Subhadra was sitting in the bed and watching Dushala getting ready.
Dushala:"Is it looking good on me, subhu", she asked arranging her necklace.
Subhadra:(smilingly)"How long will you take Dushu?"
Dushala:"You know subhu,many Princes will be there at the feast".
Subhadra:"So what Dushu?", she asked smiling.
Dushala:"You already have found out your Prince charming subhu, but I haven't yet".
Subhadra:"Oh.. I see,so that's the reason behind this", she said laughing.
Dushala:"Then why did you wear the white coloured lehenga Subhu?", She asked raising her eye brows.
Subhadra:"I thought it will be good on me,so....", she said pouting.
Dushala:"That's only the reason? I just thought, you wore it for someone else",she asked smiling mischievously.
Subhadra smiled.Subhadra:"If you have finished,can we go?,she said to change the topic.
Dushala smiled and nodded.Both the girls walked through the decoration areas, while every eyes of Princes were upon them, especially the girl who wore the white lehenga.
They smiled and greeted everyone.
But subhadra's eyes was searching for someone else.Dushala :"Try it", she said and handed over a sweet drink to Subhadra.
Subhadra nodded and turned to bump on someone spilling the drink over him.
She looked at him, and his evil gaze turned into a smooth one.Dushala:"Bratha....", she said with a fear and looked at Duryodhan.
But for her surprise he haven't said anything.
He stood mesmerized looking at Subhadra.Subhadra:"I'm sorry Prince, I..", she said and he cut off in between"It's okay princess, it's not your fault",he said smiling.
Dushala was looking him confusly.Duryodhan:"Dushala, don't you introduce your friend to your bratha?".
Dushala:"Bratha, This is my friend Subhadra, the Princess of Dwaraka",and she looked at Subhadra and said"Subhu,This is my elder bratha Duryodhan".
Subhadra:"Pranipat Prince",she greeted him.
Duryodhan:"Subhadra..! You have turned into a beautiful lady",he said looking at her.
She smiled.Dushala:"Okay bratha,we have to go",she said and was about to leave.
Duryodhan:"Wait Dushala, Mata is looking out for you".
Dushala:"Mata?, she said and turned to Subhadra"subhu you can go to your brothers, I will be right back", she said and left.
Subhadra gave a smile to Duryodhan and was about to leave.Duryodhan:" Are you going princess?"
She nodded.Duryodhan:"If you permit, I will introduce you to my brothers and my friend Karna".
Subhadra was confused and said"eh.. okay prince".
Both of them left.Meanwhile Arjun was searching for her,but he couldn't find neither Subhadra nor Dushala.
Nakul:"Where are the two girls?"
Arjun shooked his head.Bheem:"Is she trying to escape from Bheem's ladoos? My dear Arjun I think you have to eat her share".
Nakul:"Bratha Arjun,your feast is cancelled",he said smiling.
Arjun raised his eyebrows.They saw Dushala coming towards them but Subhadra wasn't with her.
Dushala:"Where's my Subhu?",she asked looking around.
Nakul:"That's what we were going to ask you".
Dushala:"What? She's not with you guys".
Arjun:"She was with you right Dushala?"
Dushala:"She was with me but.."
Arjun:"But what?",he asked curiously.
She explained the incident to them.Bheem:"What? Duryodhan?"
Nakul:"What? He didn't react, I can't believe it".
Dushala shooked her head.Arjun:"But where's she now?"
Dushala:"I think she will be with my bratha".
Bheem:"What does he wanted from her?"
Nakul:"You should be careful bratha Arjun",he said smiling mischievously.
Dushala:"My bratha won't do anything like that",she said pouting.
Arjun:"Nakul...!",he signalled him to keep quiet.
"What's the matter?",a voice interrupted, they looked back to see Subhadra.
Dushala:"Subhu..!, where were you"?
Subhadra:"I was with your bratha Dushu", and she explained what has happened.
Nakul:"So, I was not wrong?",he said looking at Arjun.
Subhadra:"What's not wrong?".
Arjun:"Nothing much, he's gone little bit crazy".
Subhadra looked at Nakul confusly.Nakul:"Nothing sister, I thought you have run away with someone".
Subhadra:"Bratha......!", she pouted.
Dushala:"My Subhu won't leave my bratha Arjun alone. Right subhu?", she asked smiling.
Subhadra:"Maybe", she said looking at Arjun who was smiling.
Dushala:"What about you bratha?"
Arjun:"I will",he said and smiled at her frowned expression.
The feast was started, they were all seated. Arjun sat on the opposite side of Subhadra and they were constantly glancing eachother.
Duryodhan noticed it and become irritated.Duryodhan:"That Arjun, I won't spare him",he murmured.
Shakuni:"Not now my son, wait till the time comes",he said calming Duryodhan.
Duryodhan gave a evil glance at them.Subhadra was walking towards her chamber after the feast, suddenly someone grabbed her hands and moved her towards the pillar.
Subhadra:"Prince Arjun...?",she looked at him confusly.
Arjun:" yes it's me",he said smiling.
Subhadra:"What happened?"
Arjun:"I want to ask you something princess".
Subhadra:"What?", she asked curiously.
Arjun:"Did bratha duryodhan told you anything?".
Subhadra:"What do you mean?", she asked smiling.
Arjun:"ehm.. He's not that good".
Subhadra:"Not good? I don't think so, he was good to me".
Arjun:"Whatever",he said irritatingly.
Subhadra:"What's wrong?", she asked smiling.
Arjun:"nothing, you just stay away from him".
Subhadra:"Stay away? Why?"
Arjun:"Stay away, that's all".
Subhadra:"you are jealous", she said smiling.
Arjun:"No, I'm not".
Subhadra:"I can see it",she said began to laugh making Arjun smile.
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Light Of Love: An Arsu Fiction
Fanfiction" The greatest love stories are not in which love is only spoken, but those in which it is acted upon" Disclaimer:"This story is fictional".