Are you hungry?" I asked he nodded to say yes. I silently made my way to the kitchen and opened the fridge and got out some stir-fried chicken rice and threw it in the microwave. I stood there waiting for it stealing glances at Noah. He sat there staring at nothing. I was worried. My mind drifted to when he said he didn't have anywhere to go and wondered if he even had family. Did anyone else know what was happening in school, but by the looks of it that doesn't seem to be the case.

My thoughts were interrupted by the beeping sound of the microwave. I put some food on the plate and presented it to Noah and he gave me a silent thank you. I left him to his food and went to the bedroom and picked a blanket and pillow and made my way to  the living room.

"I'm going to take the couch, you can have my bed." I said as I sat beside him.

"No, I don't want to be more of a burden than I already am." He said voice almost cracking. My heart dropped at his remark.

"No, you're not a burden not to me. I just figured since you're hurt sleeping on the couch won't be the most comfortable in the world." I explained.

"But-" I stopped him before he could finish.

"No, whatever you're going to say no, I've made up my mind."I said and he just stared at me for a while debating with himself but decided against talking. He went back to eating. I picked up his luggage and put it in my bedroom. I helped him to the bedroom and asked if he'd like to change. Once in comfortable clothes I helped him in bed. Before I could leave he grabbed my arm. I looked at him. His tired,  swollen eyes looking back at me.

"I can't thank you enough Julian." He said sleepily.

"Don't mention it. Now get some rest, I'll be in the living room, if there's anything don't hesitate to ask or call me Noah Okay?" I said and he nodded. I pulled the covers over his shoulder as his eyes closed .

I pated his head brushing the hair off his face smiling slightly. He's so beautiful, I can't believe someone would do this to such a pure soul. I felt anger bubbling, I wanted to kill whoever did this. But it was late so I should let him rest, on instinct I left a butterfly kiss on his forehead earning a slight whimper from him. I smiled at his adorableness.

I finally left turning the lights off but leaving the door open. I set up the couch and rested my head on the pillow and instantly fell asleep.

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