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Arjun threw the last flower to Subhadra.

Arjun:"Don't tell me, it's your place",he said smiling.

Subhadra:"Why can't I?"

Arjun:"I can't see your name anywhere and I came here first",he said smiling.

Subhadra:"Now can you see my name?",she said while writing her name on the tree by a rock.

Arjun:"Where I can't see anything",he said as he bent down and rubbed her name.

Subhadra:"I'm going",she said and start to move while Dushala's voice interrupted"I'm ready to find out you guys".
Subhadra returned back to her position without facing Arjun.

Arjun:(smilingly)"Not going?"

Subhadra:"Why should I?If you want to go, you can".

Arjun started laughing.


Arjun started throwing twigs from the tree to her.

Subhadra:"Are you trying to show me to Dushala",she asked with a little frown.

Arjun:"Should I?".he started shaking the branches slightly.

Subhadra caught his leg and pulled him down from the tree. He felled down with a thud.


Subhadra:"This is what happens when you try to play with me",she said smiling.

Suddenly he dragged her towards the other side of the tree, when he saw Dushala coming.when she was gone he said"Are you gonna show yourself to Dushala ?"

Subhadra:"Why did you help me?"

Arjun:"eh...if.. I didn't help you..then.. I will be caught".

Subhadra smiled at him that made him blush.
After watching Dushala for sometimes
Subhadra said"she haven't found anyone yet".

Arjun:"Then you go and surrender", he said trying to push her.

Subhadra:"ehh..,you",she gave a tapp on his head.

Arjun:"Then what?",he asked smiling.

Subhadra:"Can we help her", she said smiling mischievously.

Arjun:"Should I?"

Subhadra:"Won't you?"

He nodded smiling and said" Okay,now come",he said climbing the tree again and told Subhadra to take some pebbles with her. And helped her climb the tree.
They were slightly at the middle part of the tree and comforted themself.

Subhadra:"Now what?"

Arjun:"Just wait and see",he said smiling.

They saw Bheem hiding behind a rock , enjoying the mango. Arjun looked Subhadra with a mischievous smile and said"Now give me the pebbles".

Subhadra understood the plan and she returned the same smile and said"Here you go",as she handed over the pebble.

He aimed at Bheem's head and threw it. As it hit Bheem's head,he screamed"ouch.....",and the mango fell from his hand to the mud.

Bheem:"Who have the courage to spoil Bheem's Mango?,"he asked with a little frown.

Arjun and Subhadra looked eachother and tried hard not to laugh.

Nakul started giggling as he saw Bheem, and he was out of control.

Bheem:(notices Nakul)"How dare you Nakul!",he said and pulled Nakul out from the bushes.

Light Of Love: An Arsu FictionWhere stories live. Discover now