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The twilight seemed more soothing than ever with it's golden glow showering over everywhere it could.
The sun snuggling close to the mountains was indeed a pretty view to watch.Madhav along with Subhadra, Arjun and Draupadi went for a walk amidst the tiring day.

Subhadra's POV

The forest near Indraprastha appeared to be magical at the golden hour with its blossomed flowers, chirpy birds moreover the slanting sun rays falling upon them, adding more charm to it.

We sat near the pond which was glittering with the golden orange shade, While enjoying the scenery I dragged bratha Krishna to a side ," Is it necessary to take your friend wherever we go ?", I asked him peeping at Prince Arjun who was sitting beside jiji admiring the nature before them.

" Is that a good question to ask? Moreover he's your husband Bhadra!", His question made me feel embarrassed . I know it's rude to ask like that, but it was we three who had planned it. " Where did he come up from? Is he more important for him than me? I returned a sheepish smile as I noticed Kanha's constant stare.

" Or are you jealous of them?"He asked with a playful smile pointing at Parth and his sakhi making me dumbstruck .
" No Kanha!", I shot out directly at his face. Never have I ever thought of it, it wasn't the word that describes our relationship. Draupadi jiji was literally more than a sister for me, a beautiful body with a beautiful soul whom I used to admire a lot.

How could he say that? That was totally an unfit word for us. I know
Some people here used to blame me for becoming a third wheel between their prince and Queen. But No one had the courage to spit that directly on my face majorly because of the influence of my brathas. But usually I came to hear a lot from the maids, their backtalks ! It does hurt, sometimes a lot but witnessing the protective side of my Arya, brathas, and jiji makes me feel like I'm the luckiest one out here. I've seen Jiji hushing and shouting at her maids many times for talking bad about me. The care side of her was always for me, no words or plays can break us apart and I'm sure about it.

But that word did hit me once, for that person who's standing before me I fixed my eyes on his lotus like orbs which were filled with mysteriousness. Kanha pulled me into his warm embrace as soon as he noticed my eyes brimming up with tears.

" Yes I'm jealous! Jealous of not getting your attention brathashree !", I broke out hugging him tightly as I could , hiding my face in his upper stole. Yes I was really scared, scared of losing their love!! Kanha just smiled at my words as he knows everything .

" Why do you care about physical attention when you are already present in me Bhadra?", He carresed my hair affectionately until I was ready to break the hug . A bit of getting his pampering made me calm . He always used to address me as a part of him and I always come to the conclusion that it's his kind of sibling slang. But now whenever he used to say that, I feel different, I feel like I'm more of it. " Sorry !", I uttered slowly looking at him with a smile which was bloomed up from his buttery one.

My gaze soon fell over prince Arjun and Draupadi jiji who was engrossed in their own world discussing and laughing at their own words

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My gaze soon fell over prince Arjun and Draupadi jiji who was engrossed in their own world discussing and laughing at their own words. It was the first time I've ever noticed the similarities between them. Their dark complexion with the most attractive features, their curly hairs, everything seems to be same to same.
" They look heavenly ! Aren't they having the same exact features?", I asked out Kanha who stood still watching me with his ever mischievous smile.

That made me gaze at him for a second, " Even you got the same features as them brathashree! Dark complexion! Curly hair! Faultless features!", I exclaimed astonishingly running my fingers over his hairs. They all seemed connected.
" Why are you all looking similar? Now I feel odd!", I complained like a kid crossing my hands suppressing my smile .
" Odd and Unique !", Kanha squeezed my cheeks. I passed a soft smile clinging on to him like a kid.

" Madhav!", I heard Arjun's voice calling out for my bratha. I clutched Kanha's hand and pulled him closer to me as I was not in a term to leave him.
But I could sense his lotus eyes moving from me to his Parth. No words were really spoken , it was all in their eyes. I adored and observed each movement of their eyeballs followed with some kind of weird expressions which I have never seen. Even though I couldn't understand what they were talking about but I was sure that the matter was regarding me.

" What's it?", I enquired as soon as their eye conversation ended.
" It's you!", Kanha answered as his lips curved into a smile. And I expected it.
" Why are you ignoring my Parth Bhadre? Look how distressed he is ", he said pointing at Arjun who put on an upset face all of sudden taking secret glances at me. I literally wanted to laugh at his expression but I suppressed myself.

" He deserves it!", I could see his disagreement at my words. Arjun pulled Kanha from my grip swiftly and whispered something in his ears.
Kanha's head inclined automatically in a rhythm listening his Parth. Don't know why seeing them together gives an unusual sensation to my body.
Did I just fall for them? Because that's how I was staring at them.

Kanha cleared his throat making my stare fix on him, " As per my guy's statement, you are doing total injustice to him Bhadre! He blames me for your ignorance as I was the first one to talk to him ", He sounded like a solicitor. " Poor guy!", He added up stroking Arjun's hair.
"Eh?", I gasped over his statement. That wasn't the reason for my ignorance.

" The reason stated out here doesn't match up with Subhi's ignorance. So Govind is innocent!", Jiji said settling her hand on my shoulder.
" Jiji's right!", I glanced at her nodding my head. Arya looked clueless that made me realise he is unaware of the real reason. It's because of him, only him everyone started teasing me and now he acts like he doesn't know anything. I wondered.

"That means I'm free from the blame! Now stop using me as an intermediate!", said Kanha as soon as Arya tried to whisper something again in his ears. Arya looked at his Madhav pleadingly. " May I know the reason?", He asked us patting Arjun's shoulder.

Draupadi jiji explained the matter noticing Arya's face. Literally sadness doesn't suit his face. My heart ached.
" I never said that!", He exclaimed with widened eyes. " I was concerned about you and told my brothers the same as you were acting weird that day !", His tone was genuine.

" I don't know!", I uttered as I wasn't sure what to say. His eyes were full of innocence. But bratha Nakul told me... I thought. Wait did he lie? But why?Whom should I believe?

"Who did say that?", My thoughts were interrupted my Arjun's voice.

" Bratha Nakul!", I said making him gasp.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2023 ⏰

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