As everyone was laughing,Dushala entered the room.
Dushala:"Pranipat Mata! "she greeted and hugged Kunti.
Kunti: "Pranipat putri", sheand caressing her hair.
Dushala:"what is going on here without me?",she asked curiously looking at them.
Yudhisthir told her about the matter.
Dushala:"so tomorrow onwards you all won't play with me right"she asked with a childish pout.
Kunti: "Don't worry dear ,my niece is about your age and I'm sure she would like to play with you".she said kissing Dushala's forehead.
Dushala:"Really? I want to meet her".she jumped with joy."I am going to tell this to Mata and I will be right back"she said while running out of the chamber.
Nakul:" Niece? you haven't told about her", he asked surprisingly.
Yudhisthir: "Yes Nakul,we have a niece, the yadava Princess and the only one sister of Balram and Krishna."
Kunti: "Yes Putra; I'm eager to meet my cute little Subhadra", she whispered happily.
Arjun: "Subhadra!"he exclaimed.His heart filled with emotions.
Everyone looked at him making him realising the situation.
"I...I....mean that's a nice name" he said nervously and smiled.Nakul, sahadev, Bheem smiled mischievously looking at him.
Arjun:" What? Nothing like that"he said shyly.
Sahadev:"but bratha,we didn't ask you anything", he said giggling.
They all laughed.Arjun became embarrassed and yudhisthir told them to stop.
After that they all went to their room.Hope everyone enjoyed it.
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Light Of Love: An Arsu Fiction
Fanfiction" The greatest love stories are not in which love is only spoken, but those in which it is acted upon" Disclaimer:"This story is fictional".