Continuation of Parth's Pov
I smiled and excused myself from the crowd as the gazes over me got increased. I moved near a tree and sat down thinking about Their words , which was still ringing on my mind .
Flashes of the past strikes me like a light flickering from a nearby stream, are the tacit reminder of all that I could have seen. Till now, I live in those memories because they're the only place I can be with her.
I feel exhausted now, from all my thoughts ,And I don't know how to make the things stop. I started a new life as she wished...but I still can't forget ...I can't get rid all of this regret
I started believing... that I can't change.As I glanced at the kingdom, my mind flashed with the promise I have given her, " I promise You Bhadre, My next visit to Dwaraka is to win your hand". I closed my eyes in realisation.
" How could I witness her becoming someone's else? ", I huffed at my thought. "I can't !".
" I've ever done or I'll ever do is Next to being there for her and I promise to do all I can do If its possible to promise it to you Bhadre", I touched my chest and felt my heart beat.
"You are mine, Only mine !".At sudden my mind got filled with the
seductive tune of his flute.
" Madhav !", I whispered .
"Maybe he can help me out!", I followed the direction of the tune and saw him playing the flute peacefully.
I stood mesmerized by the scene." I was waiting for you, Parth !", he broked my trance by his ever enchanting voice.
"Madhav !", I smiled and hugged him tightly. " Madhav ! , I..", I was about to open my heart up but he interrupted,
"What? You need my sister ?", he asked looking at my astonishment eyes.
" How come he know it ?", I thought myself and glanced at him confusly.
" I know everything Parth, afterall I'm your Madhav !", He whispered and patted my shoulder with his usual everlasting smile.
I bowed to his Lotus Feet, which gives me eternal peace,
"I am incomplete without your compassion ,you healed my heart when it was thrown and shattered,
you picked me up when I struggled to get through ,you gave me hope when it seemed so out of reach,
I am nothing without you Madhav".He got me up and gave a assuring smile. I smiled back wholeheartedly.
" I will help you out Parth, but under one condition !", He said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
" I want my Bhadra to express out her feelings too Parth ..... I don't know whether she's still having the same feelings for you ".
I hummed and agreed determinantly at his statement."Tomorrow, I shall bring dau here to see you. Do not disclose your identity Parth. Simply follow my lead ", Madhav said smilingly and went back.
The next day, I saw Madhav coming with bratha Balram. He glanced at me smilingly and whispered something in Madhav's ear.
" I'm really impressed by you young hermit, the way you sacrificed your pleasures and taken the path of penance , I would like to honour you by visiting our kingdom ", bratha asked me with folding hands, but I denied it as I have taken a vow never to enter a human dwelling.I noticed his disappointment and explained that I would only spend time outside, communing with nature.
He smiled joyously and replied "Then you must definitely pay us a visit ooh great Yati. You need not come into the palace, but you can stay in the gardens that adjoin my sister's appartments. My sister will take care of your needs and please bless her".
This is what I was waiting for , my heart jumped with joy. After a quick glance with my Madhav, I accepted the offer wholeheartedly and went with them.
After reaching the garden, I established a shelter under the tree.
After sometime, I heard the sound of the anklets which made me open my eyes.
I saw a beautiful lady figure, my soul, my Bhadra.I saw her stand in front of me, with eyes wide. Those dazzling eyes stare at me, Big and bulging yet beautiful nonetheless. Eyes which used to describe a thousand words in a look , now stood lifeless.
It's just her eyes staring at me, and I stared back. There aren't a thousand words, there isn't a story. It's just her,
and it's just me.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
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Light Of Love: An Arsu Fiction
Fanfiction" The greatest love stories are not in which love is only spoken, but those in which it is acted upon" Disclaimer:"This story is fictional".