Arjun entered Draupadi's chamber rapidly making her confuse.
" Arya, Is anything wrong? You don't seems to be happy! What's the matter?", She inquired worriedly sensing his anxiousness." Panchali! Still knowing the consequences , I know I have done a great mistake to you. She's innocent, please do forgive her and punish me instead !", Arjun confessed while Draupadi interrupted, " Arya! I don't understand what's the reason behind for you to say this. But one thing I can clarify, She's my Govind's sister, his soul and the perfect gift you have ever given me. I have already forgived you and Subhadra".
Arjun's eyes glistened with happiness, he wasn't wrong about Draupadi, she's the most humble person he ever seen. But some sort of uncertainty caught him, " Then why is she leaving to Dwaraka !", Arjun whispered.
" Dwaraka ?", Draupadi asked in bewilderment.
" Oh bratha Arjun ! Don't forget she's the most sweet and mischievous sister of this Nakul!", exclaimed Nakul entering the chamber and passed a glance at Draupadi.
Draupadi smiled knowing his saying." That means she fooled me!", Arjun glanced at Nakul to which he hummed.
" This girl !", He mumbled in his mind." Don't worry bratha Arjun, this isn't the first time though..!", Nakul whispered smilingly patting Arjun's shoulder. Arjun hummed in the old thoughts.
" I think we don't have to give him any sort of punishment, Arya Nakul ! Our Subhu is ready to take care of it very well !", Draupadi joined Nakul with a smirk. Arjun smiled." By the way, I forgot.. Bratha Yudhishthir has called all of us to his chamber for some discussion !", Nakul said glancing at Arjun and Draupadi.
Draupadi nodded and left with Nakul, while Arjun went to his chamber to call Subhadra. He entered the chamber and saw her sleeping peacefully.
"You already Slept afterall doing this to me! I guess you are so exhausted of thinking how to push me into your plays ? ", He whispered slowly without disturbing her.
" Have a peaceful sleep dear, now let me think of some plays to entertain me !", he smiled pecking her cheeck and left to yudhishthir's chamber.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The end of the day empowered with chirpy music of the crickets accompanied by the brisk wind. Subhadra waked up jerkily realising the time. She facepalmed herself for sleeping so long.
" Oh ! Finally You woke up ! Do you have any idea what the time is?", exclaimed Arjun who was sitting near her. She pouted looking at the window.
"Why didn't you wake me up, Arya !",Subhadra asked in half drowsy tone looking at Arjun.
"Now don't blame me, I have used my full effort to wake you up, but You were sleeping like kumbhkarana so literally what can I do ?", said Arjun laughingly rubbing her eyes which made her frown. " Arya..!",She removed his hands ferociously and stood up to leave.Arjun smiled and held her hand which made her turn towards him,
" You know, how long I waited for this chirpy little mischievous girl of mine.", He said brushing his nose with her. She pushed him slightly with a smile.
"Now get ready and have dinner. Everybody is waiting for you!", He said with a smirk leaving the chamber.Dining Area
Nakul sat beside of Bheem, who was engrossed in making ladoos for the dinner and saw Subhadra coming,
" Oh well! We have a guest here today! By the way sister, when did you return back from Dwaraka ?", asked Nakul a bit loudly making everyone's attention towards her.
She passed a forced smile to him with a reprisal glance and greeted yudhishthir." I want you to maintain this same smile before bratha Duryodhan too! Let him burn in your happiness !", Sahadev whispered admist the thoughts.
"Sahadev !", Yudhishthir warned him." Duryodhan ?",Subhadra asked confusly to which he nodded.
" Yes, Duryodhan along with mamashree Shakuni will be arriving tomorrow as per pitamaha's order as to offer their greetings and gifts for the new kulvadhu ", Yudhishthir explained.
Subhadra glanced at Arjun to which he passed a calm assurance." If they are planning to continue their plays, they won't return back to Hastinapur without knowing the strength of this prince of Indraprastha!", Bheem exclaimed annoyingly crushing one of his ladoos.
" Leave the matter Aryaputra !", Draupadi interrupted and moved towards Subhadra.
" Now I want to you something that will enlighten your mood. Your sakhi Dushala is also arriving tomorrow with her family!", said Draupadi smilingly."Dushala..!", Subhadra's eyes brightened.
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Light Of Love: An Arsu Fiction
أدب الهواة" The greatest love stories are not in which love is only spoken, but those in which it is acted upon" Disclaimer:"This story is fictional".