Two days before Dushala's wedding,
Everyone was busy with the preparations. Subhadra spended her most time with Dushala, while Arjun too struggled to concentrate on the arrangements.
It was twilight, Subhadra went to her chamber to get ready for the evening function. While getting ready, she saw a scroll which was half hidden at the side of the table.
Subhadra went towards the table and took the scroll in her hands and looked at it confusly.
" To Parinitha !" From whom?", She thought and started to read it.
"What? From Magadha King jarasandh, that means Parinitha is his spy!", She whispered astonishgly glancing at the scroll.
The door of her chamber opened suddenly with a blow, which made the scroll to fall from her hands.
Parinitha entered and noticed the state of shock in subhadra's face.
She looked at her confusly and saw the scroll lying on the floor."This is mine! How did it come here?", Parinitha snatched the scroll from the floor and tried to hide it behind her duppata.
"There's no use of hiding it, I know who you are!", Subhadra looked at Parinitha with scowl.
" Where did you get this from? Parinitha asked dubiously glancing at her.
"It's not the time to answer all your questions!", Subhadra said taking a step towards the door.
"Where are you going princess?", Parinitha interrupted her path.
"All your plays are going to end. I'm gonna inform this to bratha Krishna and bratha Balram", Subhadra said and was about to go while Duryodhan entered the chamber with some soldiers.
Subhadra looked at him confusly, while Parinitha led out a relief by seeing him. He looked at her and passed a small smile.
"Guards! Take this dasi and imprison her!", Duryodhan ordered the soldiers pointing at Parinitha.
She looked at him with widened eyes to which he returned a evil smirk."I thought you were a close sakhi of Yadava Princess! I never imagined that you were a spy who has been sent by the Magadha King"Duryodhan said faking innocence.
Parinitha glared at him.She was about to speak something, while Duryodhan shouted" Blindfold this traitor and get her out from here right now!".
"You betrayer!",she screamed.
Duryodhan eyed the soldier while the soldier hushed her and took away with them."Don't worry!, I have already informed this to your brathas. I didn't expect this from her though, but now she has to be punished for her deeds", Duryodhan said glancing at Subhadra who was in a stupor by witnessing the scenes.
"Don't act so innocent, Prince! Who knows that may be the next chance will be yours", She looked at him sternly.
"Looks like you are wishing for it. Behave, you are going to be my wife soon", he said with a evil smile.
"Wife? I know, you are gonna use me as a toy for your plot for demolishing Pandavas", She looked at him with anger.
"If that's your problem with me. Then okay I will solve it, I will let them free", He smirked.
"Is it your new Drama? Try what ever, but I'm not gonna trust you!", she said annoyingly and left the room.
"Trust or not! But you are going to be mine!",he whispered himself and left.
The news that Parinitha was jarasandh's spy was spread among everyone. Balram was fuming in anger , while Krishna consoled him. And decided that they all will return soon to Dwaraka when Dushala's marriage got over.
Balram thanked Duryodhan for finding out the true face of Parinitha and hugged him.
"There's no need of telling thanks baladeva, he's soon going to be a part of your family!",Shakuni said.
Duryodhan gave a smile at Subhadra, while she ignored it."Hmm...well...we can't decide the future out so soon mamashree", Krishna said with a mischievous smile.
Shakuni looked at him and faked a smile.It was night, Subhadra was feeling restless. So she decided to go the garden for a walk.
At the garden she noticed the swing, which was filled with her lovable memories. She went near it with a smile and sat on it."Nothing is permanent!, Now see how Parinitha has vanished from my life by giving me such a shock", she whispered herself while swinging.
"Now you too, don't want to stay with me",she whispered looking at the moon which was covered with the clouds.
" And you, prince Arjun!", she sighed and caressed the place next to her.
She closed her eyes recalling the past memories." I will miss it !", she said with moistened eyes.
"If you wish, you won't miss anything at all!", A voice interrupted from behind. She turned to see Arjun.
"Now, you miss me?",he asked sitting next to her on the swing by taking her hands in his.
She smiled."Now look at the moon! How it's shining for us",he said pointing at the moon.
She looked at the moon, which was shining brightly as there was no more clouds covering it.She looked at him with fondness, he smiled and cupped her face" now do you need a friend like Parinitha,who was betraying you?"He asked with a pout.
She smiled and shooked her head in no , and rested her head on his shoulder." But prince, I need bratha Nakul to disturb us now!", she said giggling.
Arjun looked at her smilingly with narrow eyes and hugged her tightly._____________________________________
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Light Of Love: An Arsu Fiction
Fanfiction" The greatest love stories are not in which love is only spoken, but those in which it is acted upon" Disclaimer:"This story is fictional".