Subhadra:"we can see who's gonna lose brathashree".
Nakul:"let's see".
It was becoming dark and Arjun didn't return to the palace. Nakul and Subhadra was arguing with each other and suddenly a maid interrupted"Rani kunti told both prince to assemble in her chamber right now".
Nakul:(looking both girls)"ok then, it's time for us to leave". And both of them left.
Suddenly Subhadra remembered about the doll that she brought for Dushala.
Subhadra:"I have forget to tell you, I have brought something for you Dushala".
Dushala:"what's it?"she asked curiously.
Subhadra took her hand and dragged her towards their chamber. They entered the chamber and Dushala asked"what is it?".
Subhadra:"Ok then stand here,and close your eyes".
Dushala closed her eyes but in between slowly opened her eyes to look.
Dushala:"sorry,ok I won't",she closed her eyes and smiled.
Subhadra took the doll and held before Dushala.
Subhadra:"Now open your eyes".
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Dushala opened her eyes and saw a beautiful golden colour garmented doll.
Dushala:(happily) "it's so beautiful! Thank you so much Subhadra" and she hugged her.
Dushala:"come lets play."
Both of them sat on the bed and began to play with the dolls.while playing Dushala said:"I'm feeling little bit hungry"and placed her hand on her tummy. Subhadra smiled.
Dushala:"I will bring something to eat"and got up from the bed and turned to Subhadra and asked"what do like to eat subhu...".
Subhadra:"can I get some kheer Dushala".
Dushala:"ofcourse,So you are a kheer lover like my bratha Arjun".
Dushala:"Yes,U should definitely meet him"and she stepped out of the chamber.
Subhadra's Pov
"Where are you Prince Arjun?..."heyyy.......wait a second Subhadra, what did you say Prince? He's your brother Subhadra," she placed her arm on her forehead." But why I not able to see you as my brother?"." I want to meet you, but how?". suddenly she think something and said"Yes! At the feast."
Dushala was pouring some kheer on a bowl, seeing it Nakul asked"It's for?".
Dushala:"For Subhadra, brother.Its her favourite".she said and left.
Nakul to sahadev"Bratha Arjun is also a kheer lover",and both of them giggled.
Meanwhile Arjun reached palace and handed over the Ganga water to Kunti and left to see Krishna.
Arjun's pov
"I missed her, such a bad day for me".But how can I see her now,she will be in her chamber." Suddenly he got smell of the food that was preparing, his mind bloomed with an idea"Yes!I will meet her at the feast". And he went to Krishna's chamber.
Krishna was playing with a peacock feather and smiling.
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Krishna:(senses Arjun)"come in Parth".
Arjun:"Madhav",he goes to Krishna and hugged him. The best friends went on chattering.